truth or dare?

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okay i wrote half of the chap for the "devils journey" and i had no idea how to continued it, and i dont want to force myself so i wrote another chap for this book


he was STUPID! how could he fall so low as to even think about throwing out such a precious Item as the slime gun! it was just what he needed! (y/n) quickly undid the part that was holding the liquid and dumped all the slime into his toilet. he then cleaned the container and took a knife, (y/n) didnt even hesitate as he slashed his wrist making the black blood flow out of his body and into the container that not so long ago was holding slime in it.

he started to feel dizzy after 1/4 of it was filled, he quickly grabbed one of the lesser healing potions that he got from the king slime treasure bag and grimaced at its taste. yeesh no wonder you cant drink more then one potion every 30 seconds, this stuff is horrible! and to make it worst it left a NASTY after taste that just wouldnt leave his mouth.

he watched his cut healed at visible rate, meaning that the potion was working. after this he put the container and the rest of the gun together and drank a loot of apple juice, he heard it was good for blood loss. when he was done he made his robots do something to eat for him and went to bed, it was 19PM but tomorrow was Monday so he needed to wake up early.

---timeskip brought you by author being torn on who he should make the love interest---

(nah, but seriously i have a problem with that. Ruby or Blake? im leaning more toward Ruby to be honest)

it was a normal day, the "rush hour" was already behind him so he had time to breath a sign of relief. sundetly he head the door to his restaurant being kicked open and he saw Yang together with team RWBY and JNPR entered, all of them in a rather happy mood.

Yang: hey (Y/N)! bring something good, because for tonight we party!!

(y/n): "tonight"?

the young crusader looked outside the window and saw that it was dark already...huh, times flies by when your working...

(y/n): whats the occasion?

his question was soon answered by a hyper active Nora who was bouncing all the way trough her explanation not even stopping once

Nora: IT WAS AMAZING! i mean, we didnt see it but it probably was! Jaune-Jaune had single-handedly killed an Ursa Major today while we were in the forever fall forest!

oh, so he was in this point in the timeline? good to know. he still had a LOT of time until the "fall of beacon" will start...good...

(y/n): damn, really? good for you man, so what is your order?

they ended up ordering a LOT of food, he was almost amazed at how much they were able to eat, especially Ruby! she was eating those strawberry pierogies like it was the most delicious thing in the world, which probably was because lets be honest it was made by his robots.

Nora: and then he decapitated the beast and yelled "FEAR NOT! FOR I AM HERE!"!!

Jaune: hey! i dint say that! was ...nice, seeing them like this...the show never truly focused on them just being...well, teenagers! just a bunch of kids siting in his restaurant and enjoying each other company...f*ck it there is nobody here except them, he may as well break the rules a little. (y/n) then wandered into the kitchen and walked off soon while holding something in his hand

Nora: with the fury of thousand man he threw his fist right into the beast skull and making a hole in its hea-

the young Valkyrie was interrupted by (y/n) slamming a couple bottles of beer on the table. all eyes were on (y/n) now as some of them watched him in disbelief, some with a smirk and others (yang) like he was a merciful god who just gave them the greatest blessing they could asked for

(y/n): only for today and only because its a special occasion.

Yang: YES! i knew you were a cool!

she said as she grabbed one bottle of beer and opened by slamming the cap into the table making it fly off while the bottle itself was undamaged...damn...that was impressive...

Weiss: i pass-

(y/n): nope! everyone drinks at least one! my restaurant my rules! deal with it.

with a groan she took a bottle that (y/n) was merciful enough to open for her

(y/n): by the way the bottle with the yellow stickers are for Ruby.

the red reaper hearing this looked at him with a stunned look and unsure if she heard him right she pointed her finger toward herself

Ruby: me?!

