Demon? thats a youkai...wait, youkai means "demon"...(short chap, im tirred)

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reader#1: *Sigh* i think he is dead...

reader#2: well...i guess its time to dig the grave.

Reader#3: goddammit! i wanted to know the ending of his stories;-; *sniff*...i shall miss him untill i find a fanfiction that is on the same level as his, or better.



PS: the program that corrects my grammar refuses to work, i will correct it tomorrow.


he won...HE WON!

Abel, the man who was cursed to live for eternity in a cursed cicle of death and life. The very same man who had thousands, and thousands years of experience in fighting, was bested by him.

he should feel proud...he should feel proud of himself.

yes, he should fell that way. But he didnt.


he felt nothing, there was no satisfaction, no happiness...just, nothing.

(y/n): i Lost...he bested me in every way.

he removed his pheonix ring, so he could make this fight more "fair"...but honestly, how was this "fair" in any way?? he ussed the sharingan, the werewolf form that was then boosted by his Grimm Genes, and finnaly...he ussed magic.

and what did Abel use? nothing.

pure skill, and physical power managed to beat him half to death. While he himself needed all his supernatural power to barely damage him, and then overpowerhim when Abel was barely able to move.

{dont be so harsh on yourself honey, he had hundred of lifetime to train and gain experience, the fact you managed to defeat him speaks about how powerfull you are at 15 year old. Even Ozma would be jelous.}

it honestly didnt helped him in his dilema, but he apreaciated the wait, she is the bad guy! he shouldnt like her!

[host in in danger! equiping pheonix ring.]

time seemed to slow down as in the 1st second (y/n) face changed from confusion, to alarmed as his wounds bursted into fire, as a familiar ring was placed on (y/n) finger by the system.

in the 2 second, his body turned around and he managed to catch a glimpse of a white haired tiger youkai (do tiger youkai exist?...they do in my fanfiction :v) who was dashing in his direction and his arm was already swinging a chokuto that was aimed at his neck.

it was to late to react in time, and soon (y/n) head flied away.

Issei: (y/n)!

shouted the boy in disbelief, as he watched his friend head fly away.

the youkai who protected themself's from the shockwaves of (y/n) and Abel battle, and stayed councious were shocked at what they saw. Why would that young man do this! 

Soon a maniacal laugh was heard from the tiger youkai, his eyes glowed crimson, and so did his back, as the light was so intense it shined trough the clothes he was wearing.

now they understood...he was a Demon.

Yasaka: Shit!

she couldnt help but curse at this. not even a day and the help she requested are dead...or so she believed.

She got ready to fight, she could see the young tiger youkai tense up, signaling that he was about to try and attack her, or her people.

but just as the youkai was about to bounce at his own people, something happened. Something that made all the people watching make a step back.

the headless body of (y/n) stabed his finger, into the young youkai neck thanks to his long sharp black vampire nails and started draining him.

the vein on (y/n) arm buldged as he was sucking every drop of the tiger youkai blood. Soon the young man looked like a dried up fruit.

(y/n) headless body then let go of the tiger youkai body and walked up to his head. With a stoic callmnes picked up his head and put it back. for a second there was a flash of bright orange flames and then (y/n) was all healed up.

(y/n): okay what was that??

Yasaka: a-a demon.

she said shocked at what just happened.

(Y/n): Demon?  thats a youkai...wait, youkai means "demon"...ughh, this is confusing.

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