Chapter 13

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[Hero's POV]

After Jo fell asleep in my arms she slept for another half an hour. This girl sleeping in my lap has stolen my heart and I am in to deep to stop her. I'm beyond excited and nervous for tonight I don't know what will happen but I'm hoping it works out.

I twists Jo's long blonde hair in between my middle finger and index finger just eyeing her gorgeous body up and down. How did I get lucky enough to be put in the same movie as her. Jo is talented, beautiful, sweet, passionate and every great adjective you could imagine but still some stranger has ripped out Jo and replaced her with a self conscious Jo who is haunted with night terrors. Jo's never felt the need to hide her body in front of anyone, never mind me and it just breaks me apart knowing that she feels like she's not worthy of attention unless she's teasing.

I grab my phone and look at the time, it's 10:47 am and we need to meet the cast at the football or as Americans would say 'Soccer Stadium' I scrunch my nose just thinking about it. It literally makes no sense. Soccer is some random letters put together with no meaning. Football as me and Jo usually call it, has meaning. You use your foot to kick a ball and boom you get football. See America it's as simple as that. 

I start to wake Jo up so she can get ready and I can drive me and her to meet the cast.

"Jo wake up we have to get going soon." I continue to play with her hair.

She groans and pushes her face into my chest. I feel my cheeks flush and I can't hold back the smile beaming on my face at her actions, wether she's half asleep or not. 

"I don't want to move!" she groans more dramatically as she complains covering her eyes from the sunlight beaming in from the window. 

I take my hand and find the spot on her face it's beaming on and replace her hand with mine.

"I know but we promised, It'll be fun I swear. Plus remember I have a surprise for you after.

Her eyes widen and the smile on her face grows. She quickly sits up still on my lap and looks at me. "Surprise?!" She says with pure excitement. 

"Yes I told you I had something planned last night." I can't help but smile when I look at Jo. Her happiness is so infectious. It radiates off her and onto me with one smile.

"Well what is it!?" 

"Well I can't tell you that or it will ruin the surprise." 

"Ughhh you suck!" she laughs and throws her head back.

I tuck my face away in the crook of her neck.

After 10 minutes of me cuddling Jo I finally speak. "Can't we just not go!" I whine into her shoulder.

"I wish but it'll be fun remember. They were your own words." I hate it but also find it cute when Jo uses my words against me.

We climb out of bed 10 minutes later and get ready. Jo chooses to shower quickly so I sit outside the bathroom door talking to her. She ends up telling me why she's so nervous to go play football. She said that when she was little she played for a league and multiple times she would slip on the ball and face plant leaving mud all down her body. I couldn't help but break out into a laughing fit. I just couldn't stop picturing little Jo run off the field with mud on her face. 

Once Jo is done her shower and makeup she walks out of the bathroom in only a towel and walks over to her closet.

She picks out a few pairs of bottoms and some tops. She lays them on the bed and tells me to choose her outfit.

it starts and ends with the jordan'sWhere stories live. Discover now