Chapter 36

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[Heros POV]

"Are you going to explain this?" I ask Jo. She doesn't say anything, she just sits there with an unreadable expression on her face. This just makes me angrier. "ANSWER ME JO!" She flinched.

"Jo, I'm sorry, just please answer me." I plead.

"Hero I'm sorry about getting the guy's number in the first place it was a slutty move on my part but it's gone. For fucks sakes it might have well had been burned in a fire because that's how irrelevant it was to me. I really wish you could just trust me right now the way you expect me to trust you. I swear nothing happened!"  She cried.

"I don't believe you, Jo."

"Well, that just proves that you don't trust me so I guess this is a problem on your behalf. I did nothing wrong, I don't have the guy's number anymore and I haven't had contact with any other guy since we became official. So, if you wanna call me a liar then so be it but I'm not putting up with it." I know I should trust her. She's the mother of my fucking child but she still pisses me off.

"Would you like to check my phone for fucks sakes?" She yells at me searching her pockets for her phone.

"Yes, I would in fact." She throws me her phone but misses and it drops to the marble tiled floor. My ears are punctured by the sound of the glass cracking.

Something clicks. Did she do that on purpose? Did she break her phone so I couldn't look through it? But if she didn't want me looking through it why would she offer?

"Did you do that on purpose?"

"Are you kidding me right now!?" She's screaming and I don't blame her, that was a dumb question.

"No, I'm not. Did you break your god damn phone so I can't find that douchebags number in it?"

"No! You are psychotic!" She stomps over to her phone and picks it up and begings to walk away.

"Good walk away Jo like you always do. Almost like how you were considering walking away from bean. You are no better than I am!" She stops in her tracks and spins around.

She throws her phone against the wall causing the glass to litter the floor.

"You know what Hero, you are the biggest asshole ever. You can't go through someone's private information without permission no matter how close you are to them. You have no right to bring up my momentary doubt on our child! We were dating for three weeks prior to me finding out I was pregnant and so I'm sorry if I had my worries! Yes, I contemplated whether I wanted to keep it but in the end, I did. However, I didn't kill my child!" She yells so loud that our neighbours definitely stopped and listened. Her face is bright red and her body is trembling with anger.

Before I get to open my mouth to argue back she's walking out the back door towards the jetskis.

"Where the hell are you going on that thing at 12:00 o'clock at night?" I yell from the deck.

She plugs the keys into the ignition and the engine rumbles in the water.

"None of your business and don't you dare follow me or I won't be coming back!"

She gets on top of the jetski and pulls away and into the dark calm oceans. It takes everything in me to not get the keys and follow her but I can't risk her not coming back to me. As furious as she makes me, she's still the love of my life and the mother to my baby. I need her.

I say a little prayer that she'll stay safe out there and lay down on the couch letting sleep overtake my mind and body.

[Josephines's POV]

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