fighting a half saiyan.

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before we begin, the wish he got (the spear) is the reward for doing a Q&N, not the wish he won from the Grimm invasion event, so he still got that...but i still wont make him OP with a wish, he will reach the top with his own hard work!

and the bullshit power that is called "system"!

but there is another thing i want to say before we start this chap.

one of you my dear readers has asked me if he can create a crusader story...and yes you can!

listen i have a lot of fun when writing these, true there are days where i dont want to write and sometimes i dont write for a week or more, but i really enjoy making these stories.

and if one of you likes the idea of making a story with a crusader MC serving god, or a satanist MC serving satan, and thinks he will have fun writing it like i do, then dont ask me for permission just do it and have fun :)

PS: but you need to send me the link to it, so i can read it.

Pss: this is the 69th chap...we did it boys, we achieved the holy number!!

Psss: even though i try...i completely suck at weapon-to-weapon/hand-to-hand/weapon-to-hand combat so it will be confusing in some places


how did it come to this?

(y/n) was now facing Yang, (WHO IS A FUCKING SAIYAN!) in a arena that God casually spawned...they were in position, (y/n) holding his new spear, and trying his best to not show how nervous he was.

God dammit, if he knew it would come to this then he would have another session with the {oghma infinium}!

why didnt he used sooner anyway? its a OP item and his 1 month cool down has passed days ago! ughh...why is he so stupid...

God (y/n): 3!...

(y/n): ...(hey system, my much stronger is this yang compared to cannon?)

[about 50% stronger, you are lucky she doesnt have her KI unlocked, if yes then she would be Tenshinhan level.]

thats seriously...thats REALLY bad!

the author of Dragon ball may say that Krillin is the strongest human, but lets be honest...the dude has gotten so weak in Super that he could be harmed by bullets! while Tenshinhan has done nothing except training for his entire life!

the tittle of the strongest human should be for Tien, but Toriyama clearly doesnt care about the dude...every time he appeared in the DBS it felt like the writer didnt want to deal with him and tried his best to make some bullshit about how he cant fight anymore, because something, something, reasons.

like i swear to god TeamFourStar was getting copyright striked only because they showed respect for that character!

back to the matter at hand...yeah fighting a half saiyan...there is no way he can hold back...he will need to use all his skills for this!

God (y/n): 2!...

(y/n): ...(how long is the cool down for my time stop skill?)

ah yes...the OP skill he got after saving Gasper...why is he using it only now?

[the same as the time, that passes in the stopped time...wait, thats kinda a paradox]

oh cool so he can use time stop only for 1 second, and the cool down is also for 1 second! damn he will abuse the hell out of this!

God (y/n): 1!...

(y/n): ...(are there any other skills im forgetting about?)

[ {thot slayer breathing} -150% damage to thots! 100% to bimbos! 50% damage to girls!]

ah yes..the most powerful breathing art.

[and since Yang is all of the above, you will deal 300% more DMG to her when using this breathing technique.]

it seems that his trump cart was worth learning.

God (y/n): BEGIN!

okay first wait for the moment when she get close, use the time stop and strike with- HOLY SHIT SHE IS FAST!
tilting his head (y/n) dodged a punch that would undoubtedly break his nose...or skull.

this action actually surprised Yang, and (y/n) taking advantage of that used the but of his new spear and used it shaft to hit Yang temple.

unfortunately she was to close for (y/n) to strike her with the more Pointy and deadly part of the spear so this is the best he could do.

and as we know, Aura protects from stabs and slashes but crushing and shock injuries are only partly blocked. And thank god for that! felling a little disoriented after that blow Yang didnt notice as (y/n) quickly made some distance and slashed at her with his spear, making yellow sparks of Aura protect her from a strike that would normally leave her with a huge gash from her elbow all the way to the waist

not wasting any seconds immediately tried to strike again but Yang blocked the attack with both of her arms and then tried to punch him.

punch? after blocking that attack, it would take too much time to position yourself in a way that could provide a decent would be better to kick, it would have been way faster.

anyway, since Yang tried to punch instead of kicking, (y/n) had all the time in the world to prepare himself for a counterattack.

twirling the spear in his hands, (y/n) used the butt of it to hit Yang at the back of her knee and start raising it, making Yang loose her balance and start falling down.

unfortunately Yang showed some impressive creativity and tighten her bent knee, and thus successfully have a grip on (y/n) spear. She then yanked the spear toward herself.

this time it was (y/n) to lose his balance and start falling.

(y/n): {THE WORLD!}

time has stopped...

yeah only for a second, but still...that second managed to help (y/n), as the moment he hit the floor he immediately jumped away and left a very confused Yang when time has started to move again.

but the worst thing...he didnt had time to take his spear back...

wanting to take out the spear that he got from the terraria champion he started to use his {requip magic} but somehow Yang was already up and running at him...are the people on remnant that op or is it the saiyan biology?

seeing that he doesnt have time (y/n) did the only thing he could...

taking a deep breath and reading himself...