Yang: WOAH! WOAH! okay i am not letting my dear baby sis drink beer, am i clear!

yelled the blonde brawler as he looked at (y/n) with a glare that promised a lot of pain if he will make Ruby drink alcohol. (y/n) didnt respond and just grabbed one of the bottles with yellow stickers and hold it up to Yang with one hand and pointing at something with he other.

Yang seeing what (y/n) finger was pointing at, grabbed the bottle and opened it the same way she opened her bottle and passed it to Ruby much to the disbelief of everyone except of (y/n)

Weiss: who are you! what did you do with Yang!?

exclaimed the heiress while pointing a finger at Yang.

Ruby: umm, i dont this i should drink thi-

Yang: relax sis, the one your holding has so little alcohol that it may as well not have any at all, even you will not get drunk out of this, no matter how much you drink.

Ruby: oh.

said the red reaper as she glanced at the bottle still a little uncertain if she should drink the content of it.

(y/n): its also honey flavored

hearing him, Ruby looked back at the bottle but this time with a little more interest.

(y/n): everybody has a bottle?

everyone nodded their heads.

(y/n): well then... cheers!

he yelled while raising a bottle, a gesture that was soon fallowed by everybody around the table, before anyone could notice most of the bottles were empty, even Ruby who was hesitant at the start was now casually drinking her non-alcoholic honey flavored beer while joking and laughing with her friends

Ren: hey, guys...we have a problem...

Jaune: huh. what is it?

Ren: its midnight, the school is closed, and we have no way to get back into our dorms...

(y/n): they close the school gate after midnight?

Pyrrha: at 22PM actually

the young crusader just shrugged and pointed his finger above them.

(y/n): you can crash upstairs with me but some of us will need to sleep of the floor

Ren: are you sure? we dont want to-


Blake: well. its settled i guess...

(y/n): okay! somebody grab the still full bottles and lets go! i will show you my "Nerd zone"!

thats how he re-named his "Gaming place" it just sounded funnier, so he settled for that. as the teens entered (y/n) room the first thing that their eyes settled on was the large TV and all the consoles underneath it.

Yang: geez, its really is a "Nerd zone"...any cool games?

(y/n): more than you can count

he said with pride in his voice

Jaune: where did you get these? i never saw those consoles...and thats thats surprising, because you see, Im something of a nerd myself!

(y/n): yeah, whatever Mr. Osborn

Jaune: wha??

(y/n): should i power on up, and put a game in?

he asked as he didnt know what to do now that they were in his room, it felt kinda weird having so many people in it.

Yang: we can do that...OOOOORRRRR, we can play truth or dare! who's with me?!

after a little debate they decided to play truth or dare, all of them sat in a circle and put an empty bottle in the middle of them. right now (y/n) felt like in one of those teenage movies from his old world...

Ruby: who's first?

Jaune: (y/n) is the host so i say he is first

(y/n): okay.

with that the young crusader spin the bottle and watched as it landed on Pyrrha...OHOHOHOHOHO!!! HE WILL HAVE FUN WITH THIS ONE!!!

(y/n): truth or dare?

Pyrrha: truth.

the wide ear to ear grin that (y/n) had made Pyrrha realize that she was in some deep crap right now, and she truly felt scared when seeing him smiling like that

(y/n): what do you think is the most attractive in Jaune?

Pyrrha face truly couldnt become more ren then it already was in that moment. her brain was a mess trying to process the questions and create an anwser

Yang: we're waiting~

Pyrrha: w-well i think that his will to never give up is very admirable and inspiring...

Jaune: Daww~ stop it...

said the blonde knight as he scratched his head in embarrassment. after that Pyrrha spin the bottle and it landed on Ren and Pyrrha dared him to kiss Nora, at which the green ninja used the fact that Pyrrha was did not specified where he needed to kiss her and it ended with peck on the cheek...well Nora still looked happy tho...

finnaly Yang spin the bottle and it landed on (y/n), OH BOY! this will be intersting

(y/n): truth

yeah, he chicken out, but can you blame him!? this is Xiao Long we are talking about! she is not safe...

