Riser came with a visit!...hey girls we are eating fried chicken today!

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ahh...there is nothing better then waking up in the morning ready for anything! seriously! come on world! throw anything at him! he will take it!

[warning! Riser will visit Rias today!]

hmm? oh yeah he actually forgot he asked his system to remind him of this...

wait today? does he even know where Rias is? if yes then he needs to prepare himself mentally as (y/n) really, and i mean like REALLY didnt want to deal with that asshole...

[fifth mission: Riser!]

[Description: make Riser walk away with a bitter feeling in his mouth]

[reward: {chicken dinner}, {Phoenix DNA}]

[failure: Riser will look down on you (and you wouldnt want to be looked down by trash right?)]

(y/n): its not that i think its a bad reward, but can you give me something different then DNA? soon i will have more bloodlines then i know what to do with...


[Reward: {chicken dinner}, {Phoenix ring}]

(y/n): what does the ring do?

[it gives you a Phoenix regeneration (10hp in 1 sec)]

damn thats a good ring! if he ever will be in a situation when he is left with only 1hp then all he needs to do is wait 5 seconds and BOOM all healed up!

well, unless he finds a way to make his HP go up at least.

well time to prepare himself for today! bath, eat, brush your teeth, and think what he can do to make his students suffer!

---timeskip brought you by Chibi Rias crying while running away from demonic chibi (y/n)---

as Kiba, Koneko, and Issei were working on their stamina by running, (y/n) was teaching Rias and Akeno some magic.

(y/n): okay, now tell me what is your specialty.

Akeno: lightning.

she said keeping things simple.

Rias: ...Destruction?

(y/n): ah yes, the Gremory "destruction element" what can you do with it?

he asked while smirking internally since he knew that Rias magic is a simple aim and shoot.

Rias: i...i can...

Akeno: she sucks at it.

isnt Akeno a little to much of a bully in this timeline? meh, whatever not like he cared anyway, as long as they are not the "bad guys" he doesnt care how much their character changed

Rias: thats not true! i can...shoot it...

(y/n): and thats all?

Rias: ...

well, time to kill Rias ego!

with a smirk on his face (y/n) reaches into his magic core and made a little bit of it travel trough its body, and soon it was floating above his palm, but what happened after that made both Rias and Akeno with their mouth open

the magic floating above his palm started to change color and the light blue energy became a mix of red and dark.

Rias didnt know what to think...a human was using magic special to HER bloodline! no it can be possible right? it must be a trick!

Rias: that's impossible!

(y/n): in that case im simply a man who can do the impossible

replied the young crusader with a soft smile on his face that made Rias pissed off and making Akeno blush a healthy red....oh...oh no ;-;

(y/n): well anyway as you can see i can use destruction element and i will show you how you can-

Rias: hmpf! as if! its definitely a trick!


(y/n): well in that case pretend its your family destruction element ok?

he said with a sigh as he mentally cursed Rias for being such a prideful fool. hearing him Rias let out a HMPF but payed attention nontheless

while above his left hand was the destruction element, he raised his right hand and made some fire, without missing a beat the young crusader brought his two hand close to each other and made the fire element and destruction element mix.

it took a minute or two but soon the orange flames became a mix of red and black. After the successful mix of two elements (y/n) looked around and spotted a lone tree, he then launched the red/black flames at it.

the flames didnt seem to be spreading and seemed to be stuck in the place that was hit by the fireball made of destruction flames, but the flames were "burning" the part of the tree faster then anything else (y/n) ever saw.

(y/n): well this is one way of using it.

Rias: i dont know Fire magic...

(y/n): do you know any other magic?

Rias: well, i know how to...uhhh...


(y/n): you got to be kidding me! is there anything, and i mean ANYTHING you can do with your magic other then manifest your destruction element?

Rias: ...

Akeno: that would be a "no", to be honest she never lifted a single finger in her life if it comes to magic training even when her mother tried to convince her.

oh you got to be kidding...how? im pretty sure that if Rias would represent one of the seven sins she would be sloth...

