Chapter 46

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[Hero's POV]

Today's the day. We are meeting our listing agent to go look at a few apartments today. I saved the best for last. I know we'll like a few of the other apartments but I know deep down that the last one we are scheduled to see will blow Jo away. She doesn't know about this apartment. I kept it a secret considering how stressed she's been recently. I wanted her to be able to relax and hopefully have a joyful surprise. I'm just hoping it works in my favour.

We're supposed to be meeting for breakfast down at this bistro in downtown London. It's located around 5-10 minutes away from all the apartments we'll be viewing. Hopefully it lives up to its name so Jo and I will have a cute cafe to relax at whilst living here.

Jo and me leave the parking lot and head into the bistro. Once we walk in we already see your listing agent waving us down to a table at the back. We tell the hostess who were here to meet and we were guided straight to our table.

The listing agent gets up and greets me and Jo with a handshake. "Hello, I am Jenny. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"I'm Jo this is Hero." Jo states as she shakes her hand.

"Hi." I say.

"Well let's just jump right in shall we?" She pulls out a chair for herself and sits. I follow pulling Jo's chair out then mine.

The waitress comes up to our table and begins to take our order.

"I'll have the avocado toast with pickled onions and a green smoothie please." Jo orders.

"I'll have the pancakes and a caramel macchiato." I order.

"Maple brown sugar oatmeal with a fruit salad." Jenny orders.

The waitress writes it all down and proceeds to the kitchen.

"So what are you looking for in this new apartment." Jenny asks. Her elbows are resting on the table and her head is leaning on her hands. She's eyeing me down, gawking not so subtly. I feel uncomfortable and I know Jo does to by the look on her face.

"We are looking for a artsy kind of sky-rise apartment. Two or three bedrooms two bathrooms. Upper West side of London would be great. Updated appliances." I tell her and hold Jo's hand under the table.

"We'll that shouldn't be a problem. What is your monthly price range?" Why does she act as if Jo isn't sitting right in front of her?

"Our price range would be around $5 000 monthly." I say and Jo's head snaps towards me. I might have forget to tell her about the amount of money my family has.

"Wow, that's a- quite the price. I'm guessing you have a really good job?" Jenny asks now twirling the front strand of her hair.

"You could say that."

"What do you do may I ask?"

"I'm an actor." I simply state.

"Wow, that's amazing. I've always wanted to meet an actor. You must be super talented. Have I seen you in anything?"

"Me and Jo actually just finished filming a movie in Atlanta." I proudly say and look over at Jo.

"Oh so she's an actor too?" Jenny says with a hint of judgment.

"Yes. She is an actress too." Jo says with pure attitude. I've never been more proud.

"Interesting." Jenny looks her up and down.

There's an awkward moment of silence until it's broken by the waitress carrying our plates.

"Here we are!" She sets our plates down. "Enjoy guys."

Jo pulls out her phone and seconds later I feel mine buzz in my pocket.

From: baby mama<3

Eat fast. I can't stand this woman.

I laugh but quickly shut up when I realize Jenny is still unfortunately seated in front of us.

To: baby mama<3

Of course. I wouldn't mind if you tackled her off that seat with your baby bump.

This time Jo's the one struggling not to laugh.

"So what's bringing you down to upper west London?" Jenny asks batting her eyelashes.

"We wanted a fresh start somewhere together." I emphasized the together part.

"Hmm how lovely. What exactly are you both brother and sister? Best friends?"

"I'm his girlfriend." Jo says.

"and she's carrying my child." I proudly say and kiss Jo on her cheek. I feel her smile, finally.

"Oh." She lets out a fake giggle as she stirs her coffee with a spoon clearly embarrassed.

"We'll we should go we'll see you later today at the first address." I say to Jenny

"Ya and do us a favour... message me the address and not my boyfriend this time." Jo spits and leaves the table with my hand interlocked with hers leaving Jenny with her mouth hanging open.

We push out of the doors and are met with the cold air of London. Jo's hair whips back and forth. I slip out of my jacket and place it on Jo's shoulders. She stops and slips her arms into the slots. She turns towards me and I turn to face her.

"I was so close to-" jo says looking flustered again.

"I know." I kiss her forehead and she sighs.

"As horrendous as that brunch was I enjoy seeing you jealous. You look cute when your jealous." I say and she groans and tries to walk away from me.

I grab her wrist and pull her back to me. "Hey I'm sorry." I wrap my arms around her waist. "I love you and only you."

"I love you too even though your a jackass." She giggles and I tilt her chin up and kiss her. Just as our lips touch I feel something sprinkle upon us.

It's cold. Breezy.

"Oh my god." Jo practically screams. "It's snowing! It's freaking snowing! Hero look!" She jumps up and down with her head tilted up.

It's true. It really is snowing. I can't believe she's never seen snow before.

"It's your first snowfall baby." I say softly, mesmerized by her and all of her.

"It's our first snowfall too." She smiles and wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me down to kiss her.

Our lips interlock and it feels as if everything is now in slow-mo. It's just me and her.

This is everything I could've ever wanted.

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