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welp, he has a full month to spend in this world and train with his spear, and with his magic...but mostly spear. He already found a guild and registered, he needed to do some strength test but that will take place tomorrow so, in the meantime he could go into the forest and find some monsters to slay right?

he walked away from the adventurer guild and went back to the city gates, it was half hour walk, and on his there he looked around and saw that the building were a weird combination of modern style and medieval style, it was a little weird to look at but it had a charm to it.

when he arrived to the gate and left the city he heard the guards talking about how "bad" his armor is, HA! if they would know how good this armor is they would probably not believe that such a thing could exist!...well it technically doesnt in their world, after all this is the hardmode metal from terraria called titanium. Yes you read that right! titanium! the same mettal that is on par with, Adamantite! aparently the world of terraria that he visited has both the corruption, and the crimson! which sounds like a LOT of work to be honest...

anyway, since it has both evils, it also means that it doesnt have 3 hard mode metals but 6 of them! YAAAAAY!!!

(A/N: Cobalt=Palladium, Orichalcum=Mythril, and Adamantite=Titanium. Just to clear any confusion)

but there was a was so heavy that he needed to use his aura, to move around...damn, good thing that Ozpin unlocked it for him! its literally the only way he could move around in his armor and hold his spear in the air! when he used his aura his stats would gain nice bonus.

[Level 5]

[HP: 50]

[MP: 260]

[Aura: 1.000]

[Str: 2.5] (+10)

[Spd: 1.9] (+10)

[Dex: 2]

[End: 3] (+20)

[Def: 0.03] (+100) (note: will lose Aura if hit)

[Int: 2.7]

[Wis: 0.6]

[Note: 1 point is the power of 1 healthy adult]

damn, no wonder that the kids in RWBY universe are so OP. Aura basically gives you the strength and speed of 10 healthy grow man, and since Aura is also a magical healing factor, it means that it also slows down how fast you deploy your stamina, thats why Endurance went up. And the most useful aspect of acts as a shield, and a god damn good one at that! profesional huntsman can brush off's lethal attacks thanks to it! Aura was a real life cheat.

well, now since the info dump about is over, how about we focus on whats happening right now shall we?

the young crusader walked a good distance away from the guards, and once he was sure that they couldnt see him, he turned left and entered a forest. he reached into the his treasure bag and took out the red spear.

(A/N: btw, i made a mistake of calling it pink, because i could swear that Adamantite was a lighter shade of pink then Orichalcum, but i was wrong. i discovered this by playing terraria again when 1.4 came out...)

he took a good look at matter how much he looked at it, he just couldnt get enough at how amazing it looked.

he can use it to stab someone, but the blade was long enough to also use a slash

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he can use it to stab someone, but the blade was long enough to also use a slash. plus it looked super cool. the entire thing was made purely of the Adamantite metal which means that its incredibly heavy, but you will not find anything better then this...has he mention how cool it was? because it was pretty cool...

well anyway, he started to walk around the forest and try to find some monster to slay, and also some people to save, so they could see the full glory of a crusader! DEUS VULT!

---timeskip brought to you by author looking like sh*t yesterday because he didnt have any sleep (this did happen)---

---oh and also we are going back in time, 40 min!---

inside the room of the guild master, there were three people, the receptionist girl Olivia, also known as Liv. a dude dressed as a ninja, his muscles could be seen clearly, as his suit was very tight, with some armor here and there. and there was also the guild master himself, who was an elf, he was very tall, even for the standards of their own race, normal elfs are 190 cm tall but the guild master was a whooping 230 cm tall, HOLLY SHIT!

the receptionist guild has just ended her report on the young man in chain mail armor who could use magic and just registered in their guild.

Guild master: this, is...interesting.

he said as he heard Liv story and read trough the registration documents that she gave him.

Guild master: crusader? i never heard of this class...what about you Ryu?

he asked the ninja guy standing beside his desk, but the man just shook his head signaling that he didnt heard of such class either

Liv: f-from the way he was dressed i though he was a knight

she informed her boss with her voice shaking a little

Guild master: yes i can see.

he said as he looked at the word, "knigh" inside a bracket

Guild master: however you should ask him directly if you werent sure, and not taking a guess.

he scolded her, with a terrifyingly calm voice that had a sharp edge at the end. hearing him Liv felt shivers go down her spine.

Guild master: and he could use magic...what did he do to prove it?

Liv: he created a ball made of flames floating above his palm.

she replied as the scene of (y/n) creating a ball of flames was playing in her head. hearing her the guild master nodded his head and asked the next question

Guild master: do you remember the lyric's of the spell and how long it was?

and now, Olivia readied herself...she was about to tell the most unbelievable part of her report. she just hoped that her boss will believe her....

Liv: ...he didnt...

the guild master froze, he slowly...very slowly! turned his head on Olivia and with the most serious, cold, and deep voice she ever heard from him, he said

Guild master: thats impossible, he must of used a spell.

well he did, but the word "spell" has a different meaning in this world. In this world a "spell" must be said out loud, but for (y/n) a "spell" is a magic formula inside his head that must be recreated in real life with the use of magic for the "spell" to work.

