Healing Amber

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since i had less work this week i could write something out when i had my hands free. And thats why the chap is posted today.

i THINK! (im not sure) i can upload something here at Thursday

Enjoy ;)

Ps: i know that Salem should learn about us, the moment we return to RWBY, and NO i didnt forget about that. It just that i have a plan on how to make execute this scenario, dont worry it should happen next chap in a epic boss battle that (y/n) will have



Qrow is his father...i think i need to say it again, QROW is HIS FATHER!

(y/n): im fine (im not fine), okay all i need to do is calm down (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!).


[...you done?]

(y/n): i think so?

[is that a question?]

(y/n): yes.

[how should i know?]

(y/n): I DONT KNOW!


(y/n): I. DONT. KNOW! ;-;



---timeskip brough you by (y/n) and his system still screaming---


(y/n): ...sorry i was in a little shock.

[a "LITTLE"!?]

(y/n): OKAY! a big shock!

[*sigh*...want to see the pros of being branwen?]

(y/n): yup.

[Branwen bloodline- {you will become a 100% anime badass}, {levels up faster (because branwens learn fast)}, {150% alcohol tolerance (by being Qrow son)}]


by just having Qrow genes he has 150% more alcohol tolerance then a normal human, he really doesnt know if he should be scared or impressed.

(y/n): ...i wonder how if i can make everyone believe that Qrow fucked an all powerful vampire queen, since im a vampire now...

[OMG, that would be SO funny!]

(y/n): i know right!?

---time skip again because i need to speed things up, as nothing interesting will be happening---

y'know...3 days dont sound like a lot of time, but (y/n) felt like it has been a YEAR! these 3 days were full of adventures!

at the first day he just exited Vale and spend the night in the forest while fighting a couple of Grimm, he gained a couple of them to summon thanks to his {grimm Amulet}. Nothing special, just some beowolf and a Ursa minor.

the second day he found a village and took a bounty to clear the area out of Grimm, nothing special but he gained the ability to summon a Boarbatusk, at the end of the day he earned some lien and slept in a Inn. The good thing is that he got to stay for the night, for free for helping with the Grimm problem, so hey! thats a plus.

the third day, (y/n) spend by eating breakfast provided by the Inn, and then using his {ID create} to make a "Draugr skyrim Dungeon". also, fun fact...you can the items from the dungeon are not transported with you, unless they are a drop from a enemy...

he spend inside the dungeon the whole day while also using his black blood to make recruit more zombie wielding weapons to his army. Hell some of them even could use magic! it was a simple "spark" and "flame" spell, but magic nonetheless. there was even another addition to the Draugrs that could use the THU'UM.

(A/N: THU'UM is the ability to use magic by saying words in Dovah language.

Just because you can speak the Dovah language does not mean that you can use the THU'UM, You need a PERFECT understanding of the word that you are using to use the THU'UM, normal people need years to understand just one word.)

the Draugr that he caught could use the "Disarm" shout, every weapon hit by this shout will be flung away from the target...not gonna lie, useful...he already had a couple of people in mind that he could use this on.

BUT! the most groundbreaking news he got was at night when he decided to read the meditation book...apparently it was written especially for crusaders...

here let me show you what was in it.

page 1-5 "want to relax? just sit still and think of nothing? these pages are for you ;)"

page 5-10 "want to meditate on your magic? feel free to read those!"

Page 10-50 "want to upgrade your soul energy? fell free to visit those pages! you will not be disappointed!"

Page 50-55 "want to awaken your 'KI' (yes the one from Dragonball), then you must read this, its really easy!"

Page 55-100 "have something happen? a weird power entered your body? you gained a new power from your system? read these pages and find out!

(y/n): ...i didnt expect that...

[how to upgrade "Aura" from Remnant, is on page 32.]

(y/n): thanks buddy.