Yang: how did you gain so much muscle in such a short time?

well....this she noticed huh? to come up with a lie to this? not knowing what to say, he decides to do what he always does in this kind of situations.........BULLSH*T HIS WAY OUT!!!

the young crusader took off his shoes and tossed them behind him.

(y/n): my turn!

Yang: you didnt answer!

(y/n): i took off my shoes, if you dont want to do a dare or answer a question you need to take off a piece of your clothing.


(y/n): since now.

and with that (y/n) spin the bottle and watched it as it goes back to Yang...he can use this! time to use this moment to make his ship come true! thank you world for this opportunity!!!!

(y/n): truth or dare?

Yang: Dare~

(y/n): have a deep and passionate kiss with Blake.

Blake: wait wha-!

the kitty didnt had time to finish as Yang slammed their lips and started a very heated make out session which made all of them blush, even (y/n) was not spared. after a couple more seconds Yang finally separated from the blushing Blake and looked at the young crusader

Yang: is that what you wanted~?

(y/n): while i admit that this was insanely HOT, i got to say...your kissing skills suck.

Yang: what!?

(y/n): you basically forced your tongue into her mouth and didnt care for her comfort and pleasure whatsoever, to be honest im kinda disappointed i expected more from you Yang...

hearing him Yang looked at the black haired girl who was still blushing madly at what just happened and asked her

Yang: is that true?

Blake blushed even harder but responded nonetheless

Blake: was very "intimate" but i didnt fell very..."comfortable" didnt feel good at all, you only cared for yourself when kissing.

she sounded a little disappointed while Yang looked in astonishment...this was a huge blow to her Pride...she spin the bottle while grumbling something and the game continued, soon it was (y/n) was selected again, this time by Blake

(y/n): truth

he was scared that Blake will try and take revenge for what he come up earlier for yang, so he picked Truth again

Blake: why did your eyes changed color?

GOD DAMNIT! again! what is this?? an interrogation? why do they want to know in the first place? ...well okay if one of his friends would change his eye color out of the blue he would be curious too, so he guessed it was normal...

Ruby: hey! they did change! they are like mine!!!

yelled the red reaper in excitement. (y/n) didnt said anything but took off his socks and spin the bottle making Blake click her tongue seeing that she will not get her answer. the game continued and (y/n) was selected once again! this time by Nora, who had the biggest smile (y/n) has ever seen

(y/n): dare.

Nora: point at the who you think is the most attractive girl in this room!

Yang: DAMN! nice one Nora!

seriously?? its basically the dare version of asking someone "who do you think is attractive?" much, as (y/n) didnt like it...he got to admit that was a clever play. the young crusader raised his hand and pointed, soon both Teams saw as it was directed at Ruby

(A/N: yup already made my mind! Ruby is the girl!)

Yang seeing this almost chocked on her beer and Ruby had a face more red then her hood and Pyrrha hair combined, she quickly looked at the floor trying hide her blush but it was not very effective. seeing this Nora leaned closer to Ren and whispered

Nora: i bet you 50 lien it will happen before the Vytal festival will start.

the green ninja then whispered back

Ren: your on.

Yang: OKAY! end of the game! how about we play some games on those consoles?

ah, of course, Yang went "super protective sister mode" and ended the game not wanting to see what will happen next after that. (y/n) could feel a little glare when he was turning on a Sega console and put in Sonic in it...damn Yang is seriously overprotective...

Weiss: i dont think we should play, its already late and we have lessons tomorrow.

Blake: we are not going.

Weiss: what!?

Blake: we would be late even if we would go to sleep early, and besides its already to late for us to go to sleep and wake up in a good shape at 6AM, if we go to school in such a state then we would surely just fell asleep

the heiress only grumbled something but accepted the explanation nonetheless. after that both teams and (y/n) played until they passed out, either from alcohol or them just being tired

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