Liv: i-it, true...i didnt hear him say anything!

but suddenly she had a look of realization on her face, she quickly spoke again

Liv: h-he was wearing a bucket helmet that covered his entire face! he must have whispered the spell and we couldnt hear it because of his helmet!

hearing her explanation the guild master nodded his head accepting the explanation, it made sense, the bucket helmet will cover his mouth and muffled his voice, no wonder it looked like he didnt use one at all

Guild master: how long did it take, for him to create the ball of flames?

Liv: i-it was almost instant once his hand was raised...i-if he started his chanting when he started raising his hand...t-two seconds, maybe one...

with a heavy sigh the guild master leaned into his chair and placed the registration paper on his desk

Guild master: how long since he left?

Liv: h-he left 10 minutes ago...

that's how long it took her and go into the boss office and this conversation to take. after she said that the guild master turned his head to the ninja who was silent this whole conversation

Guild master: Ryu, track him and spy on him a little, he could be a child of some rich family or even of some noble, and if thats true then we must know...we cant afford to anger someone more powerful then us...

the ninja named Ryu just nodded and jumped out of a open window, after that the guild master told Liv to take the paper and start to prepare (y/n) guild I.D

Guild master: (y/n)...a weird name...maybe he changed it?

he was left to his own thoughts for the rest of the day.

---okay back to (y/n)!---

after a Long time of wandering the forest he found what he thought was a "Kobold" ...a humanoid looking animal, in this case it was wolves...FURRY'S...

judging by the human bones and a roasting human figure above the campfire, they were not friendly toward humans...G O O D !

with the memory of his traumatic dream still in his head, (y/n) let out a mighty scream and charged with his spear at the confused kobolds who were taken aback by his battle cry.


he stabbed the nearest one in the chest piercing his heart, unfortunately for (y/n) the kobolds were already alarmed and grabed their weapons. there were only 2 kobolds that had a "Sword", it was made out of a sharpened bone of some kind...probably human bones

he took the spear out of the kobold dead body and readied himself by taking the stance that he had in his head, he didnt replicate it perfectly in real life of course, but what did you expect? it was his first time fighting with the spear after all

the kobolds launched himself at him, there were 20 of them and let me tell you one thing...they didnt patiently waited for (y/n) take one of them out and then selecting another opponent for battle like in a video game...they all attacked the same time, and it was a nightmare! he was surrounded by FURRY'S! AGAIN!!!

the trauma kicked in and his body acted on his own, he charged forward with his shoulder the same way an American football player would do. Thanks to the Boost that Aura gave him he charged trough the kobold wall and heard 3 wet crack sounds on the way outside of the circle that the enemy created around him. The titanium Chain mail was pretty hard so making contact with such armor while the owner of it is running at full speed is a BAD idea

Once the young crusader was out he did a 180 and saw that a kobold jumped at him with the intention to bite him with his wolf jaw, but (y/n) having the speed of 10 men was quicker and did a slash with the blade of his spear. he aimed at the neck, attempting to cut off this dirty anima head off, but instead he hit the side of the head and the blade of his spear went into 1/4 of the furry head.

the good side? the dirty animal was dead...

the bad side? his spear got stuck in the dirty animal head...

as the body of the kobold hit the ground, (y/n) wanted to take out the spear out of his head but before he could do it he felt a bunch of those dirty animal motherfuckers jump at him and attempt to bite him. I said attempt because they failed to do it, (y/n) aura was protecting him from the kobolds teeth...not that it mattered anyway because even without aura they would not be able to penetrate his chain mail

(y/n): get your filthy paws away from me!

he said, as he tried to shake them off. he suddenly fell something hit his head and without even thinking about it he hit the kobold beside him who was responsible for it with the back of his hand that was tighten into a fist.

he heard the skull of the kobold break and saw him being throw away a meter away. OH! right strength of 10 men...he almost forgot about...Aura is a cheat...i said it earlier but i will say it again, just to remind you

with this revelation (y/n) decides to first tear all the kobolds away from his body. one by one he grabbed them and threw them away form him, the last one, he grabbed by the legs and started swinging left and right using him as a club (the weapon most goblins use). soon the kobold that (y/n) was using was nothing more then a bag of meat with all the bones broken, and organs turned to mush

he threw the kobold at another kobold and then started to use his own bare hands to break, crush and rip every kobold that he saw...Doom Slayer would be proud seeing him...

Kobolds were a weak race, no magic, no super strength...but they have power in numbers! but what is that power when you are standing in front of a men who has an unpenatrable armor and the strength to toss them into air like they were a sack of feathers? meant nothing...

it didnt take long for the kobolds to start shiting their pants from fear and running away, Seeing this happening (y/n) quickly grabbed his spear and run after the nearest kobold.

the kobold run with all the strength in his legs but (y/n) having the speed of 10 men thanks to his Aura was faster. He jumped at the kobold and tackled him, he then raised his fist and brought it down on the kobold head while screaming

(y/n): DEUS!

afer that he raised his arm once again and punched the kobold again

(y/n): FUCKING!

and again he raised his fist, and brought it down on the kobold head who was dead with his skull shattered

(y/n): VULT!!!

the head of the kobold exploded and (y/n) stood up and raised his spear above his head, he then started singing "the last stand" by "sabaton"


...yup...he just completely lost it...give him a hour and he should go back to normal...

unknown to (y/n), on a three there was a certain ninja who was completely baffled by (y/n) speed, strength and horrific brutality...

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