Chapter 18

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[Hero's POV]

It's been three weeks since my world shattered. Jo is in such a bad mental state and it breaks me to bits and pieces watching, standing by knowing nothing I can do can make that horrible fever dream of the man leave her pretty little head.

I haven't heard updates about Jo today. Only person who has updates about her is Anna from her therapist.

I just finished shooting my scene for the day and it feels really lonely without Jo's bright smile here to tell me how good I did. I immediately rush over to Anna to get my daily update but my heart sinks when I see her crying on the phone. She notices my panicked face and tells whoever is on the other line that she'll call them back.

"Hero, it-"

"Anna tell me!"

"She's-she's in the hospital Hero." Anna's crying makes me panic more and before I know it my tears are mimicking hers.

"I-I uh why why the hell is this happening!?" I try to hold it together because me and Jo have only been dating for like two weeks and Anna doesn't know yet. She just thinks we're best friends who happen to be co-stars who are dramatically in love with each other.

"Hero i know- I know try to breathe hun. She's okay so far." Shes rubbing my back trying to comfort me but no one can comfort me the way Jo can.

"How is she okay she's in a mental ward in the hospital and I can't be there for her!"

"You did everything you could for her Hero and she's only there for a few nights. I know this is hard and scary for you but I promise Jo is in good hands and I am going to go check on her everyday after filming. I don't know how she'll feel about seeing you but I will definitely mention it when I go today."

"Can i come for the drive? Maybe you could like put me on the phone and I'll mute myself. Just so I could hear her voice. Please Anna?" I'd do anything at this point to hear my girls voice again.

"Of course, now let's get you calmed down." She sits me down on a leather couch in the lobby of our set.

I breathe as much as I can but I'm shaking by the thought of Jo being locked up in a room because she's ill and I can't be there to rub her back and tuck her hair behind her ear. Jo gets nauseous at hospitals, they freak her out. Only I know that. Her fucking therapist or Anna doesn't know shit about her. I should be the only contact she has. I should be the one there to cheer here on every time she smiles or cries or thinks of one thing she's grateful for. I want to be there cuddling her a nuzzling my nose in her neck while she drifts off to her much needed rest. I should be the one!

My tears only fall harder like a magnet to the earths core. I can't contain myself anymore. Jo is my everything and will always be my everything. In London i used to goof around and smoke whatever would light on fire but jo walked into that hotel lobby and my life flipped for the better. She taught me how to be happy and how to be brave and confident. I told her to enjoy herself at the club and I got her sucked in to this whole mess. It was all my fault she started to hurt herself, right?

It's like Anna can read my messed up thoughts because her next words fit like a puzzle with my subconscious's.

"Hero there's more I need to tell you..."

I sniffle before answering. "What now?"

"This isn't the first time this has happened."

My head shoots up from my hands and I stare at Anna in pure shock. "What did you say?"

"Jo has a long list of mental health issues since she was little."

"Like what?"

"It's a lot sweetie I-"

it starts and ends with the jordan'sWhere stories live. Discover now