crusader armor, and registration as an adventurer!

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SHOWER! THE GIFT OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY!!! he never truly appreciated how good shower is until he spend 3 days in a zombie world, Just 3 simple days was enough to make him smell like someone threw him into a pool full of shit and puke!

well...i guess it should be expected since he jumped into bags of garbage to cushion his fall from high places just like you do in the game...Honestly the fact no one was stabbed with a rusty pair of scissors or something similar while using this method was a f*cking miracle...not to mention that in the mix together with garbage aroma there also was also sweat, zombie blood, zombie vomit that was also ACID!, and the cherry on the top...sewage, he would rather not speak of that, to be honest.

after he was done with a bath he put on some clean clothes and readied himself for another world. this time he will train with his spear, and what better world to train in then a fantasy world where a "adventurers guild" are a thing? there is no better place then that.

when he wanted to check his bag again to see if he had everything he saw something jumping out of it and landing on top of his head. feeling incredibly confused he grabbed the thing that was sitting on his head and took a good look at it.

 feeling incredibly confused he grabbed the thing that was sitting on his head and took a good look at it

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(A/N: ignore the player but remember the slime and golden statue)

wait, wasnt that the pet that you get when you kill the king slime in "master" difficulty?? does that mean he killed king slime in a world that had the highest difficulty?? maybe thats why he took so many shots to kill...

(y/n): uhhh...hi?

the little slime responded with a gurgle sound and got out of (y/n) hands landing on the floor and then started to jump around the young crusader like a hyperactive child

(y/n): so, i guess you are my pet now?

in response to the question, the little slime launched himself at (y/n), and slammed its entire body on his face. after he was done "hugging" his new owner, he once again placed himself on his head...okay, i guess thats his favorite place to sit on

(y/n): wait...if i have you...then does that mean i also have the king slime relic??

he didnt waste any time, and dive into the treasure bag. After an hour of digging trough dust bullets and other junk he was keeping there, he soon managed to take out a statue of the king slime made out of gold.

(y/n): holy shit, im more rich then i thought....

he placed the statue in a place where it would look nice and then decided to start his new step in making himself stronger. but first he needed armor... and knew a certain champion that can make him one...(for those who didnt get it, he is talking about the terraria champion)

---time skip because most of you probably want for the action to start already...well it will not start untill the nex chap but hey i saved some time by doing this time skip :)---

---guild receptionist POV---

she sighed to herself as she watched another newly formed party of newbie adventurers exited the building, another bunch of morons that used the option to group up in order to take more difficult quests, as they were more "worthy" of their time...

it was a common tactic...the E ranks would gather into a group, and create a party. sience a group of people is "stronger" then one individual alone, they could take quests above their rank as long as they do it as a group...well it would not be a bad thing, if not for the fact that the party was usually rushed, and they had no experience on how to fight like a team. She watched to many times such party leaving and never returning...well not use in thinking about it, just another bunch getting killed nothing special.

she suddenly heard someone walking up to the reception and saw that it was one of her friends, an elf archer named "Dobsullivan Patelelf" or just "Dob" for friends. He placed a piece of paper saying that he successfully completed a quest, and the signature of the village chief who gave the quest was the proof of it

Dob: hey, missed me Liv?

he said with a smirk.

Liv: not even a bit, how did the job go?

she asked him as she took the paper and started to count the coins and putting them into his bag that he passed together with the paper.

Dob: well, the "Ogre" turned out to be a simple Hobgoblin so it was nothing hard, but since there was a hobgoblin that meant that there were also goblins so i spend a day searching for their nest, it was a simple cave so i just made a fire deciding to smoke them, blocked the entrance, and they all died from the lack of air. OH, and of course i send a squirrel first to scout and see if there were any hostages.

"the ability to talk with animals is really handy, huh?" she thought to herself

---meanwhile in another world---

Goblin Slayer: i feel proud for someone...

Priestes: who?

Goblin Slayer: i dont know...

---back to the guild reception---

THIS! this, is a professional! a newbie would just went into the cave and try to slay a goblin with a sword or another weapon which would got them killed, but Dob was smarte and dealt with the problem quickly and efficiently!

Liv: here you go!

she said as she gave back his bag, she also made sure that she made a "mistake" while counting and gave Dob more money for the extra trouble of exterminating the goblin nest

Dob: thanks, and by the way, have you heard about the weird guy in a chain mail with white cloth and a bucket helmet?

Liv: hmm? no i dont think so, why do you ask?

