Weiss cant speak polish

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Sin...if the Bible is to be believed the ability to sin was gained from an apple...or whatever other fruit it was, the Bible never told it was an apple its just what the rest of the people made up.

the ability to Sin could be avoided by Eve simply not biting the fruit...bullsh*t...the ability to commit a Sin was in the nature of all creatures that are sentient, as long as there are emotion and free will Sin is something that will always exist.

even if you try...if you do your best to keep it all down...to keep it all lock away, to try to be "the bigger man" it will not change anything, you will succumb to it and the surrounding people will try to make you succumb to it faster.

in his case it was Wrath. the very human Sin of anger...

Dad: who gave you permission to look at me like that you-

he didnt say anything more...and soon he will not say anything more ever again...

he found himself staring at himself staring at the man that heart he just pierced, of course it was pierced...he was sharpening that knife for days, for moths, and he stopped only when he felt confident that it will pierce through the flesh without any problems

the man was slowly dying on the floor, he was saying something but (y/n) didnt listen, he just looked blankly at the wall and then laughed

it was not a laugh of happiness, madness or sadness...it was mockery...it was not directed at the man who was dying on the floor...but at himself...

everything this man has said, everything he had accused him of, everything he claim (y/n) was...by forcing that knife into the very same men chest...(y/n) had just acknowledged that this man...his father, was right about him...

as he was done laughing, he sit down and slowly tears started running down his cheeks. he soon felt something hit him, he felt the pain in his chest and before the darkness came he could see his barely living father hold something in his hands...

(y/n): ... (NO! I did nothing wrong...after all...Wrath is...)

he did nothing wrong, he simply fallowed his human nature and embraced his wrath, one of the natural seven Sins of man-kind

soon trough the darkness a noise could be heard...it was a...it was...




his alarm clock...

(y/n): F*ck...

opening his eyes he looked at the clock and saw something that would make him choose that nightmare all over again then deal with today...

...today was Monday...

(y/n): Monday >:(

he spoke the word with hate, and venom in his voice, the glare that he send at his clock was something that would make the biggest of man to shat his pants

but ultimately with a sigh he got up and told his robots to make him something good and balanced for breakfast...something that made his day even worse, and it just started! if he feels this bad not even a minute after he woke up then he doesnt want to imagine how bad the rest of the day will be

he would kill for a pizza or taco, but since he is supposed to be a crusader that will travel multiple universes then he needs to eat something "healthy" everyday and train of course.

he put a strict diet on himself and thanks to his unbreakable will he managed to fallow it not even glancing at "unhealthy" food

(y/n): as a wise man once said "the hardest of choices require the strongest of will's"

sure Thanos may have been a bad guy, but that doesnt change the fact that almost everything that comes out of his mouth is PURE F*CKING GOLD!

he started his morning exercise witch was the Saitama training but without the run as he simply didnt have time for that. after he was done he brushed his teeth, got under the shower, and put some clothes on which was again the black shirt, pants and shoes combo

he got down opened the restaurant and started the day.

he already spend a month in this world and he already bought 2 things from his Multiverse shop. he wanted to buy more of course but he realized something...he is in no shape to fight, and he doesnt know how to fight!

first of all his body had barely any muscle and his stamina was laughable, so before he will start buying magic spells and skills from his shop he first needs to get his body into shape!

after that he needs to pick up a weapon and learn how to use it! sure he had a novice level of stances and moves in his head on every single weapon known in man kind but just because he has them in his head doesnt mean he can do them, after all he didnt gain any muscle memory for them.

after some days and nights of brainstorming he finally decided on a spear...he didnt knew why but the thought of fighting with the long ranged weapon simply felt right to him.

after he learns how to fight with a spear he needs to learn how to fight someone with his fists. if in the battle he will lose his spear and no longer have mana to cast a spell then he is doomed...

and after he is done with both hand to hand combat and spear fighting, he needs to learn the spells that he will buy from his multiversal shop!


