Chapter 14

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[Josephine's POV]

We enter the soccer stadium and I see the whole cast there, everyone with smiles plastered on their face. I'm really excited to be spending this last day with the cast they've all been so good to me and it's sad to see them go.

The stadium is empty so it's only us which really does calm some of my nerves. It wouldn't be the first time I slipped and fell in front of all of them. When we were filming the break up scene at the restaurant I had to run away from Hardin in the rain and I ended up slipping ruining the pretty overalls costume had custom-made for me. Everyone laughed including myself but it still hurt and of course I was embarrassed.

I'm brought back from my trance by Hero waving his hand in front of my face. 

"Earth to Josephine."

"Aye watch it, you know I hate it when you call me by my full name." I giggle pretending like I'm going to punch him. 

"Oops, my bad Ms.Langford." He holds his hands up in surrender. 

"That's what I thought."


Anna gives everyone a position and lucky enough Hero is put in defence with me. He's the only one who plays football so everyone agreed that to keep it somewhat fair he couldn't be centre. This really did piss him off but he quickly recovered when he learned he'd be able to watch me attempt to play. 

The game starts and I'm just standing here by the net slowly spinning in circles. The ball hasn't came anywhere near our net so I'm just trying to keep myself occupied. I hear Hero laugh at me considering the fact that I'm spinning in circles like a child.

"You bored over there Jo?" Shane asks sarcastically and Hero laughs harder.

I stop spinning and stick my bottom lip out in a pout. "Yes, yes in fact I am." I cross my arms across my chest and start swaying back and forth.

Now I remember why I quit this sport.

10 minutes pass and the balls finally coming to our side of the field. Hero rushes over the me and the ball follows. Why am I now a god damn magnet!? 

"Kick the ball Jo!" Shane yells.

I contemplate wether to kick it or let Hero since he's right beside me but I take the chance and try. 

As I reach my foot out my worst nightmare happens. Just like i thought it would. My foot goes over top of the ball rolling with it instead of kicking it away from me. Just as I'm about so fall flat on my ass I feel hands wrap around my torso. I know those hands.

[Hero's POV]

The ball finally comes to Jo. I've been waiting to get a chance to see her kick. As I see the ball roll towards her I quickly run over and stand beside her just incase.

As she goes to kick it the ball almost takes her with it and as she's about to hit the ground I manage to get her in my grasp. I feel her sigh and big sigh of relief and I can't help but burst into laughter with the rest of the cast. 

Jo throws her hands to her face and blushes of embarrassment and probably anger that after pretty much 15 years she still struggles to kick a football without almost cracking her head open. My clumsy girl. 

I am still laughing so hard tears start to fill my eyes. I throw Jo over my shoulders and she pounds at my back squirming around. 

"Hero put me down!" she struggles to say in between her laughing.

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