[no problemo]

and this is where (y/n) mind got blown to bits...

aparently "Aura" that remnant is using, is the WEAKEST part of the soul...from what (y/n) understood from the book explanation, there are 4 parts to the soul.

1 "Aura" as Remnant calls it, however the crusaders call it "shell" as its literally the Shell of the soul.

2. "true Aura", this Aura gives you twice the boost that normal aura does and allows you to emit your emotions out of the body, making something like "Killing intent" possible.

3. "spirit", this power of the soul allows you to use, your "spirit" to manifest itself out of your body...with the confirmation from the system (y/n) discovered that this is how you use "haki" and other techniques.

4. "origin", its the most pure and primal part of our existence, and the most powerful part of the soul...if the heart is what keeps the body alive, then "Origin" is what keeps the soul alive, this is the simplest explanation (y/n) could give.

[on the scale of 1 to 10, how shocked are you?]


(y/n): a f*cking 100!


after that (y/n) spend the rest of the night meditating and trying to awaken his "true aura"...he also discovered that meditating is a good replacement for sleep. Like really! aparently its the same as Sleeping! You are basically sleeping AND training at the same time! best thing EVER!

the young crusader didnt even feel the hours passing by, if not for the room service he would probably meditate for another day, or two.

(y/n): where now?

asked (y/n) as he left the village and was walking in a random direction.

[into the woods apparently.]

(y/n): y'know i thought that traveling remnant would be more...entertaining.

[what? you thought that there will be life changing adventure every step?]

(y/n): maybe?...hmm, how about creating one myself?

if you cant find anything to do, then make it instead!...something that i would never say, because i enjoy being a lazy piece of shit that is a waste of space and air...but (y/n) was different, he NEEDS to do something, almost always, every time of the day.

[how about me giving you a mission?]

(y/n): that works too.

[system mission: Find Qrow, or Raven]

[description: if you find Qrow, introduce yourself and explain who you are. If you find Raven, call her a coward and a whore for abandoning Yang and Tai, then explain who you are, and break one of her limbs.]

[rewards: {a bottle of whiskey that never ends (if you find Qrow)}, {a little boost in MP (if you find Raven)}]

[penalty: nothing]


i have a feeling that the system doesnt really like (y/n) Aunt, but i cant exactly explain why...hmm...weird, but maybe its just me trying to dig to deep into things.

(y/n): wow...dont you think its a little to much?

[thats what she gets for abandoning my waifu!]

...not gonna lie, hearing this being said with Salem voice was a little weird. But at least i now know a new way to ship Yang, sounds fun, but the only question is...

who would be the top, and who the bottom?...what do you think readers?

(y/n): okay, nice...but can you give me a couple more missions?

[system mission: heal the maiden]

[description: heal amber! you can do it whatever way you deem efficient.]

[reward: {a little boost to your MP}, {you feel good inside}]

[penalty: {Amber dies}]

...oh, shit. He completely forgot about Amber! damn, that poor girl is probably still in Ozpin basement (heh, pedophile ozpin xD) frozen and waiting to die...Damn, thats rough...honestly (y/n) could teleport to Ozpin office right now, since he was there once already, but the problem was the fact that he doesn know fully well how to heal the maiden.

(y/n): okay, how bad are her injuries? from what i understood from the show she had half of her soul ripped out when Cinder stole her magic

[...remember what the book about meditation said about Remnant Aura?]

(y/n) its just the shell of the soul.

[yes. And if i should be honest, removing some of that shell would help her in the long run. But anyway, answering your question. All you need to do is heal her physical body]

(y/n): oh...okay, how much for a minecraft god apple?

there are 2 gold apples in minecraft, one is a normal golden apple that can be crafted with 8 golden ingots and a normal red apple. When you eat it you get 2 more hearts to your health, and 5 second of "regeneration II", If (y/n) remembers correctly it regenerates 1 heart every 0.4 second.

he doesnt know how much that is in HP, but judging by how good it worked in the game, it should probably do the trick.

the "God apple", or "enchanted golden apple" is the better version of the normal golden apple. It provides 8 extra hearts and the regeneration last for 30 seconds, it also gives you 2 more effects then the normal apple! "Fire resistance" for 5 minutes, and "resistance" which reduces the damage you take by 20%.

