Chapter 24

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[Anna's POV]

I just got a text message from hero asking to meet for lunch, it's not a regular thing for him and Jo to ask it's usually myself but I do miss them so I quickly text or reply agreeing to meet them at 2.

He said they want to talk about some thing with me and I'm quite curious what it revolves around. I'm assuming it's something to do with the movie but we only have two more scenes left to film so I don't know what it would be about.

It's already 1:40 When I step out of the shower, I blow dry my hair and put it into a low bun. I walk over to my closet and pick out a blue two piece sweatsuit and white air forces. I know they want to go out in public but considering it's only a café I'm not gonna dress up.

I got in the car and I drive 20 minutes from the Hotel to a café called "Wake up Cafe". I look for hero's rental car but it's not in the parking lot yet so I decided to head in and get a table for the three of us.

I walk in and sit at a four person table at the back of the café. I have no clue what this talk is revolving around but just in case I pick a spot far away from other customers. On top of that we don't necessarily need fans coming up to us today, don't get me wrong I love our fans but sometimes we do need a little privacy to ourselves.

I sit there on my phone scrolling through social media waiting for the two of them to walk through the door. Scrolling and scrolling for the past five minutes I look up without realizing that they've entered and are waiting by the table.

They both look nervous which is making me nervous as well.

"Hey guys it's so nice to see you!" I greet them as they sit.

"You as well." Hero replies with a grin.

"Hi." Jo says with the fakest smile I've ever seen, she looks like she's going to be sick.

"So do you want to order first or..."

"We can order first." Hero replies without letting me finish.

The waiter comes and greets us taking our orders. I get a chai tea, Hero gets his usual iced caramel macchiato and Jo goes with smoothie? Since when does Jo drink smoothies instead of coffee?

"What's with the smoothie Jo?" I ask with a slight chuckle at the end.

She looks at Hero with a panic filling her eyes. Her mouth falls open like she's about to say something but nothing comes out.

Hero is quick to answer for her. "She's trying to eat healthier considering all the coffee and junk food we ate on set, it's a bad habit we've all fallen into." Jo looks relieved at his quick save. Something is definitely up.

"Mhmm....okay, well good for you." I say adding a fake smile.

I want to know what the hell is going on but I'm nervous that I might not want to know. I've never seen both of them so nervous.

The waiter brings out our drinks and I am quick to jump into the conversation.

"So what's brings you two here on your day off?"

The both look at each other and gulp. Shit, with each silent signal they give each other the more panic and anxiety they give me. What the hell did they do?

"Guys calm down it's me you're talking too." I say trying to calm their nerves but it's no use.

"Um Anna we've got something to tell you but it's uh... well it's pretty unexpected and now that I think about it a public place may not have been the best place to invite us- you to." Hero says. Hero never stutters, how bad really is this?

it starts and ends with the jordan'sWhere stories live. Discover now