the formula of the spell is send into his head but, him being a human from a world that didnt have magic and thus not having any sort of experience, he found it difficult to understand the formula in his head and mostly learned trough trial and error...and the cherry on the top was the fact that his magic reserves were so pathetically low that he can cast a spell only 2 times before it ends, and he had to wait an hour to let his magic re-charge!

but that was okay...he had a plan for his "low magic reserves" problem...there is one game where the character gains magic power, and he does so fairly easily to be honest...Terraria...he had plans to visit that dimension and play the champion of whatever planet he landed in (because the world of terraria has multiple planets) to give him some mana crystals.

and to be honest...he even had an idea on how to earn a LARGE amount of money with the help of those crystals...all he needs to do is contact a certain old wizard...

but there is a risk that comes with that plan...if he decides to help Ozpin restore his Magic then Ozpin will know about him, and he will surely try to recruit him...

for now (y/n) put this plan aside, but didnt disregard it.

right now he was more concerned on how to pay the champion of terraria...if he teleported to a champion that has end-game gear there is nothing he can pay him with to be honest...Remnant doesnt use Platinum, Gold, Silver, or copper coins like in terraria so he had no way to pay him with money.

what does he have...no he is thinking wrong...he doesnt have anything, but he can obtain something that the champion would want!

first that came to his mind was Dust, its something that you can buy casually in the shop and not that expensive. he didnt remember anything in terraria that is similar to dust so it was worth a shot!...but it couldnt be the any kind of dust..no! what he needed is the best Dust he can get his hands on!...and fortunately he was familiar with a certain Ice Queen...

with that he waited...team RWBY came to his restaurant whenever it was possible, and since Weiss had a lot of money that she liked to spend on useless stuff like most rich people do, she always came to have dinner in his restaurant.

and today was no different! Weiss came in and sat on a free table! without waiting another minute (y/n) walked up to her

(y/n): hello Weiss, what will it be today?

Weiss: hello (y/n), i would that soup that Yang eat last time we were here, what was it called? Bars-berz-uhh

(y/n): Barszcz.

with a light blush on her face she said

Weiss: yes, that...another dish from your home?

(y/n): yup! by the way there are to kinds. white and red, which one do you want?

(A/N: polish soup, i will show a picture when he will serve her the dish)

Weiss: Yang had the white one, so i will take that.

(y/n): okay, fortunately we just made one large pot so it will not take long

Weiss: great, i will be waiting then

(y/n): it will be ready before you can say "Barszcz"

Weiss: oh really?

she gained a slight smirk and said...or tried to say

Weiss: Barscs...Barztc...Barsztz- god dammit you set me up for this!

she said as she pointed her finger at (y/n) who walked away with a laugh making the Ice Queen cross her hands and pout, while also silently trying to say that damn word correctly and not succeeding even once

(y/n) gave the order to the robots and then looked if there are any new customers, he saw none but he did see two tables done eating so he approached and took the plates together with the cutlery

the first table send someone to pay to the counter but the second table made a takeaway order so they still sat on the table and waited for the order to be made

before that happen he saw that Weiss dish was ready, so he took it to the heiress who was still busy trying to pronounce the dish

(y/n): here you go.

he said as he put the soup on the table

he said as he put the soup on the table

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(y/n): Enjoy your meal!

he then walked behing the counter and patiently waited for Weiss to end eating while also checking for any new customers or checking if any customers were done with their meals

when she was done, (y/n) took the bowl together with the spoon and before he walked away he said

(y/n): hey Weiss, mind meeting me at the counter? i have something i want to talk about.

he then walked behind the counter and used the window that connects it to the kitchen to give the robots the empty bowl. when he turned around he saw Weiss walking to the counter

Weiss: what did you want to talk about?

she spoke genuinely curious about what (y/n) wanted, she watched as (y/n) placed his hand on the counter and leaned his body forward a bit

(y/n): i want to buy some Dust...

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