Chapter 1

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[Josephine's POV]

Today's the day. I had been casted for the role of Tessa one month prior from today and now I am flying out to Atlanta to set. It feels so unreal, I wasn't even supposed to be playing Tessa. I am so beyond proud of myself to be getting my first lead role. I've always looked up to Katherine, my sister has always been my inspiration to strive in the acting field. She had passed her passion from her to me at such a young age.

I get out of bed and walk into the bathroom. Oh god I am looking rough. I usually would shower before spending almost a full day on a plane, but I just don't have time. I snoozed my alarm which I never do so I'm already frantically running around my small childhood room. I grab my phone and see it's 3:20 am which is making me more stressed because I have to leave the house in 20 minutes to ensure everything goes according to plan.

I look at myself in the mirror and quietly whisper the steps to my morning routine. I read in an article that talking to yourself enhances productivity, and that is exactly what I need right about now.

"Ok so first we use the Cetaphil foaming cleaner, once you wash it off gently pat face dry. Umm.. so now we take a niacinamide serum, which to be completely honest, I have no clue what it does. Katherine had gotten an extra one in the mail and so she gave it to me. Last step for skincare, I use the cerave lotion mixed with SPF and gentle apply it to my skin."

I brush my teeth and brush my hair into a low messy bun before leaving the bathroom. I quickly run into my closet and grab the clothes I put aside yesterday night. I put on my sage green cardigan and a pair of white sweatpants. I add some accessories and hop into some white and black Jordan ones which I got for my birthday. I look at myself in the mirror and I approve of the outfit I had put together. I grab the two suitcases I had already packed and carry them along with my phone out of the room and to the front door. Thank god my rooms on the first floor or else the whole house would be awake from the ruckus I am causing with this luggage. I wrote a note yesterday that states...

"Dear mom, dad and Kat, I am so beyond blessed for this opportunity I have been given. I am so thankful for your support the past month and the support you will continue to show me throughout this film. I know I said my goodbyes before I fell asleep knowing I wouldn't wake you guys before I leave, but I still wanted to say a quick goodbye and thank you before I stepped out the door and into the world. I am off to the airport and I am full of nerves and excitement! I don't know how I will possibly contain myself on that long flight but I will be sure to call you all the second I step foot in Atlanta. Love you guys xoxo Josephine!"


Once I sit down in my first class seat I pull out my laptop to respond to some emails. Leave it to me to use a luxury plane seat to consume myself in more piles of work.

I open an email from Anna, the writer and producer of the after series. In her email she basically tells me how excited she is to finally see me and how the rest of the cast has reached the hotel we will spend the first few days before moving to the trailer. She finishes off the email with sending a photograph of my co-star. She states that his name is Hero...odd name. She also attached a few photos of him and links to some of his projects prior to this film.

I click on the links and it's an understatement to say I am impressed with how successful he's been considering how young he is. I'm not even going to hide it, it intimidates me.

"Holy shit, he played a role in Harry Potter!" I whispered to myself.

Hero is very attractive from these photos Anna had provided but they are all in a black and white filter so I cant get a full sense of his appearance.

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