Chapter 55

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[Hero's POV]
(italics is dreaming)

I'm sat in the waiting room outside of the OR waiting for- well waiting for anything at this point.

"Josephine Langford?" a nurse asks looking around the semi full room.

"Me! I'm her- Im with her. Is everything ok?" i ask standing and rushing to her.

"she's fine, she's just been put under sedation for the time being, it should wear off in 30 minutes to an hour."

Thank god I say to myself

"What about the baby?" I ask frantically.

"yes follow me to the NICU" she said guiding me to the closed off room. The walls are fully made of glass panels and i can see right through to the rows of babies in there enclosures.

"here she is! do you know what you're gonna name her?" the nurse asked standing in front of my child.

my daughter.

i have a daughter

i smile at little bean as she lays there so still you'd think she was a doll.

i can only think of one name for her.

"Eliza." I say.

"that's beautiful," the nurse says. she then turns around and walks to the other side of the room. I honestly thought she was done with me until she motioned me to her.

"and what about this little one" she says looking down at a little girl, identical to little Eliza.

"I'm sorry, what?" i say a bit confused. was my name really that good that i now get to name every baby in this hospital?

"your... other daughter? Eliza's twin?"

{Josephine's POV}

where am I? I feel like i'm in a void of darkness.

what happened?

".... there's two...."

i hear someone so faintly i feel like i'm making it up.

i follow the voice. i've been walking for around 3 minutes, or at least that's what it feels like, before i finally see something.

it seems to be two people huddled over something but it's so faint that i can barely make it out.

".... JoJo.... they're beautiful..."


I break out into a sprint towards the figures.

i'm about 15 feet away when the figures become clear.

"mum.... dad..?" i ask tears forming in my eyes.

i thought they were....

i run towards them even faster. now i'm bout 12 feet away.




"mum, dad!" i exclaim, tears now free falling from my eyes.

"JoJo, you did such a great job!"

They're not looking at me, they're staring at something in between them but for some reason it's so blurry for me.

"are you guys ok? i was so worried-"

"JoJo, we have to go now, but we're so incredibly proud of you." dad says.

"go? go where? don't go please! i cant do this without you!" sobs rack my body as they start to fade into the atmosphere.

"no, Josephine, you have your sister, and Hero, and the angels" mum says reaching her hand out to hold mine.

"and we'll always be right here with you." dad says grabbing my other hand.

"no! no, please no!" i squeeze my eyes shut so tightly they almost hurt.

suddenly everything stops.

my tears.

my rapid heartbeats.


"mum? dad?" i ask, looking around.

they're gone.

suddenly something else breaks the silence.

a baby's cry. it seems like it's coming from no where but at the same time every where.

"hello?" i call.

then, my eyes travel to my body. more specifically, what i'm wearing.

a blue hospital gown.

why? what's happening?

my eyes travel to a basket left where my parents were.

i slowly approach it, and as i do the crying gets louder.

"it's ok, don't cry." i whisper.

i pull back the blanket that was covering the top of the basket to see a bright white light.

the light slowly engulfs me and i can hear the faint sound of a hospital heart monitor in the distance.

A/N: look who's back and not dead.😏 almost ended up in the mental hospital but instead i'm in the car chilling on wattpad listening to cigarettes after sex! 🫶😋

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