werewolf? i dont trust you...oh wait my system said its okay, nevermind then!

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finnaly back to Skyrim! he still had 1 and half a day in this world, or something similar to that, he didnt want to check, the good thing is that the system didnt put him in the same location that (y/n) was teleported from and asked him where he would like to appear.

he choose Whiterun...because everybody loves whiterun! oh! and he was also planing on killing that annoying trash of human being that walks around the cloud district all day long.

Issei: so, sensei...where are we?

oh, and also he brought Issei with him. The red dragon emperor just stopped throwing up when he said those words and soon he noticed that they were at the entrance of a medival-like city...it looked a little worn down...

(y/n): in another world basically.

Issei: oh, okay.

he said not thinking much about it, if it comes to the supernatural Issei was still inexperienced, so he thought that going to another world is a normal thing to do.

Issei: so what are we doing here?

(y/n): first i want to buy a book that explains lightning magic in it, and second...idk drink alcohol and have fun?

Issei: but im underage....

(y/n): and so am I, do the people of this world care? no. should we care? also no.

just as Issei was about to respond, a man with a black skin complexion and wearing a red outfit showed up and started talking.

Nazeem: do you two visit the could district very often? oh, what am i saying...of course you don-

the ground shook, the sick sound of bones breaking could be heard and soon Nazeem was send flying trough the whole city with all his bones broken and probably dead...normally this would be the work of (y/n) but before the young crusader even could take a swing, Issei was faster and already punched Nazeem.

Issei: im sorry sensei.

he said with an unusual sharp tone in his voice.

Issei: but when i looked at him i felt something deep inside me telling me to kill him...

declared the young dragon emperor while releasing some killing intent when he said the last word...the only purpose of Nazeem existence is being hated by everyone, even people who just meet him apparently.

seeing his student like this (y/n) couldnt feel more prideful, it truly bring a tear of joy to his eye when he saw that Issei had his heart in the right place.

(A/N: yeah! FUCK NAZEEM!!!!)

(y/n): im so proud! today the first round is on me!

meanwhile while this was happening the people who were near to see what happened, started to go and tell about two heroes killing the plague that is Nazeem and liberating Whiterun from that pest.

not even 2 minutes in Whiterun and people already started to create a church about the religion of the two "heroes" that slayed the demon...

---time skip brought to you by Chibi (y/n) and Chibi Issei being given a reward from the Chibi Jarl for killing Chibi Razeem---

well wouldnt you know it...there i a book about enchanting! destroying the enchanted items to learn the enchantment is still an option to learn the craft, but to be honest reading a book sounds like less trouble...

right now (y/n) was laying on the bed and reading a book dedicated about lighting spells that he bought from a random shop. the interesting thing about this world magic, is the fact that there are WAY more spells then in the game...and one magic book usually has more then just one spell in it.

i guess it makes sense, since explains just one spell in one thick book seems rather inconvenient. The one he was reading had Novice level spells that took 50% of the book, then there was Apprentice level spells that took 40% of the book and at the very end there were a couple Adept level spells which took 10% of the book.

the destruction magic worked different from what (y/n) originally imagined. its not about science, or about imagination like in the DxD world. but rather about how you shape the flow of your magic, and the most interesting thing about destruction magic....it doesnt actually use the elements to attack...

it was similar to arcane magic, when you create ice with destruction magic, you dont actually create ice but shape your magic energy in a way that will imitate Ice, in other words...it behaves like ice, it looks like Ice, it feels like ice, but its just pure magic energy mimicking Ice

the lighting was created by simply putting too much magic energy into one point causing it to become something like Plasma, but more magical then scientific. He still didnt understand how it makes the magic energy escape you when hit by it, but he doesnt need to, all he needs to do is to be able to cast this type of lighting himself.

???: ahh, Lord Issei~ harder! ❤︎

ehh...apparently killing Nazeem got both of them to become popular with Girls all over the city, and Issei was ussing this fact to finally lose his V-card...Seriosly! how hated was that guy?! he knew he was hated by many people but he didnt knew that it was to THIS point!

???: YES! YEEEEESS~! ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

ughh...why are the walls of this Inn so thin...Issei was literally 2 rooms away and (y/n) can still hear it! not only the moans and grunts of pleasure, but the sound of two sweating bodies hitting each other...got to say Issei was nailing that girl pretty hard...every stuff in the room was shaking

(y/n): another difference from the anime, Issei doesnt even think and accept the offer right away...

it was true, if it was the original Issei he would only perv after the girl body but ultimately wouldnt do anything.