[normal one cost 100 Lien and the gold 500 Lien]

(y/n): good, buy on-

[let me stop you right there! do you truly believe that Amber will be in a state to eat anything?]

...god dammit he didnt thought about that, but i guess it would make sense for a dying woman to not have the strength to eat...hmm, maybe a potion then? drinking is easier then eating, and even if she would not be able to do it he can make make someone help her drink it...lips to lips style.

...hmm, maybe Glynda? not gonna lie that would be hot.

(y/n): okay...a regeneration potion, then?

if his mind did not trick him, the potion of regeneration should be a little stronger when it comes to healing.

(y/n): by the way, how much does it heal.

[if my calculation are correct...2HP every 2.5 seconds...]

okay...that sounds less impressive then it should have, This was the god damn Potion of regeneration we are talking about! how can it heal so slow?? hell, his Phoenix ring heals 10 HP every second...wait...

(y/n): umm...cant i just put my Phoenix ring on her finger and make the ring heal her?

he asked his system

[...wow, i actually forgot you have that]

to be honest (y/n) forgot that too...he was wearing the ring on his finger, non stop ever since he got it, and forgot of its existence...he gets distracted too easily, he should work on that.

(y/n): well anyway, i guess we should teleport to Ozpin.

[in 3...2...1...prepare for teleportation!]

(y/n): beam me up scotty

with a flash of light (y/n) disappeared from the woods, and the next thing he knows he was in Ozpin office with a ridding crop being pointed at his face while a purple energy was keeping him suspended in the air.

Well that was obviously Glynda and she was glaring at (y/n), a normal reaction i suppose, after all he just appeared out of nowhere.

the telekinesis that she used felt like he was tied up by a rope, and remembering a scene from "hazbin hotel" he decided to mess with Glynda.

(y/n): OH~ Mommy harder~!!

Ozpin who was watching in amusement from the desk performed a spit take when he heard this and soon after collapsed on the floor from laughter.

meanwhile the blonde witch was completely dumbfounded, her jaw hang open and her eyes widen, she quickly let go of (y/n) and stepped back while looking at Ozpin who was still struggling to breathe from laughter and laying on the ground, in hopes he can tell her what to do in this kind of situation.

i think its safe to say, that (y/n) kinda broke Glynda. The confused, and lost face she was making was just priceless.

(y/n) then waited until Ozpin managed to calm down an when he did, the headmaster cleared his throat and looked at (y/n) with a smile on his face, as the memory of (y/n) calling Glynda "mommy" was still fresh in his mind

Ozpin: welcome (y/n), how have you been doing?

meanwhile Glynda who managed to collect herself, looked at the headmaster and then at (y/n). "do they know each other?" was the question she had in mind.

(y/n): good, trained a couple of teens, killed some demons, killed some Grimm, managed to discover a ground breaking news about Aura, and found out how to heal the girl you keep in your basement...y'know, the normal.

that was a lot to take in, While Glynda was wondering how this boy knew about Amber, Ozpin was more curious about the "ground breaking discovery" about Aura that (y/n) mentioned. However he quickly shook his head and decided to ask later, Amber was more important.

the Headmaster didnt even bother to ask how (y/n) knew about Amber and how he knows that she is here, and just stood up from his desk and opened a secret passage to Beacon basement.

Ozpin: after you.

he said, and waited for (y/n) to walk inside and then walked in himself, Glynda hesitated for a moment but decided to fallow after them.

soon all 3 of them were standing in front of Amber...she was locked in a chamber being frozen in ice, not fully however. Just enough for her body to be still alive.