(y/n): thot slayer breathing first form:-

he made a side-step and barely dodging Yang uppercut and then moved his hand to attack!

(y/n): -back hand pimpsmack!

soon all that The spectators (RWB & JNPR) could see is Yang getting shaped into ground...literally! the slap was so strong that it made Yang land on her ass on the ground! Jaune barely held in the drink he was drinking inside his mouth.

Yang: d-did you just slap me?!

(y/n): yeah, bitches get slaps...thats why its called a "bitch slap"

hearing him say this the audience jaw dropped and Jaune ultimately didnt hold his juice and performed a spit-take..."did he just say that?!" was all that was in their mind.

the blonde brawler face didnt showed any emotion for a second until she started to laugh, which really scared the young crusader.

Yang: im sorry...but what did you just called me?

she said as she stopped laughing and her eyes become blood red and smoke started coming out of her hair, only to violently burst into flames a second later.

...Oh....oh no.

after that Yang punched the fucking ground making the arena floor form big crack's and shake throwing (y/n) out of balance again.

the next thing he knows is that Yang literally body slammed him and was about to punch him in the face!

bringing his arms and forming them in the shape of a "X" to guard himself, he could feel his bones breaking the moment the fist made contact with it...


is the only question he had in mind as he let out a grunt of pain from the pain he was feeling.

[remember that DBZ movie where "Lord Slug" went to earth and battled Goku, only for Goku to gain a power boost that people call "false super saiyan"? yeah her semblance kinda triggers that transformation]

...OH SUCK A DICK! How does that make any sense!?

hitting him again (y/n) arms were seriously fucked up. his Phoenix ring was healing them but the moment they were healed Yang just broke them again.

this went up for a whole minute...a minute full of pain.

Yang didnt even care that this was not working! she just kept breaking his arms over and over again

(y/n): FUCK! {THE WORLD!}

our young crusader rolled to the right, while shaking Yang of him. When time moved again (y/n) decided to stop playing around and jumped at Yang pinning her down to the ground with the help of Aura reinforcements and Magic reinforcements.

right now he was very vulnerable, he was literally using all his Aura into reinforcements, making his offense stronger but his defense non-existing.

right now he had no magical soul shield around him and only his HP would keep him alive...which was not good because he had only 150...and he is Sure that Yang as she is now can one shot that.

but fortunately it was enough to keep her down long enough for (y/n) zombies to start coming out of his shadow, and since he was right under Yang...yeah.

lots of zombie heads and arms could be seen coming out of the ground and start biting and scratching at Yang.

aparently it was also terrifying enough to shock so much that it (thank god) turn off her semblance.

Yang: wh-what!?

ooh~ did her voice crack there for a moment? well not like she can be blamed...without her semblance (y/n) powered both by Aura and Magic reinforcements was enough to held her down.

anger soon began to change into panic as she could literally not escape and her aura is starting to get low.

but (y/n) also had a problem...he was burning trough his MP and Aura too quickly and he may run out sooner then her...

being desperate (y/n) tilted his head backwards a little and then brought down his forehead full force into Yang face.

[HP: 148]
and then he did it again

[HP: 146]

and again....and again...and again...

soon Yang aura shattered and the zombie teeth sunk into her flesh making her scream out in pain.

(y/n): give up!


ugh! why is she so stubborn!?

Ruby and all other who were watching very tense when seeing the scene before them.

Some didnt manage to hold it in and barfed out their breakfast

our young crusader seeing that she is not going to give up, summoned his Draugrs and made them stab Yang with their weapons making the blonde brawler scream out in pain, panic and most of all...fear.

at this moment she was not thinking, she completely forgot about the "you cant die in the void" and was believing this was it...her death, soon her mind was repeating only one thing.

"im going to die, im going to die, im going to die" and so on, and so on.

finnaly, scared out of her mind and crying, completely forgetting about her sister she screamed out

Yang: I give up! stop! stop! Please!

hearing her (y/n) zombies sank back into the shadow and he himself got up. Yang on the other hand was instantly healed by God (y/n), but it didnt calm her one bit and all she could think of is getting the hell away from (y/n).

as she crawled away from hi, (y/n) started talking

(y/n): well i guess i wi-

his words refused to leave his throat when he saw the expression of RWB and JNPR...Nothing but pure terror, what they were seeing was not a friend but a monster, demon, devil

he didnt know what they were seeing but he knew one thing...they sure as hell didnt see him as (y/n)...


or maybe they were seeing the true him?...

While Yang was breathing heavily and trying to calm herself, and RWB together with JNPR all tensed up (y/n) took a couple of steps back and making a hurt face teleported away into the DxD world.

seeing this God could say only one thing.

God (y/n): and here he goes running away again.

exclaimed God with a heavy sigh.

he should try and help (y/n) fix that problem of his...but for now lets send RWBY and JNPR back...


yes i deleted the scene with the second form of thot slayer breathing, but i think the fight was still good...I think.

also what are your opinions about the chap?

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