on the way to Solitude

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the draugr from skyrim, are way better then normal zombies! First, they know how to use weapons! Second, some of them are capable of using magic! Third, there were some that could USE THE THU'UM! it was the basic "Fus Ro Dah" just a push that will launch your enemies away, but its still fun to watch! he actually keep the draugr that was able to shout the thu'um for the rest of the dungeon to just watch as he launched the other enemies at the walls.

the thing worth noting is that the thu'um in real life is WAY more powerful then in the game. in the game the enemy would just be pushed away a meter or two, but here they were launched into the air and if they made contact with the wall or anything else while flying, they would end up as a piece of modern art.

well, good side, he now has magic zombies able to use ancient shouting magic in the language of the dragons! bad side he was out of blood in his Slime gun, literally nothing left...

letting out a sigh he made a note to re-plenish it...dear god, he is a teen who likes to wear black and is cutting himself...is he emo?? well he was cutting himself for a purpose and not to "let out steam" like the rest, but still...

(y/n): y'know what? better not to thing about it! dont you think screamy?

he asked the draugr that just finished painting a wall red with another draugr body. How those mummified bodies still had any drop of blood left he didnt know and he didnt want to thing about that either.

that draugr was of course the one that could use the Thu'um, and because the Thu'um is basically magic that lets you attack people by shouting he named the guy "Screamy". a fitting name dont you think?

the draugr looked at his master and let out a "AAARRGHHHTT?" and the continued to walk deeper into the dungeon with the young crusader, who was thinking on what he should do after he gets the money...maybe he should to winterhold and enter the magic academy? nah, bad idea he already has Ozpin as a teacher, and he is a god damn good one.

besides all he wanted to learn in this world if it comes to magic, is only how to create the lightning that the mages in this world use. not worth the trouble to go and join a school to just get this one info.

the second thing he wants to do is to get, is the relic, but he still needs the blood of the elf races...he already has the dark elf so that leaves...


Wood elves

High elves

Falmer (formerly known as Snow elves)

in the game you need to kill one of them to get a sample of their blood but...this is real life so, couldnt he just ask them? its not like taking samples of blood is super painful. plus he actually planed to pay them for given it, so...doubt there is going to be a need to kill someone.

plus he was pretty sure that the cities are also WAY bigger then in the game, so there is a high chance that he will find all of the needed races in one city.

(y/n): maybe the Solitude? its the nearest city to "Dragon Bridge", but how long will it take to travel to Solitude from there?

his thought were interrupted when he felt the familiar feeling of teleporting back, funny thing is...he actually got used to it and doesnt barf anymore. He was now standing in the same empty alleyway that he went into, the draugr together with him.

(y/n): okay, end of the fun, go hang out with your pals

he said to the draugr, making it turn into mist and going into his shadow, (y/n) then used his world travel option again and this time teleported to "Dragon Bridge", he also payed to stay for 4 days! he speculated that traveling to Solitude would take a day and a half, maybe two days, but he payed for 4 more just in case. As the saying goes, "better be safe then sorry"

when he felt the sensation of teleporting again he appeared in the middle of the village...well actually this looked like a small city then a village...Skyrim truly is bigger in real life then in the game huh?

well anyway, he asked around to find where the "The Penitus Oculatus" which is a bunch of empirial soldiers that were tasked to find and destroy the dark brotherhood, had their base. after he found out he made his way there and saw that the entrance was guarded by two soldiers

Soldier#1: halt! this is a private area, turn around and walk away!

said one soldier as he saw the young crusader approaching in full armor, while also preparing himself for battle, which was visible as his whole body tensed

(y/n): actually im here with business, its about the dark brotherhood...they are dead.

Soldier#1 and #2: WHAT!?

(y/n): at least the one that were in the sanctuary are, this of course includes their leader Astrid, I also have proof of this and would like to collect the reward for their death.

the two soldiers keeping guard were in complete shock as they looked at the young crusader with their mouth wide open, their jaw almost hit the ground, and (y/n) was sure that they could now fit their fist in their mouth if they wanted.

(A/N: fun fact, its impossible to fit a whole fist in your mouth, unless you dislocate the jaw on both sides first)

seeing that they are not responsive the young crusader let out a cough, managing to get one of them out of his shock and re-compose himself

Soldier#2: please wait here, i will inform commander about this.

and like that he went into the building/house and the young crusader was left outside with the other soldier, who still was in shock but slowly recovering which was showed by him closing his mouth.

soon the soldier who went in, returned and said that the commander wished to speak with (y/n). they young crusader hearing this entered the building and immediately saw the commander, standing in front of the door.

(A/N: is it just me or does he have a "porno mustache"?)Commander: Welcome! i have heard that you bring VERY good news!the man was practically gleaming with happiness, if what (y/n) said is true then, his mission in skyrim is finally ending, and h...

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(A/N: is it just me or does he have a "porno mustache"?)

Commander: Welcome! i have heard that you bring VERY good news!

the man was practically gleaming with happiness, if what (y/n) said is true then, his mission in skyrim is finally ending, and he can proudly declare to the emperor that the influence of the dark brotherhood in skyrim will end soon. with their leader dead and most of them dead this of course is the truth.

(y/n): hello, my name is (y/n) and yes, the dark brotherhood is dead...mostly

a frown appeared on the commander face, what does he mean mostly?

(y/n): i managed to hear info about a member traveling to skyrim, he wears jester clothes, and is transporting the "Night Mother" i suggest you keep your ears on such news.

the commander nodded his head and made a mental note to tell his men, to investigate this. but for now he wanted to know if what (y/n) has claimed to do is true.

Commander: though i would love to give you the reward and finally close the case of the dark brotherhood, i need proof that they are dead, i heard you also brought that.

the young crusader hearing the commander just casually took out his Scroll and showed him the pictures of the melted bodies and the body of Astrid with her head blew to bits. the commander face showed some discomfort but he didnt voice any complains, when he asked what his Scroll is, (y/n) just said it was a new magic device invented not long ago.

if you cant explain something just say its magic, it will work in most Fantasy-type worlds. and with that the commander gave (y/n) a 3000 gold coins! WOOHOO he's rich!

(y/n): thanks commander, but can i ask you something?

Commander: of course! how can i help you, my friend?

(A/N: you hear that? he said "friend"! no longer we are losers! we have a friend!)

(y/n): i need to get, to Solitude, how long will that take?

the commander pondered for a second and then responded

Commander: a 2 days if you have a carriage, i think that today Jon the local farmer had plans on going there to sell his goods, you may catch him if you are fast enough.

in less then a second (y/n) was already running only to stop and realize that he doesnt know in which direction he should go...

he once again asked for directions and soon started to run, in the CORRECT direction this time. Fortunately he managed to catch the carriage before Jon left and the man was nice enough to let him in, for a ride.

and nothing will happen...it will be a peaceful ride...nothing wrong....yes...normal...

---5 minutes later---

Bandits: should have never come here!

(y/n) *takes a gun out*


(y/n): hmm...must have been the wind

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