Ozpin: if i may ask, how do you plan on healing her?

asked the headmaster and (y/n) raised his hand with the Phoenix ring on it.

(y/n): see this ring?

Ozpin nodded.

(y/n): it gives the one who wears it the healing abilities of a Phoenix.

he said hoping that this will be enough for the explanation, he was however perplexed by Ozpin confused expression.

Ozpin: i see...and what is this "Phoenix" if i may ask?

okay, now he was the one that was confused! does Ozpin not know what a Phoenix is? how could he not know! he was born when there were still gods and magic in the world!

[forgot to mention but the only magical creatures on this world to ever exist were gods and dragons]


wow, that sucked.

letting out a sigh (y/n) decides to explain to the confused Ozpin how amazing this ring is.

(y/n): a Phoenix is a legendary bird made entirely of fire, it has instant healing abilities and when it dies, his body burst into flames leaving only ashes from which he will be resurrected...meaning that he is basically immortal.

hearing (y/n) explanation Ozpin was left dumbfounded by the explanation...does such a being really exist? he has lived in this world for thousand of years he should know about something like that right?

but then again...he had no idea of the existence of those "mana crystals" that restored his magic either...maybe there was a loot more to the world then he originally thought.

Glynda: d-does that mean that the one who wears it is immortal?

asked the witch of beacon in complete bewilderment.

(y/n): uuhhh... no, the ring gives you only the Phoenix regeneration but not immortality.

hearing this Ozpin let out a sigh of relief...if this would end up in bad hands it would be troublesome, true...but at least he will not need to worry about another immortal psycho trying to kill humanity.

he was also a little concerned with leaving such a thing in (y/n) hands, for a moment he wanted to confiscate it and lock it away in a similar way as the relics, but ultimately decided against it...he will have faith that (y/n) will take good care of it.

the moment the chamber opened (y/n) immediately put the ring on Amber and soon enough her body lit up on fire...normally the fire would appear only in the place of the injury...i guess that only shows how badly someone can be injured when he had his magic ripped out of him

both Ozpin and Glynda were startled by Amber being on fire but seeing (y/n) being calm made them relax.

something was wrong however...it took way to long for her to heal.

(y/n): weird...

Ozpin: something wrong?

(y/n): surely she would be healed already.

[i think i know the problem.]

said the system out of nowhere

[her body is dying so fast that it negates the regeneration. she is in a state where she is both dying and healing at the same time]

(y/n): ah! i see!

Glynda: what? what is happening?

(y/n): she is dying at the same speed, as being healed! thats why she didnt wake up.

The explanation made Ozpin and Glynda make sad faces...even with the help of a legendary being power they cant heal her...

too boost Amber healing process, (y/n) had two ideas...the first is to blast Amber with some healing spells from skyrim. Second...make Glynda drink a fire resistant potion and then make her help Amber with drinking the regeneration potion...


(y/n): okay, here is what we do.

he said and looked at Glynda while giving a mental command to his system to buy a fire resistance potion and a regeneration potion from minecraft, and put them in his pocket dimension from {requip magic}.

(y/n): im going to give you a fire resistance potion and then another one that will boost her regeneration, the only problem is that you will probably need to feed Amber Mouth-to-Mouth.

and thus Glynda gained a healthy red on her cheeks.

Glynda: why me!

(y/n): because Ozpin is to old-

Ozpin: im not that old...(well this body i mean)

(y/n): and because i already am set on someone else.

she wanted to rebuke but the word were stuck in her throat, she let out a sigh and decided to fallow (y/n) plan. And when (y/n) was sure that Glynda was not looking he took out his scroll and recorded the whole thing....

(y/n): im touching myself tonight~

he whispered so nobody could hear him.

after a second or two Ozpin leaned closer to (y/n) and said.

Ozpin: send me a copy later, that shit was more hot then a naked Salem


after that it was only a matter of time for Amber to heal, and wake up.

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