Abel vs furry (y/n) [part 2]

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hey im lazy af, and soon (in a century) i will need to bring back (y/n) to the world, where he is to spread the word of god.

but first i need to create the gods there! (so (y/n) can make fun of them and say how much his god is superior to them)

the first guy who makes a comment on this chap will have the opportunity to create a god that i will add to the pantheon of that world.


1. here are the divinities that you are not allowed to use: Death, Life, Creation, and Destruction. (i already created gods with those divinities.)

2. you can borrow some powers from gods that exist in our world in the countless religion the human race has created, but please dont make it a identical copy of a god that already exist. (gods from games, manga, novels, tv shows, movies also count in this)

3. you can make your god a comedic relief character, but dont make him too stupid... (so basically dont make him too retarded.)

okay thats all...

will i do something similar in the future because i am too lazy to create something on my own again?

maybe...but for now! lets see who comments first.


this...this hurt...Yasaka felt like she was hit in the head by a shovel traveling at light speed, the pure, concentrated, condensed amount of negative natural energy that this...thing, was generating was sickening, it made her and her subject's who watched the battle physically sick.

she could swear that for a second she saw little stars dancing around her head when her vision got blurry.

the youkai panicked, in their experience what just happened was NOT good. some prepared themself to attack and kill the Grimm (y/n) but before they had the chance Issei interrupted them.

Issei: please calm yourself ladies and gentleman! i assure you that (y/n) is still in control.

he said not truly believing his words and ready to change into his werewolf form in case (y/n) will start attacking everyone.

They youkai who heard him just looked at issei like he was an idiot (which he is but it doesnt matter cause he is a bro) and the seasoned fighters were able to notice how tense his muscles were, so obviously they didnt trust his words even one bit.

Issei: hey (y/n)! your still there right?

to the complete dumbfounded look of all the watchers, (y/n) looked at Issei and give him a thumb up, making Issei release a sigh he didnt even realize he was holding. Meanwhile the youkai were just looking at the thumb up that (y/n) made with their eyes open so wide they treated to fall of their skull.

Yasaka even fainted from shear shock she just experienced after seeing (y/n) being in control of his actions. Issei just looked at this happen and then turned his head to watch the fight again.

the thought of catching her and playing the "noble gentleman" role crossed his mind...BUT! there is no time for THOTS! his bro is fighting! he must cheer him on!

meanwhile when this was happening Abel let go of the severed arm and threw it away like it was trash, he then created and grabbed a double handed sword with a loooooooong handle, and then Stabbed the handle in the place where his severed arm was!!!

holy shit, Abel is just a fucking badass, he didnt even flinched while doing this! THIS GUY IS JUST FUCKING METAL!!

like holy fuck, Doomslayer would give him a nod of approval if he would see this.

he then took the terrablade from the ground that (y/n) let off when he transformed, he inspected the blade and smiled lightly appreciating the craftsmanship.

Magic is something new for Abel, sure he originated from a universe where everything is supernatural and doesnt make any sense, but it was not because magic...

Abel could feel the power radiating from the blade, he could physically feel the pure magical power coming out of this blade.

taking a breath it, and out he locked eyes with (y/n)...he started to respect this boy, his power was simply amazing for a 16 year old. He already proven worthy, if he is that powerfull now, then how powerfull will he be in the future?

yes...(y/n)...this boy- no this MAN! is a warrior! a worthy candidate for his king.


he just cant stop himself...he wants to see it, he wants to see the full power of (y/n), he wants to push him to his limits!

there was a moment of silence for a couple of seconds, as the two warriors stared each other down.

and then without any warning, without any signal, they lunged at themself! Abel with a enormous battle lust in his eyes, and (y/n) with focus in his.

he slashed at him with his claws, he tried to crush him with his massive were-Beowolf body, he tried to bite, grab, tackle.

But no matter what he did, Abel would always side-step, tilt his body, or dodge. He did it with such grace and lightness that it almost look like he was dancing, his movement were minimal, all the blows (y/n) threw missing him literally by half an inch.

it seems that Abel finally stopped holding back...i guess its a appropriate response when your enemy chop one of your arms off...

