Chapter 7

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[Josephine's POV]

Hero puts me over top of his shoulders and grabs ahold on the back of my thighs to keep me there. He walks over to the ladder and climbs out bringing us both out of the lake. He grabs the towels and gently puts me down, wrapping the towel around my shoulders. I love the way he does small things like this. Those small things make it hard not to wanna kiss him just for the sake of it.

"A shooting star!" I whisper to myself mesmerized by the sky.

"It's a nice place to star gaze that's for sure." Hero says walking to stand right behind me. My back almost touching his chest.

"Can we?" I say turning my head so I can look at him without moving my body.

"Can we what?"

"Stargaze!" I say with excitement.

He looks at the sky and then looks back down at me before nodding his head in agreement.

Hero gives me his tank top to wear over my tiny bikini and we lay out the towels on the dock.

I lay down on the towel and Hero stands over top of me, watching me.

"What are you looking at FT?"

"First of all you did not just call me FT!" He chuckles.

"I very much did and I'll do it again."

"You think your funny Langford. To answer your question I'm just looking at you."

"Oh ya, is that right?"

"Mhm.." Hero lays down beside me.

We lay in silence for the next 5 minutes. It's not an awkward, someone please think of something to say before I rip my hair out silence. It's a calm and beautiful kind of silence that you wish could last for a lifetime. Hero never fails to make me comfortable, even when he's just laying beside me.



"Ugh.. you know I hate it when you call me by my full name!"

"I know that, that's why I do it." He smiles up at the sky.

"Well, what's your favourite colour?"

"You want to know what my favourite colour is?"

"Yes i do."

"And why's that?"

"Well considering you dressed me into pyjamas, fed me for a whole week and brought me night swimming which has been on my bucket list since I was 11.. I think I should know your favourite colour."

"Hmm.... well, I guess it would have to be red. Since I told you mine you gotta tell me yours."

"I think pink would have to be my favourite colour this month."

"That seems very Jo of you to say."

"What seems Jo of me to say" I do the hand air quotes gesture when I say Jo.

"To have a different favourite colour every month. I've noticed your very indecisive."

I fake a gasp to add dramatics to my next words. "Am not!" I chuckle not being able to keep my serious act up.

"You are to like watch.. what's your favourite tv show?"

"The office or gossip girl or anything marvel or-"

"See you can't even pick one show." Hero laughs!

Oh god, I'm growing to love that sound. Especially when it's being caused by me.

"Maybe I am indecisive!" I shrug my shoulders still uncontrollably laughing along with Hero.

We end up asking each other random questions. The stars seem to glow brighter and brighter each time Hero laughs.

30 minutes later...

"What was the saddest moment you can remember going through?" I ask him genuinely curious if this happy and bubbly man has ever gone through something so harsh.

Hero sighs a sigh of pain and flashbacks. "My dog Diesel. He uh- he passed away two days before I flew out here." He rubs at the bridge of his nose lightly shaking his head. I know exactly what he's trying to do because I do the same thing. You try to shake out the thoughts as they'll just spill out of your ear. Unfortunately, however, that's not how that works.

I scoot over closer to him so that my head is right beside his shoulder, leaning against it. I turn so that I'm laying on my stomach looking up at Hero. His hands still covering most of his face.

I grab his hand away from his nose and he looks at me.

"You don't have to act strong for me. It's supposed to hurt. That's the only way you'll ever get through this, and don't for one second think I'm gonna let you do it alone." I whisper with his hand still in mine.

He doesn't say anything but the glow of the moon reflects off his eyes showing them gloss over with a layer of tears.

He runs his hand through my hair and tucks the loose strands behind my ear.

I lean down and rest my head on his bare chest. I pull him closer to me, hopefully making him feel safer in his venerable state.

He wraps his arms around me pulling me close. I draw little shapes on his chest and everything slowly, peacefully fades away.

Sorry for the shorter chapter, I usually strive for at least 1000 words but this chapter ended perfectly in my opinion. If i added more to the end it would've ruined the flow! Anyways hope u enjoyed this chapter! Next one will be longer!

Pls remember to vote and comment any suggestions, thoughts or feelings. I'd look to hear from you. <3

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