Chapter 34

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[Josephine's POV]

I wake up to Hero's naked chest brushed against my bare back. The heat from his body as well as the Bahama's heat is causing my skin to glisten with a line of sweat. I turn over so we're flushed chest to chest and I just stare at him. Not in a creepy way of course but in a loving, adoring way.

His lips are parted and his breath is level and steady. His long eyelashes create a shadow on his cheekbone. His skin glows with a hint of red due to the sun and his body also glistens with sweat. I want to lick it off. What no I don't that's odd.

I run my fingernails through his hair and massage his scalp. He groans in his sleep so I continue. I love the feeling of my fingers tangled in his gorgeous locks of hair. His eyes flutter open and he just watches me as I continue to massage his scalp. He moves his hand from my chest down to my belly bump. I'm around four months along so I guess it's not a huge bump but it's there. He runs his fingers in circles around my stomach and I bite my lip trying to hold in my laughs because I'm really ticklish. He notices and a smile breaks his face as he starts to actually tickle me. I arch my back and it only brings my body closer to his. The room is filled with both of our laughs and it's a beautiful melody.

After we both calm down he leans his head on my bare abdomen and listens for any movement inside my belly. He waits for a while and then starts to talk. I lay there silently listening to him talk to our beloved baby.

"Hi bean, it's your daddy. Can you kick for daddy. I wanna see your little foot. It's okay if you are sleepy but try and make it soon. You don't understand how excited dada is to see you. Momma's excited too, but she can't be more excited than me that's for sure." I swat at his head and he laughs.

"That's not true baby, momma is way more excited than dad is!" I reply to my stomach.

We sit on the bed with me laying in between Hero's open legs and we just watch my stomach.

We watch and watch and watch, until the moment we've been waiting for occurs. A little foot kicking my belly. Hero sees it as soon as I do and both our eyes widen, tears brimming the rim.

I turn around and jump on him screaming. "Oh my fucking God! Did you see that? Bean just kicked! She listened to you." I started to cry and I swear I saw a tear escape Hero's eye.

He hugged me tighter than ever before and all I could do is cry.

"I saw baby, I saw. I love you. Thank you for growing our beautiful baby inside of you." He kissed me with so much passion.

Once I have calmed down we watch bean kick a bit longer until we decide to get up. We make our bed which was messed up from our late-night shenanigans. We take a shower together and then change into our swimsuits.

Once we eat breakfast we head down to the dock and I am shocked to see two jetskis and a medium-sized boat. Hero's eyes light up and I automatically know our plans for the day without him saying a word. He unties the seadoos and I just stand and watch. He hands me a life jacket with a huge smile on his face and I can't help but giggle at how he looks like a little kid on Christmas morning. I put the life jacket on and climb on top of a jetski.

Hero starts the ignition on his jetski when I realize I have no clue in hell what I am doing. "Hero I have no clue how to ride this thing!" I yell and he turns around just as he starts to pull away from the dock.

"It's like a motorcycle. Twist the handle down to go faster, up to slow down, or come to a stop. If you need to use the emergency stop pull the brake bar. It's simple Jo don't stress about it. You ready?"

"Yup. I'm following you so start going." He gives me a thumbs up and pulls away from the dock.

I can't help but laugh when my jetski accelerates and I splash Hero.

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