Chapter 50

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[Josephine's POV]

I wake up to the front door being shut. I love my front door. Did I mention how beautiful my front door is? I hear Hero carrying a plastic bag and walking towards the kitchen. I throw the covers off me and slip into one of Heros Raymon's t-shirts he took from the after set. I step into my slippers and push myself off the bed. I wince when I feel a massive kick in the ribs. Still not used to it by now. 

I waddle over to the door and turn the knob. I walk out of the room and into the kitchen to see him messing with something on the island table. His back is to me so I can't see what it is but apparently, he's excited about it by the way he's eager to tear the box open. 

I silently walk up behind him and he doesn't seem to notice even when I'm standing right behind him. I decide I'm going to scare him. I haven't done this in a while. I quickly make my plan of attack and take a deep, silent breath. He's just about to turn around and bump into me but I wrap my arms around him in a big tight hug. He seems taken back at first but quickly recovers when he relaxes in my arms like putty. 

"Good morning babe." He says in his raspy voice. 

"Morning!" I give him a kiss on his bare shoulder since he's only wearing a tank top. "Why weren't you in bed, it's only 9:00 AM?" 

"I went to pick up an order that was delivered at the store." 

"What did you get?" I release him and lean my elbows on the counter watching him mess with the box.

"It's a google home. It's like Siri on your phone but it just sits in your house."

"Oh cool!" I love Siri. She and I are good ol' friends. "I love Siri!"

"I know you do. You talk to her like she's a real person." He gives me a kiss on top of my head.  

"Set it up!" I say eager to have a new programmed bff. 

"I already did. It only takes 5 minutes to set up. Watch." He walks over to the google home plugged into the wall. "Hey google what's the time right now?"

"It's 9:33 AM"  Google replies. 

My orbs bulge out of my face and a smile grows. I love this. "What do I have to do to make it work?" I say.

"Hey google and then whatever you wanna say after." Hero tells me.

"Hey Google, how are you?" 

"I'm splendid. Thank you for asking."  Google says and I can't help but give the little machine a huge cheeky smile. I love it.

"Hey google what's your funniest joke?" I say.

"Why are libraries so strict? Because they have to go by the book!" Google replies and it lets out a strange sound after making me burst into a fit of laughter.

"Google that was horrible!"

Google makes a clown horn sound and I practically slide down to the floor wheezing. By now Hero's laughing too.

"Are you laughing at Google or me?" I say once I can finally speak. 

"You 100%" He gives me his hand and I take it. He pulls me onto my feet and kisses me swiftly. 

"Want breakfast?" He asks and I nod and give him a toothy smile. I love my breakfast and he knows that.

He grabs pancake mix from the cupboard and a mixing bowl. He dumps a handful of mix into the bowl and adds two eggs and a cup of milk before mixing it. He waits by the stove, stirring the batter while the pan heats up. Hero's not the best cook if I'm going to be honest. He knows this. That's why he's in charge of breakfast and I do dinner. He can't mess up breakfast when it's practically already made for him. 

He checks if the pan is hot enough and when he feels that it is he pours two small circles of batter onto the pan and they start to sizzle. 

"So what do you wanna do today?" I ask. 

"You." He replies quickly without glancing at me. A smirk grows on his face as my eyes widen and my jaw drops to the floor.

"I'm just playing love." He laughs. I say nothing. "Unless you want me to that is." He winks. I smack his arm and laugh. 

He flips the pancakes effortlessly. His back muscles flex as he moves the pan and spatula. Maybe I do want that. No. I'm tired and too close to giving birth. I need my rest. But got he's so hot. I have a smoking hot boyfriend. 

Speaking of smoking the pan is steaming from the three pancakes.

"How do you manage?" I laugh.

"Don't laugh at me. I'm cursed. I can't cook for shit!" He laughs and practically throws the pan in the sink, turning on the cold water.

"Well, we got 8 good pancakes so eat up." He passes me the plate of pancakes and the maple syrup. 

Todays going to be a good day. 

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