???: Wait! thats the wron- Arghh!

okay, there is no way (y/n) will sleep in this conditions! he is going outside! maybe he will find a comfortable spot under a bridge or something...

honestly there were some girls that tried to seduce him too but he rejected them, he want to at least know if he has a chance with Ruby before he losses his V-card...

huh...Ruby Rose...his crush...he Is pretty pathetic isnt he? he went on this whole adventure on becoming stronger only so Yang would give him a chance to date her, and the fun part is that he doesnt even know if Ruby even likes him to begin with!

sure she may have blushed when he said (showed?) that he have a crush on her, that night when they were playing truth or dare with the rest of team RWBY and JNPR, but thats simply because of her character.

she is simply the type of girl that will act flustered in that kind of situation, there was nothing more to it...

(y/n): well if she doesnt like me, i can just move on...




(y/n): ...right?

ehhh...why is love life so difficult? further more why is confessing to your first crush so dificult? yeah, thats a better question.

(A/N: to all those who actually managed to confess, i bow my head to you, i know how it feels... Ps: it happened when i was 16 and she said she didnt like me that way ;-;...but at least i got it out of my chest.)

ughh...great now he feels stressed! he just stressed himself!!! he doesnt like it...the feeling of of his chest somehow getting tighter, his head being filled with "what if" scenarios...he hates that felling, being stressed is way worse then being scared or angry in his opinion.

he started to regret not taking a bottle of Nord Mead with him, he wanted to drink, maybe he would become drunk enough to not think about all this...

(A/N: Mead, is as some people call it "honey wine" for those who dont know)

???: excuse me.

hearing a rough female voice (y/n) turned his head and saw none other then Aela, the huntress of "the companions" which is a group of guys that can be considered something of a Adventurer Guild of Skyrim.

(y/n): yes? what can i help you with?

Aela: Lady Hircine has requested of us to bless you and your friend with her-

(y/n): she want to make us werewolves?

Alea: yes. she also said that someone from a wild pack will come an give you both "Hircine's Ring" so the burden of bloodlust and the moons will not be an issue for you.

weird..."the companions" are werewolfs...well some of them, but they would never associate themself with a wild pack, furthermore why is he and Issei suddenly granted such an offer?? first {dawnbreaker} and now this? why are the daedric princes so interested in him??

(y/n): if i would become a werewolf i would basically be selling my soul, after i will die, my soul will become go to Hircine realm of Oblivion where i will be one of her hunters for eternity...what im trying to say...


after that Aela suddenly started to sweat heavily

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after that Aela suddenly started to sweat heavily...she let out a loud gulp and took a deep breath.

Aela: Lady Hircine has also said, to inform you, that she will not claim your soul. So you have nothing to worry about.


(y/n): either you are lying or she lied to you! what does she gains from this!?

said the young crusader as he took a step toward Aela and get right up to her face...she didnt do anything...so it is true...something is wrong here, Aela is not someone who would tolerate such behavior! normaly she would already beaten him up, but she was holding all her emotions inside.

[as a crusader of the one above all, all the deities that protect you, or help you become stronger, will be rewarded by him]

[when you came to this world the daedric prices'es and the 9 divines would normally kill you or kick you out, as you are a existence outside of Oblivion and a potential danger. However with the One above all protection any ill intent toward you resulted with them feeling a enormous pressure that would harm them is they would do something to you.]

[Meridia gave you the Dawnbreaker and forcibly taught you how to use it, as a sign of good will to the power she felt when she tried to kill you, and since this considers as making you stronger, the one above all rewarded her with a small divinity and a holy element. she is now a true goddess and not just a Oblivion spirit, making her more powerful then any other daedras.]

[knowing that giving you gifts will be beneficial for them, i would suggest host to prepare on receiving a gift from all the daedras and 9 divines, and use this to gain useful artifacts that will help you in the future.]

[right now Hircines is using her status as the creator of werewolves and other werebeast to force her subjects on giving you her blessing, i would recommend host to take her offer]







---timeskip brought to you by Chibi Ruby petting Chibi (y/n) in werewolf form---

it was finally morning! he was now walking to Issei Room as he took the offer Hircines gave him and he plan on having both his and Issei turn into werewolf! all he needs to do is wait for the rings to come and then they can start the ritual!

he is going to Issei so he could inform him about this, but when he opened the door....



my question to you dear readers, are you okay with me using timeskips?

i know by fact that some people dont like them, and i can stop using them if necessary.

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