(y/n): you are an embarrassment to the gremory clan, and i just lost any sort of respect i felt for you...well if it helps there wasnt much to begin with

after saying that Rias recoiled from the invisible damaged she received while Akeno was giggling lightly at her friend suffering...god damn it she is still as sadist!

with a loud sigh calmed himself down and then looked at Akeno...he contemplated something for a while and ultimately he took out the magic book that he bought in the Skyrim universe and gave it to Akeno, who took it with a confused face

(y/n): its a spell book from a magic school called "destruction magic" and No it does not involve how to learn the destruction element of the Gremory clan. Its called destruction magic because it teaches you how to use the elements in means to destroy something. the one i gave you have lightning spells in it.

he explained making Akeno looking at the book in her hands with a glint in her eyes.

(y/n): its a little different from the magic that you use but since Devil magic runs on imagination it should not be a problem for you.

wait...Devil magic work on imagination, right? then how does Rias not know fire magic? all she needs to do is imagine fire right?

(y/n): wait if it does then why are you not able to use fire?

he said while looking at Rias.

Akeno: while it does mostly depend on imagination you still need to learn why such thing as "Fire" exist and what kind of reaction is needed for fire to exist

explained Akeno while she was reading the first page of the book that (y/n) gave her.

Akeno: "Destruction" cant be explained logically so all you need to do, to use it is imagine a some sort of energy that destroys anything that it touches

she explained further much to (y/n) gratitude as he didnt need to ask more questions on how Rias would be able to use the Destruction element.

(y/n): alright, since Rias clearly demands more "attention" when it comes to teaching magic i will leave you with this book...are you going to be able to create the kind of lightning that is described in the book?

raising her eyes from the book and looking straight at (y/n) she smirked and raised her left hand, that was soon covered in lightning, but not normal lightning, Arcane lightning! it was just magic energy imitating lightning.

damn it took (y/n) a night to learn how to use it and Akeno did it on her first try after reading the page explaining how the Arcane lightning worked once? she truly deserves the tittle of the "Priestess of Thunder".

(y/n): okay lets leave Akeno to her reading and lets start your training okay Gremory?

he said and he walked away with Rias so they dont disturb Akeno

(y/n): right...since you dont know how to use anything except destruction element lets start teaching you how to use that.

he looked at the direction of the forest and seeing that there is nothing but tree's and a mountain in the distance he pointed in that direction and said

(y/n): fire the strongest spell you know in that direction.

the results were...disappointing...all she did was creating a big ball of destruction energy and fire it...he let out a sigh and then raised his hand and pointed his open palm in the same direction where Rias shot at

(y/n): ...okay...let me show you how to make it better.

he did the exact same and soon a large ball of destruction energy was ready to be fired, but (y/n) was not done! soon the ball started to get smaller and smaller, but it was not loosing it power, what (y/n) was doing, was concentrating all that destruction energy into a single point making the ball smaller but also denser.

and soon he had a basketball-size ball of destruction energy so dense that the power it radiated was almost overwhelming. He then shoot the ball of destruction energy and as it disappeared in the horizon both (y/n) and Rias looked at the circle shaped holes in the trees and everything else that was standing in the way of the spell

there was a brief silence before Rias dropped on her knees and grabbed (y/n) hands into her own

Rias: teach me!


(y/n): ehh...yeah thats why we're here...are you brain dead or something?

---timeskip brought you by Chibi Issei and Chibi Yang having a d-d-d-d-d-d-d-duel!---

as (y/n) was teaching some random Destruction element spells that he made up on the spot he suddenly saw a orange magic circle appear in front of them...Riser...

sudently a man with blonde hair and cocky face walked out of it.

Riser: ah, its been so long from the last time Riser been in the hu-

unfortunately Riser didnt have time to finish his sentence as (y/n) put a lemon slice in his mouth pushed him back on the still present magic circle and put some magic into it while imagining the bottom of the ocean.

...and just like that Riser has been teleported away into the depth of the pacific ocean with a bitter feeling in his mouth.

[i think you took the description of the mission too literally...but since it was funny as hell i will add a extra reward!]

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