epic battle part(2&3/6)

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lets just agree that if i say something like "i will post a chapter (insert date here)" you will not believe me and reply with "ok." or "dont lie to me you filthy liar", or maybe even "dont do this...dont give me hope." hell if you want you can even reply "fuck off" for all i care.

PS: i dont know why but no matter how much i tried to save the 3 chap on a separate part, it just didnt work, so i put it together with the 2part...wtf wattpad?



(y/n) was pretty sure that he saw none other then fucking Donald the duck shooting acid from a water gun, then there was a cool-aid man handing fucking cool-aid drinks to those who decided to have a quick break from the battle. AND WAS THAT A FUCKING HUMAN FIGURE FALLING TROUGH THE SKY AND CRASHING INTO THE GRIMM!?


(y/n): i have no idea what is going on...

dont worry im pretty sure nobody knows...who would have thought that all the crusaders are weebs and memesters?


our young crusader just accepted reality and jumped into the battle swirling his spear, stabbing and slashing all the grimms he could see and using his silver eyes to shoot light spears at the ones he put into the "stay the fuck away from me" list. No joke some of those were fucking terrifying.

Random crusader #1: a large wave is coming this way!

Random crusader #2: does anyone have a mass range attack?


there was sudden spike of mana around them and then a large explosion ripped trough the Grimm, soon after chunks of the spawns of darkness were raining from they sky, and a mushroom cloud could be seen in the place where the swarm of grimm was

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there was sudden spike of mana around them and then a large explosion ripped trough the Grimm, soon after chunks of the spawns of darkness were raining from they sky, and a mushroom cloud could be seen in the place where the swarm of grimm was.

Crusader Megumin: *from far away* you are my new best friend!

some random that was standing beside (y/n) let out whistle and then clapped (y/n) on the shoulder

Crusader Deidara: nice work kid, but it was still amateur work

(y/n): thanks...i used all my MP though...

Crusader Megumin: *from far away* i know the feeling, best friend!

okay where is she shouting that from?!

Crusader Deidara: here, take a little break imma go blow stuff up somewhere.

he said as he gave (y/n) a MP potion.

(y/n): you mean blow "grimm" up somewhere...right?

Crusader Deidara: i know what i said.

let god help those poor souls that will get in the way of him, and his "Art"....wait was that Deidara?? wait...did a Crusader version of Megumin just decided to be BFF's with him?!

...i guess this interaction was so weird that his brain needed a moment to process the information.

Crusader Megumin: I found you!

she yelled as she fell from the sky and landed on (y/n) who was just about to go back into the battle.

Crusader Megumin: i made us BEST FRIENDS bracelets! :D

when did she made that? they are in the middle of a Grimm invasion! needless to say he accepted the gift...how could you not! if the best Loli to ever exist gives you something YOU NEED TO TAKE IT!

(A/N: Megumin is the only Loli i would SIMP for...come at FBI! IM READY TO FIGHT FOR JUSTICE! MEGUMIN FOR LIFE!!!!!!!

Ps: when i say "justice" i mean, megumin not loli's)

a head pat and friend invite later (y/n) drank the MP potion and jumped back to the battle. And OH BOY WAS THAT A MISTAKE!


(y/n): NOOOOOPE!


(y/n): but i still didnt decide what i wanted to be!

yelled the young crusader as he was dodging the bites and claw attack from a lava spider grimm...wait, how can a spider have claws?


(y/n): UGH! FINE! i will take Grimm DNA! just as the saying goes..."Fight fire with fire".

[thats just makes more fire, but okay...I will just put the liquid DNA right into your body, i doubt you have the time to drink it right now.]

our brave (stupid) young crusader didnt have time to reply as he used magic and Aura reinforcements on his legs, then jumped backwards doing a backflip, while at the same time creating a light spear with his silver eyes, in his hand.

He landed right on top of the spider and then with the help of a magic&Aura reinforced arm he thrusted the spear into the spider head killing it.

his normal spear would not be as good as one made of pure holy light, when the enemy is literally a spawn of darkness, so he chose to leave the spear in his hand. He thanked the God of light for his OP ability.

When you create a light construct with silver eyes, you will lose some MP but making the spear stay in the world didnt cost anything, meaning that the spear that he was currently holding didnt strain his MP at all!

Random crusader: bro that was epic!

shouted someone who saw the entire thing.

Crusader Megumin: Nice work BFF! *explosion sounds intensifies in the distance*

thanks Megumin, love you (like a friend).

before the grimm could turn into dust (y/n) once again leaped away, and landed on the ground, he quickly located the next target and run at it.

[would you like to become a monster, or a Grimm faunus?]

out young crusader was however too focused on not dying to let answer, just as he was a couple steps away from a lion-like Grimm covered in Ice, the beast jumped at him, however (y/n) acting on pure instinct ducked and the claws, and jaw of the Grimm missed him by mere millimeters.

The Grimm jumped at such speed that, it managed to jump over (y/n), and when it landed back on the ground, its body trashed around before it dropped dead, with a light spear sticking out of its chest. Thats right when (y/n) was under the Grimm, when the lion flew by, he used that chance and thrust his spear at the Grimm heart.

unfortunately he didnt have time to take it back, because a blast of wind threw him away into the air...maybe a Grimm with a wind element did it? was it a stray shot from a fellow crusader?? who knows, in this chaos everything was possible...

[nah, who am i kidding! Grimm faunus it is! would you like a cat, or wolf??...or maybe a dragon?]

thinking fast he casted his own Wind spell at the ground just as he was about hit it, softening his fall.

[yeah, your right...Dragon would be lame. and a Cat wouldnt be too much threatening...WOLF IT IS!]

[Grimm DNA has been added to the host! host has became a Wolf Grimm faunus!]

[host has gained increased sense's, doubled SPD, and STR stat, affinity for {dark magic}, and the tittle "child of G.O.D. (God of darkness)"]

(y/n) once again didnt heard his system and didnt even notice the dark wolf ears, and tail growing out of his body...not that it could be noticed by others, since he was wearing his crusader armor and his whole body was covered.

[with doubled STR and SPD, the battle should be easier for you, but i recommend taking another for more POWAH!]

(y/n): wait what?

said the young crusader as he finally had a time to breathe, and calm down, if just for a second, and heard his system talking. He quickly noticed how much sharper his sight was, and how much better his hearing and smelling is.

(y/n): oh! making you part grimm gives you better sense's?

[yup, but thats also because i made you a Faunus Grimm.]


(y/n): ...RWBY and JNPR will have so much question's after this...

while (y/n) was distracted he didnt noticed the Acid Frog Grimm that shoot its tongue at him, and when he did was already to late for him to either dodge, or block...but just as it was a couple inches away...

???: not bad...but!

the tongue fell to the ground and the Grimm screeched in pain, in front of (y/n) there was standing a man arabic in origin and with red tattoos all over his body, countless scars were seen all over it, all that he was wearing is a black piece of cloth...

???: you should not be distracted while in a battle!

seeing the familiar man (y/n) was completely loss for words...what is he doing here!?

(y/n): ABEL!?

Readers: *LE GASP*!

===part 3===



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