a deal with a champion

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he lost a lot of money...and it hurt his soul...but at least he got his hands on the best quality of Fire, lightning and ice dust! lots of bullets but there were also pure Dust crystals! some even the size of his hand!

he packed it all into his backpack and took out some Lien from his wallet. he then used his ability to travel trough dimension for money, soon a screen appeared in front of him

[where do you like to go?]

(y/n): terraria, right in front of the door of a champion

[how much would you like to stay for?]

(y/n): 3 hours

300 Lien...its literally all that was left of his money...and he didnt know if the champion will be in his home so he needs to stay as long as possible and hope that he will either be home or will come home soon...

he spoke up and then felt his body all being pushed into the center of his stomach, next thing he know he heard a loud "POP" and he is standing in front of a house, before he knocked on the door he took a step back and held his stomach...he felt like he was about to barf...

after 5 minutes of standing trying to collect himself from this weird teleportation he just experienced he finally knocked on the door...nothing?...is he not hom- oh! no wait! he heard footsteps!

soon a man opened the door, he was wearing what (y/n) recognized to be the mythrill armor set, meaning that the champion not so long ago entered the Hard-mode...good there is still hope that he will be able to sell the dust he bought from Weiss!...well if the champion will find it useful of course...

Champion: eh...another one? okay wait here kid i will build you something-

(y/n): actually i came here to sell you something!

Champion: ...your not here to be a part of the "village"?

(y/n): nope!

he then took off his backpack and reached into it, he grabbed the first dust crystal he felt and brought it out. when the champion saw the piece of dust that (y/n) was holding, he had a curious expression, well not that (y/n) could see it since he was wearing a helmet

Champion: what is this?

(y/n): from where i am from its called "Dust", its the power of nature itself held into a crystal.

the power of nature itself! yes that sounds impressing! he needed to make his product attractable to make sure that the champion will buy it

Champion: nature itself? in what way?

looking at the crystal in his hand (y/n) saw that it was yellow, meaning it was lightning dust.

(y/n): well this one is "lightning Dust" when shattered it will release lightning! Dust can be used as ammo for firearms, bombs and even energy source for machines! i have also fire dust and ice dust with some dust bullets if you would be interested in those

Champion: okay, you had my curiosity, now you have my full attention! come inside kid! and tell me more about this Dust thing

when (y/n) hear the champion, he couldnt be happier. IT WORK! he got his attention!!!!!

(y/n): ...(dont fuck this up, dont fuck this up, dont fuck this up!)

he then spend half and hour telling him about dust and the next half an hour watching him test the bullets he brought. he didnt saw his face due to the helmet but judging by the nod of his head every time he tested the new dust bullets he was satisfied...at least he thought so...

after the testing of the bullets the champion took some dust crystal and told (y/n) that "he will try something" and left leaving him in the empty living room for an hour, and when he came back he was holding 3 steel swords, or at least that what (y/n) assumed the material was.

with a loud CLANG he dropped the swords on the table


(y/n): uuhhhh....swords?

Champion: they are Dust-enchanted swords! thats how i called them!!

he then started explaining how they work, the one with fire dust is able to set whatever it penetrates on fire, the ice makes the enemy muscles freeze which sounds painful as fuck but it will also makes the enemy slower by doing so, and the lightning one is able to send electrics shock's into the body of the enemy

hearing all this (y/n) was amazed how people of remnant didnt discover this, but he soon comes to the realization that this dude is able to craft a bazooka thats shoots starts as missles so he stopped questioning it

Champion: im buying it! EVERY SINGE CRYSTAL AND BULLET YOU HAVE!! how much? 50 gold coins? 70? name it i will give it

(y/n): actually i want mana crystals.

while saying that he put his backpack on the table

(y/n): as much as my backpack is able to hold

Champion: consider it done!

with a quick motion the champion grabbed the backpack and run upstairs and not even 5 minutes later he came back with a backpack stuffed with mana crystals

Champion: are any more Dust variants then fire, lighting and ice?

hearing him (y/n) smirked mentally, if he will be able to sell Dust to the man who can create the most OP weapons he ever saw in a survival game then he will take that option

(y/n): many! the most impressive would be the Gravity dust and Hard light dust.

Champion: GRAVITY!? HARD LIGHT!?! please tell me they do what i think they do!!!

(y/n): Gravity dust manipulates gravity and can even act as an magnet in certain ways, the hard light one makes anything out of hard light, i knew this girl that had a machine that can make any kind of weapon out of hard light but it only lasts a couple hits (velvet) so its better to make shields out of it

Champion: i will go away for some time and will come back at Friday, come them and i will make some tests with them!

(y/n): okay, but i want you to create a spear for me, from the best materials you have!

Champion: deal!

after that they both shook their hands and (y/n) decided to look around the "village" and had got some ideas when walking trough it

(y/n): screw fallout, the only good thing that i can get from there is the power armor and the mini-nuke launcher, next time i came here i can buy guns from the gunsmith in terraria and gain a good armor from the champion if he will agree to make one

just as he was about to go and start a conversation with the merchant he felt as every bit of his body was pushed to his stomach and before he knew, he was back in his room upstairs from his restaurant.

(y/n): ughh...im good...im good...





(y/n): im not good!

with that he rushed to the toilet and started vomiting...

(y/n): ughhhh....................when did i eat corn?

after he went back to normal and washed his mouth he sat on his bed and opened the backpack, what he saw was a bunch of star shaped crystals glowing a dark blue color...well its time to start...he took one into his hand and looked at it







(y/n): how do you use these? again?

in the game the character just raises the star and thats it...meh, its worth a try. (y/n) raised the hand that was holding the mana crystal and waited...an waited...after that he waited some more...yea this is clearly not working

(y/n): now i feel like and idiot.

he stared at the mana crystal in his hand trying to think of what to do with it...maybe he should crush it?

he moved his finger and to his surprise he felt no resistance, when he made a fist he looked as the crystal changed from solid matter into some sort of blue energy and went into his arm and then felt as it traveled into a place right under his bellybutton

chills went up his back...the feeling of pure magic power traveling trough his body is...amazing...he shook his head and pushed those thoughts away and took the next crystal

he did that until the crystals didnt allow him to absorb him anymore, he absorbed 12 which he was proud off because in the game you can absorb only 9 of those, the extra mana after that is gained by special items

now he had a bunch of extra mana crystals for whatever he need them...good!

---time skip brought you by Chibi ozpin saying "Your a wizard (y/n)" to chibi (y/n)---

today he is closed! two days already passed since he returned from terraria and yesterday when he asked Weiss how much Gravity and hard light dust cost...

(y/n): how does Velvet afford this?!

he said in frustration, the amount money someones need to buy hard light dust is autonomous!!!...well he already made a deal with the champion and breaking it would be simply stupid considering how much better is the armor and weapons he can make then the ones (y/n) can buy in remnant

well...he needs money....

(y/n): time to visit Ozpin...

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