Abel, to the complete bewilderment of (y/n) and spectators, became EVEN FASTER! his blows were nothing but a blur!

(y/n) was unfortunately not able to use his sharingan in this form for whatever reason, but thanks to the mixed form of a werewolf and a grimm his 5 sense's were upgraded way beyond a normal werewolf.

true his eyesight was still to weak to see Abel movements but in combination with his other senses he was almost as untouchable as Abel...."Almost" while Abel was not hit even once after (y/n) transformed, (y/n) himself had some shallow slash wounds all around his body. his reaction time was good, but it was just not good enough! Abel managed to graze him 9/10 times he attacked.

the fight went like that for a couple more minutes like that and (y/n) seemed to be more, and more tired...or at least he acted tired.

when Abel charged at (y/n) trying to strike him with his "sword arm", The man was convinced he won. Not like he would be disappointed in (y/n) anyway, his king showed more then enough to gain his respect.

but just as he was inches away from (y/n), the young crusaders eyes changed from tired to mischievous one's.

he let out a strong belly growl and then shot a massive amounts of violet flames that had pure black lighting dancing around them, toward the not prepared Abel.

when (y/n) saw the flames he immediately recognized them to be the flames that meliodas used to destroy the goddesses horn, he quickly assumed that this was due to fusing his grimm DNA with the demon bloodline from nanatsu no taizai.

seeing the flames approaching him Abel...SOMEHOW! unintantioly used the terrablade and soon a large amount of lime green magic energy was released from the blade.

out of reflex Abel tried to block the attack with the terrablade and his other sword acting as his arm.

when he moved his terrablade a large amounts of green orbs (i like the old terrablade projectiles better) came out of it and clashed with the mix of purple flames and dark lightning.

the two energies meet and they apparently didnt like each other. The green flames started to wrap around the green orbs trying to consume them, and in response the green orb's started to become larger while trying to shake the flames off.

in a matter of seconds the only thing that could be seen is a blinding green tornado partly surrounded by purple flames and black lightning.

before anyone could comprehend what they are seeing the tornado exploded sending (y/n), Abel and most of the audience flying.

Issei just used a barrier spell (y/n) taught him and used the [transfer] ability of his boosted gear to strengthen it.

at the end he was one of the few who had the same idea and didnt flied away due to the shock wave.

and thanks to him standing right in front of yasaka, she was unharmed too. Not only that the explosion was enough to wake her up!

Yasaka: w-what happened?

Issei: pure badassery.

when Yasaka was recovering Abel was already in the middle of standing up. Im sure i mentioned this before, but he was truly amazed by (y/n) cunning and felt proud that this boy was his king.

(y/n): urghh!

a low, gurgle growl came from behind Abel, when he turned around he couldnt help himself but feel even more pride.

there he was (y/n), his king, standing up, his face showing the pain he is in, the rest of the were-beowolf body slowly already as black ash around him. He stood up, let out a heavy sigh and after he looked around and located Abel his eyes showed nothing but pure determination.

His arm was twisted probably broken, his body full of cuts, blood escaping from his mouth and nose, and yet still standing and ready to fight.

(y/n): heh...shall we...continue our little...dance? (god damn it i could use the phoenix ring right now.)

[why not use it then?]

<i believe he would respond "it would not be fair">

Abel could do only one thing...his face soon showed a large smile...there was no bloodlust, no battle lust, it was just unimaginable happiness.

he was happy he had the chance to fight someone so...so..

Abel: amazing.

with that smile he took out one of his black swords and took a step toward (y/n), only to silently note that his ankle was twisted. But even then...he continued to walk toward his king.

slowly, and tiredly, Abel just like (y/n) was about to collapse, but both of them moving toward each other, ready to see who is the better warrior.

Abel with a think black sword reflecting no light, in his only hand.

and (y/n) with a fireball he created in his non-broked hand.

and so...the final round began.

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