Chapter 44

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[Hero's POV]

We hailed a cab to take us from the airport to my mom's place. She has invited the family up to meet Jo. They're all making this a bigger deal than it needs to be. They've never seen me bring a girl home in London never mind from Australia so the dinner was a must according to my mother. I love my mom, I'm a huge mama's boy, but sometimes she really does go overboard and I don't want Jo to be uncomfortable. We've yet to tell my family about the pregnancy but I think it's best to save that information until we move out in case it backfires.

We decided it'd be best to change before we left the airport considering everyone's already piled into my mother's house. Jo's wearing a beautiful and cozy Michael Kors oversized turtle neck. It's wool with the top half being a dark grey and the bottom is a creme color. She's wearing the maternity leather pants she bought for a business dinner and black platform boots. Her hair is done and straight which I love. She's been growing her hair out like when she was a teenager and I adore it. She looks brighter and younger with it, really carefree is what I'm trying to say.

Me on the other hand, I'm dressed in my leather button-down top I got to keep from my shoot with Ferragamo, Black dress slacks, and a pair of coach loafers I got on a whim. My hair is pushed back and Jo added a little bit of gel even though I pouted the whole time she applied it. We both look very put together, to say the least. I'm just hoping we didn't overdress. The Fiennes family has never been known to go simply and comfy so I don't think it'll be a problem.

The cab arrives outside my mother's house and I hear Jo gasp a little bit. It's more on the mansion side of south London. It's an estate that's been passed down throughout the family and considering my mother's brothers, also known as my uncles, ability to stay in one place she got the house. It has a high 7ft gate around the entire property and a brick driveway. In the center of the driveway is a water fountain and seems to be never-ending, it's on all year round and yet never freezes or breaks. The house itself is white bricks with dark grey accents and two bright red double doors. It has a balcony that is connected to my room growing up. The walls are covered with vines and the gardens are well taken care of. It looks like I never left.

I pay the taxi driver and help Jo out of the car along with our many suitcases of luggage. I enter the password for the gate and they slowly open and allow me and Jo entrance.

We walk hand in hand up the driveway until Jo speaks. "So this is where you grew up?"

"Yup, I was even born in this house."

"In the house?" She exclaims.

"Ya, my mum has never been a fan of hospitals and heavy medications. She wanted a natural at-home birth for all of us and Martha always gets what she wants." I laugh.

"She gave birth to you..." She pauses and looks at the house in shock. " her house! Is she nuts or superwoman?" Her jaw is practically on the floor.

"Well kinda both."

We both laugh at the expense of my mom and continue to make our way towards those bright red doors.

"I like the colour of these doors, it's very London. I would like that for our apartment. Have the front doors red just to stand out." She says admiring the door.

"I'll paint the door just for you." I kiss her briefly before raising my fist and knocking on the door.

"I'm nervous." She whispers into my ear while we wait for the door to be tended to.

I lean down and whisper back. "Don't be, possibilities are they'll love you more than I do." I laugh and she swats my shoulder.

"However, I don't think anyone could love another soul more than I love yours." I repeat the words I said to her a few months back and she blushes just as my sister opens the door.

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