Chapter 4

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[Josephine's POV]

I feel sunlight beaming on my face. My eyes flutter open and I'm back in the hotel room, in my bed dressed in pjs. For seconds everything felt normal until the drunken memories flood back. I feel tears running down my face but I cant move again. I am pinned down to the bed by my own thoughts.

I silently cry under the covers as the memories flood my brain. Every time I close my eyes I see him gripping my neck when I tried to move away from him.

My thoughts and flashbacks are paused by a light snoring coming from across the room. My heart stops beating. What if it's the man? What if he found me and broken in while I was asleep? I don't remember anything other than Hero punching him, after that everything just goes black. I slowly start sitting up in fear to see that man sleeping on my couch. But to my surprise it's Hero. Why is Hero in my bedroom and how did I get from my sequence black dress to my pink satin nightgown?

"Hero" I lightly whisper. I have no energy left.

Hero quickly jolts up from his sleep looking around the room and then focusing on me. He quickly gets up from the couch and walks over to the bed and sits on the edge in front of me.

"Hey- are you... how... what do you remember?" He asks me with tears running through his eyes.

"Him, he forced me against- and he.." I try to breath by my lungs won't accept oxygen. I feel my body shake and tears stream down my face.

"It's okay we don't need to talk about it right now, come here." Hero says softly and moved closer and pulls me into his chest running his fingers through my hair.

I try to catch my breath and I smell the cologne from Hero's shirt, somehow I feel safe. I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Your safe I'm not going to leave you alone again, I'm so sorry." He whispers in my ear.

I cry a bit harder at his reassuring words. I feel so disgusting with myself. I was drunk and I feel like it was my fault. I feel like I brought it upon myself.

"You did nothing to ask for this and you don't deserve this, he is a disgusting piece of shit and the cops are looking for him right now. Dont you dare blame yourself for his actions. Your safe in here with me, I promise." Hero whispers into my hair.

It's almost like he can read my thoughts but I'm so thankful for his kind words as he pulls me in towards him to make me feel safe. I do feel safe with Hero.

Once I catch my breath I pull away a little bit and look up at his bright green eyes. "What happened last night? Can you tell me everything? I need some closure I guess." I ask in a shaky voice.

"Are you sure you wanna-"

"Yes i need to know" I cut him off.

"Okay well, um for starters you were drunk and you went out into the crowd to dance, and then about 10 minutes later I saw you walk into the washroom. A few seconds later a man walked in and I thought he was just drunk and didnt read the signs, but when he didn't come out after a few minutes I got up from the table and i ran to the washroom. When I got in there he was uhm.. he was trying to take your underwear off so I punched him so he would get off of you and he rushed out of the washroom."

"Then..." I ask knowing that's not the end of the story if I ended up here with Hero in my hotel room.

"Well then I tried to talk to you but it was like you couldn't see or hear me. You just kept staring at the door and you didn't respond to anything I was saying. So I fixed your dress and I carried you out of the washroom and into the hotel and I got you onto your bed. I didn't want to undress you when you were unconscious after the night you went through but I couldn't let you wake up in the dress that he was trying to take off of you so I took the dress off got you and got you in PJs and then i tucked you in and I guess I fell asleep on the couch."

"Where's the dress?" I ask staring at my hands.

"Anna came by last night and she threw it away."

"I can't believe that happened still."

"Your in shock Jo. It may not feel real for days or maybe weeks but I'll be here for you when the shock wears off." He smiles at me.

"Thank you Hero, if it wasn't for you I would have been..." I trail off not wanting to finish that sentence and i hug him tightly. he rubs his large hands up and down my back making me feel safe.

Next thing I know I'm asleep in Hero's arms again. Your body and mind going through a trauma is really exhausting.

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