Chapter 39

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[Hero's POV]

We walk out of the parking lot and into the outdoor mall complex. Jo's hand is in mine but I can still tell she's in a mood.

I feel like a dick about winding her up just to shut her down but we had things to do, it wasn't like I was trying to ruin her fun.

I whisper down in her ear so only she can hear me. "Don't pout now. If you behave I'll take you so hard it'll hurt." Her grip tightens on my hand and she looks up at me smiling and that's when I know I made the right call.

Jo's moods can be hit or miss. You try and help and say one wrong word and everything tumbles down. Or you can say something incredibly right that you were nervous to say. It's one or the other, no in-between. So when she gets like this it's like flipping a coin and sending a little pray to the gods that I don't make the wrong call.

We walk through the mall until we reach the apple store. She already told me what phone replacement she wants so as she's looking around the store I sneak up to the cash register and pay for her phone. I know she's gonna kill me for paying but that's alright with me.

In total it was $1 400 with the new case. She's really going to beat me to a bloody pulp.

I walk back over to her and see her playing with a drawing app on an iPad. I grab her wrist and pull her out of the store.

She tries to pull back but I just keep leading her out. "What the hell I need to buy the pho-" I cut her off by handing her the bag. "Suprise!" I say and clench my teeth. I know it's coming. I just sit here and wait.

"You asshole. Why would you do that? Those things are more expensive than my fucking kidney!" she tries handing me back the bag but I keep my hands connected behind my back, shrugging repeatedly.

"Hero take it back and use my card! Seriously why would you spend all his money?"

"Because I feel guilty and this makes me feel better. Also, I love you and I wanted to get you something is that not okay?"

"It would be fine if you bought me a $5 rose not a $1 300 iPhone!" She giggles. She's handling this much better than I presumed she would.

I lean down giving her a quick kiss before we start walking hand in hand to the car. I don't even mention going into other stores because I know what she wants to do today and being in this mall isn't on the list.

Before we make it to the parking lot a lady calls to us from outside a tent. It's white with curtains for doors and a pointy top, like those tents at a circus.

"Would you cute love birds like a free reading?" The old, tanned black-haired lady asks.

Just as I say "No thank you." Jo says "Yes, let's do it!" She looks up at me with those puppy dog eyes and of course, I fold. What can I say I'm whipped for her and only her.

I groan as she pulls me into the tent.

This lady slightly creeps me out. She looks to be about 60 years old. She has straight, black, shiny hair that looks too silky to be real. Her eyes are almost like a shade of burgundy with the way the brown shines in the light. She's eye-catchingly short, around 5'1 feet compared to me being 6'2 feet. She is wearing an all-white pantsuit even in this hot weather. Her glasses are very thin and circular. They kinda look like harry potter glasses which brings back some memories from my childhood.

She sits down at a table and gestures to the two empty seats on the opposite end. Jo and I walk over and take a seat. Jo looks beyond excited and I just feel bored already. I don't believe in this bullshit but Jo does so I'll sit my ass down in this stuffy tent, listening to this wacko lady talk for her.

"Okay so first I shall start by asking your two names please."



"Hero, what an interesting name."

"I get that quite a lot." I give a polite smile.

She places her hands on her crystal ball that looks like it's from toys-r-us. This better be some kind of joke. This lady better not think she can actually see the future. If she does then we have bigger problems than the toys-r-us crystal ball.

"Hm, well first I'm seeing lots of comforting. One of you or the both take really good care of the other. It's a very comfortable bond I would say between you two. Is this correct?"

Jo and I look at each other for confirmation before we both nod.

"I'm seeing some new beginnings have started for you in this relationship. Something that helps the bond grow."

This is a joke. She's giving cliches about any basic, happy and healthy relationship.

"I'm also seeing some rocky paths down the road. Some major bumps in your plans. Possibly related to your new beginnings. You will be caused pain and deep sadness. However, I'm seeing it won't last. There will be a good outcome with this if you wait it out and appreciate its beauty."

Okay, this is complete bullshit and is wasting my time. Plus I'm sweating, hungry, cranky, and just in desperate need to touch Jo.

I say thank you to the 'magic' lady on the other end of the desk and apologize for having to leave so soon. I take Jo's hand making her stand and follow me towards the doors. Once I'm outside and Jo is coming out the doorway I hear the lady call her name but I don't pay attention. I just need to make my way to the car before I explode.

So I do. I leave Jo in the doorway and make my way to the rental car.

[Josephine's POV]

Hero starts walking out the door and I am kinda pissed. It was just getting interesting and now he wants to leave.

I hear the lady call my name from the table and I see Hero already far gone so I turn around.

"Ya?" I ask the lady still keeping my place in the doorway.

"It's going to be double. Plan for one, you get two. Be prepared for that." She gives me a sweet smile but I am just utterly confused.

I tell her to have a good day and start walking to the car to meet Hero.

What the hell does she mean?

It's double.

Plan for one, you get two.

Be prepared.

What does that even mean?

Not even going to lie it kinda rattled me up a bit. It was a very sincere smile but those words just shake me to the bone.

I make it to the jeep and hop in.

Hero looks over at me while I do my seatbelt.

He starts to drive out of the parking lot and onto the highway when he finally asks. "What'd she say?"

I hesitate and lie. Why the hell would I lie about this?

"Just wished us a good rest of our vacation." I smile over at him and see him relax.

I feel like a bitch now but it's too late to backtrack. Guess I just gotta roll with it.

Plus, it doesn't mean anything anyway.

Or does it?

A/N: soooo that was the big changing chapter I've been talking about and planning. I know it may not make a ton of sense right now but trust me further along in the story and Jo's pregnancy you will understand.

What do you think she meant by "It's going to be double. Plan for one, you get two. Be prepared for that."

Also on a separate note.. I did just read people we meet on vacation by Emily Henry and oml it slaps. 10/10 recommend for a slow burn friend to lovers!

Hope you enjoyed the double update! See ya'll soon! -chloe <3

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