Yang is a what?!

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*see's the tittle*

reader: *cough* a thot *cough*


God (y/n): okay, now that this is done...time for your rewards!

Ren: rewards?

God (y/n): well i basically took your precious time to have a little fun, so its only reasonable that you will get pay right?

hearing him they all thought for a second and nodded, it made sense. Just like you need to pay your workers for their time, so should he...right? they couldnt help but think that this comparison is wrong for some reason.

God (y/n): RUBY!

Ruby: y-yes!?

responded a startled red reaper.

God (y/n): to you i give you a light scythe!

exclaimed god as he took out what seemed to be a Bo staff only to push a button on it and soon a blade made of light appeared on it.

God (y/n): it can cut trough anything! even Aura so be careful.

seeing that sexy, SEXY scythe ruby started to droll and doing grabbing gestures with her hands, when God gave her the scythe she instantly started hugging it and doing a romantic dance with it

Weiss:...should we stop her?

asked the ice queen as she watched Ruby having a romantic kiss with her new staff.

Yang: ...no


(y/n): *sniff*...

"lucky motherfucker" was what (y/n) though after seeing Ruby kissing the scythe...yeah the dude was jealous.

God (y/n): Weiss! to you i give you a glyph book!

the ice queen soon was holding a thick book about many different glyphs from different universe's.

(y/n): Blake! i bestow on you 100 hentai manga's

a large stock of manga appeared beside Blake, and the poor girl opened one...in that moment she learned what "hentai" means...

quickly closing it and put it back on the pile, she suppressed the blush that started to show on her face, and the only though she was having is "i will have a lot of nightly reading to do"

God (y/n): Yang! to you i give your tail back!

Yang: tail? i never had a tail.

God (y/n): raven cut it off when you were a baby because of your father making her promise he would do it.

Yang: why would dad do that?

God (y/n): that is something that you should discover for your own.

after that God snapped his fingers and a yellow monkey tail appeared just above her buns, Making Blake, very, VERY happy.

Yang: Thats all? a tail? what kind of reward is that?!

God (y/n): when you will learn the truth, either from Tai, or Raven, go to (y/n) and he will explain.

everyone looked at (y/n) but he just shrugged his shoulders and made a equally confused face as their own.

God (y/n): trust me, its best thing that i could give you, and i know what im saying im god.

all of them just sorta accepted the explanation but were still confused as hell.

God (y/n): oh! and also let me give you a tip...never look at the moon again.

everyone was even more confused after that...except (y/n), the realization of what yang can be suddenly dropped on him and his face paled, as he will need to soon fight her.

wanting to confirm his suspicion he used {observe} on Yang.

[Yang Xiao Long]

[race: half-human, half-sayian]

[Bloodlines: Branwen, Sayian]

[soul links: none]

[titles: golden sun dragon!, biggest chest in all of Vale, bandit princess , secret gay , the queen of all thots!]

[lv: 50]

[HP: 60]

[Mp: none]

[Aura: 2,000]

[Yang Xiao Long is the daughter of Raven Branwen the Bandit queen of the Branwen tribe, and a random low level saiyan who crash landed on Remnant and was forced to live here for the rest of his life. Fate soon decided that Raven and the Saiyan are made from each other and the result of the steamy night they had is Yang]


omg, he is about to fight a saiyan!!! what is this bullshit!? is the RWBY world a crossover with Dragon ball?! that is the only explanation! like wtf, how else could you explain this!BULLSHIT! COMPLETE BULLSHIT!!not only that but that means that s...

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omg, he is about to fight a saiyan!!! what is this bullshit!? is the RWBY world a crossover with Dragon ball?! that is the only explanation! like wtf, how else could you explain this!


not only that but that means that somewhere out there, on another planet there is Goku and Vegeta having a fight and deepening their rivalry/bromance.

and whats more terrifying is that there are Plenty of aliens able to blow a planet with a Ki blast from their finger! HOW IS HE SUPPOSED TO FIGHT THAT!

while (y/n) was having a panic attack, God (y/n) just smirked and continued with giving away rewards.

God (y/n): JAUNE! my new crusader! what do you wish for?

the blonde crusader hearing that thought for a moment and then said

Jaune: can you give me magic? i still dont have it.

God (y/n): done!

with a snap of his finger and a flick of his di-*cough* i mean...Jaune got magic...yayyyyy!

God (y/n): NORA!

the red-head in questioned has awaken from her nap and mumbled "pancakes" before she looked at God (y/n)

God (y/n): to you i give you the "storm breaker" the weapon of the god of thunder thor! with this you can summon storms and generate lightning!

she had no idea what was happening but she was more then delighted to take it.

God (y/n): Pyrrha, to you i give you the shield and spear of Athena the goddess of war.

Pyrrha: i will use it wisely.

God (y/n): and by just saying that, im sure she would like you already.

yeah, Athena likes smart people.

God (y/n): Ren, to you i give you the 4 bending abilities and a book that will teach you how to use them.

Ren: bending abilities?

God (y/n): you can control the 4 elements with the help of martial arts.

the green ninja seemed impressed by his new powers and accepted the book that God give him, making a mental note to read it as soon as possible.

God (y/n): okay, now you (y/n)...what is your wish?

(y/n): i want the spear from the manga "The Rising of the Shield Hero"

he absolutely hated the spear hero, but his spear was like a wet dream to all the spear wielders.

God (y/n): DONE! and now that all the rewards are given its time for (y/n) and Yang to fight!

(y/n): its not that bad right? its just a spar-

God (y/n): TO THE DEATH!...because you cant die in the void, i already explained that.

(y/n): im about to get fisted to death...

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