Chapter 43

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[Hero's POV]

This was by far one of the most hectic mornings of my life. With the phone call, packing, ubering to the airport, security, baggage checking; it was all madness.

Currently, we are waiting at our gate. Jo has herself snuggled into the waiting room chairs with a book in her hand. Jo has never been a big reader but it's a habit she picked up in the hospital, I'm happy it was reading over other coping mechanisms. She's a big fan of Anna's friend, Colleen Hoover. Although I'm not sure whether it's Jo's hormones or the way the stories were written, she always finishes each book in tears. I think it's safe to say it's a bit of both. We should be boarding the plane in twenty minutes so I'm going to use this time to update Jo on the plan.

Moving the book down from her face I begin to talk. "Jo, we gotta talk about our plan."

She looks at me confused. "What plan?"

"London, duh."

"Oh right, talk away but make it quick I'm at a really good part." She giggles.

"So for now we are staying in the guest house at my mom's and then as soon as we're settled we can start looking for places. I was thinking of an apartment for now considering we don't know if we want to stay in London, plus for a small family just starting out I think we should have no problems."

"Alright." She smiles at me. Smiling? She's not fighting me on getting an apartment and not a house as we planned?

"Alright?" I questioned.

"Ya, your reasoning sounds right."

"Wow, I really thought I would have to fight you on this." I laughed.

"I can fight you about it if it'll make you feel better."

"No way, I'm enjoying this." I lean my head back and close my eyes while I smile takes place on my lips.

"Now boarding passengers seats B34-C10. Again now boarding passengers seats B34-C10." She lady calls on the overhead speakers.

I stand up grabbing Jo's hand helping her to her feet as well. Her bump has gotten so big and it only adds to her beauty. Knowing she's carrying my baby in there makes her even more attractive to me.

We roll our carry-ons down the tunnel and step onto the plane where we are greeted by two flight attendants.

"Mr. Fiennes Tiffin and Ms.Langford?" One of them asks as we step in.

"Um...yep that would be us," Jo says from behind me.

"We will escort you to your seats." The other flight attendant says.

"Escort us to our seats?" I ask puzzled.

"Yes, your seats have been moved." She says while turning away leading me and Jo behind a curtain and down an aisle. She stops in front of two huge luxurious plane seats and gestured for us to sit.

"I think there's been a mistake. We have an economy seat, not first-class." Jo says.

"They was a call made and your seats were upgraded, that's all I know. Enjoy your flight our names are Lena and Kira, let us know if you need absolutely anything." One of the flight attendants cheerfully says and they both walk away, leaving me and Jo confused.

Shrugging my shoulders I say to Jo "Well I'm not going to fight them on it so let's sit."

She nods and I put our carry-ons in the overhead bins.

Jo looks around the two seats with wide eyes. I love how she gets so excited over a pair of free slippers and a tote bag. I will give it to her, they are some sick goodies included in first class.

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