Chapter 29

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[Josehphine's POV]

Beep! Beep! Beep!

God, can that thing be any louder?

I groan and roll onto my side covering my half-conscious body with the comforter. I don't get much relief when the alarm stops. A set of hands reaches under the blankets and grips my ankles pulling me out from my warm haven.

"Get up, get up, get up! I paid a shit load of cash for these plane tickets you can sleep in the car!!" I will never understand how Hero is so giddy all the time especially on mornings where we are rudely awakened at 5 am.

I can't even comprehend words this early in the morning so I just groan and try to pull my feet from his grip, but he's just not having it this morning. Before I can protest I am draped on Hero's shoulder with his frigid hands gripping my thighs. I am never wearing PJ shorts again. Usually, I would give his back a nice good smacking but my arms feel like noodles. They weren't joking when they said pregnancy is tiring.

Hero sets me down on the carpeted closet floor and grabs the stack of clothes from the empty cubbies above my head.

"Don't get used to me changing you. The only reason for the special treatment is because one you will make us late if I don't, and two you're carrying my bean and she is making you sleep more than humanly possible and I woke you up before she's used to." How is he grinning at 5 in the morning?!

A give him a sleepy smile and lift my arms so he can slide on my t-shirt. I love when Hero picks my outfits out. He always picks very colourful fashion statements. Today he picked out the perfect 'Bahamas' outfit. He chose an aqua blue t-shirt with a flower mural on the back along with the words "hello sunshine" matched with a pair of light blue wash jean shorts. I only have a few weeks at most to wear these shorts until my baby bump starts to show.

Speaking of my baby bump, we still need to inform our parents that I'm pregnant. We've both been putting it off in fear of their reaction resembling Anna's in any way.

"Hero, we need to tell-" I'm cut off midway by an involuntary yawn. "-our parents about bean." I feel him tense while he slides my shirt over my messy blonde hair.

"We'll tell them after our trip. No one is going to ruin this for us, so let's be safe and wait it out for now. Deal?" He holds out his pinky finger waiting for my agreement.

"Deal." I hook my pinky finger around his and stand from the floor.

We walk out of the closet and I leave a note for the hotel staff thanking them for the stay for the past two months. I'm still so thankful there were issues on our trailer because staying at the hotel definitely made my life filming so much easier. However, this room is tainted with so many memories that I wish I could forget.

Hero has wheeled our luggage out into the hallway and is now leaning against the frame of the door, hands tucked away in his hoodie pocket, staring at me stare at the room I am about to leave behind.

This is the room I walked into having no idea what was waiting in store for me. This is the room gave myself a pep talk in before going down to the lobby to meet the love of my life. This is the room where his fingers trailed along my neck as he finished pulling up my zipper to my dress. This is the room he carried me into when I couldn't help myself. This is the room he slept in to make sure I was okay once I woke up to the memories. This is the room he held me in while I was ill. This is the room with the bed we first slept in together. This is the room we sat in for days while watching every marvel movie created, even though Hero hated every minute of it. This is the room where we created our beautiful bean. This is the room we first said "I love you" in. All those amazing memories stick with me and always will, but unfortunately all those amazing ones are balanced out by the memory of me huddled in the corner with the flame melting into me. The smell of my burning flesh. The sound of the pages being ripped from my paperback. The sigh of the floor after I smashed lamps and picture frames. The wall I punched after holding onto the pain for too damn long and just needing to feel something physical. The tile floor I fainted on multiple times. The floor where I emptied my stomach every time I felt that I ate more than my body deserved. The floor where I punched Hero's chest multiple times at the fact that he wanted to comfort me in my darkest, most vulnerable times.

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