Dob: i hear the soldier guarding the gate talk about him and making fun of him because he wears only a chain mail without armor, well...except the helmet that is, i thought it was a new adventurer

hearing his story, Liv went trough her memories trying to match the description to the people she saw in the guild but after a few seconds she shook her head and said

Liv: i dont think i saw anyone wearing such a-

(A/N: ignore the sword, i couldnt find a picture without it)hearing the door opening most of the adventurers hanging out in the guild moved their hands to their weapons out of instinct but seeing that it was not any threat they relaxed

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(A/N: ignore the sword, i couldnt find a picture without it)

hearing the door opening most of the adventurers hanging out in the guild moved their hands to their weapons out of instinct but seeing that it was not any threat they relaxed. half of them either scoffed or laughed at the sight of someone wearing only chain mail and a simple bucked helmet as armor, the other half didnt care, HOWEVER! there was one person who was looking at the chain mail with awe and amazement in their eyes, it was a certain dwarf wearing heavy armor and with an axe on his back.

the race of Dwarf's was know for having the art of Blacksmith in their blood and they could recognize almost any metal know to man, but when the dwarf saw the chain mail...he had no idea what metal it was made of, but he knew one was god damn beautiful and probably harder then any other metal he has seen in his life. He could actually feel tear in his eyes seeing such a treasure, he need to ask the man where he get the metal and what it is called.

well anyway, back to Liv! when she saw the man approaching the reception, she put on a smile that she spend years perfecting, when he reached the reception he gave a nod to Dob, who was still standing there and the elf repeated the gesture.

Liv: hello, my name is Olivia, I'm the receptionist of this guild, can i help you with anything?

(y/n): i want to register as an adventurer

hearing his voice Liv sighed mentally...young, too young, yet another kid who wanted to save adamsels in distress, slay dragons and be a hero...some adventurers nearby who heard his young voice had actually laughed, and to be honest she couldnt blame them.

she took a piece of paper from a drawer together with a plume and ink, after that she looked at the young crusader and asked

Liv: do you know how to read and write?

it was normal for some commoners to not know how to do this, as they were to poor to pay someone to teach them or go to school.

(y/n): not in this language.

hearing this Olivia briefly made a confused face, but it quickly changed into a smiling face once again. the boy was probably to embarrassed to admit he didnt know how to read and write...Well, her job as a receptionist means that she will need to write it for him. she nodded her head and readied the pen by dipping it into the ink

Liv: can you please tell me your name?

(y/n): (y/n).

no last name, well its obvious, only royalty and 30% of the people in the kingdom had those.

Liv: from where did you come from?

(y/n): Vale.

"Vale"? she never heard of such place before, probably a small village at the edge of the kingdom. Having this info she wrote "(y/n) of Vale" on the document, and started questioning the young crusader once again

Liv: what is your class?

(y/n): crusader.

huh? what kind of class is that? she will write "knight" in a bracket. as she was about to ask him another question, (y/n) spoke again

(y/n): but i do know some magic spells also so im also kinda a magician.








Liv: sir, this is not the time for jokes.

Magic?? what kind of joke is this? only royalty and a scholars from rich families could use that power. there is no way this boy can use magic, right?

she watched as (y/n) tilted his head slightly but not enough to make the slime on his head fall.

(y/n): its not a joke, i can use magic.

as proof he raised his left hand and a ball of flames was soon floating above it.





Liv: b-but- this-...i sorry for doubting you sir, it will not happen again.

she could not believe what she saw! is this kid royalty? or from a rich family?? if yes then why is he wearing such poor armor!? surely his family wouldnt let him out with that equipment, right? she wrote a second class beside the "crusader" and then looked at Dob, who just like her had a dumbfounded look on his face, and so had all the other adventurers who saw what (y/n) just did.

Liv: what is your age?

(y/n): 15.

she almost fell over when she heard him. 15!? he was only 15th year old!? he will be the youngest adventurer in the guild if thats true!

Liv: a-any special talent?

(y/n): none.

and with that she was done with the paper! she put the plume down and took the document into her hands, she then looked at (y/n) with a smile and said

Liv: your strength test will take place tomorrow at noon, please wait until then

hearing her (y/n) nodded his head and exited the guild...she looked at Dob, who was still in shock and said

Liv: i need to give this to the boss, if someone comes tell them to wait.

she then walked upstairs with the plan to tell the guild master of this...if someone capable using magic that joined their guild is not worth his time, then she doesnt know, what is!

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