Chapter 52

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[Hero's POV]

All of a sudden my ears are met with a piercing shriek and a crash. 

What the hell was that?

I drop everything and sprint out of the bedroom into the kitchen.

What just happened?

Jo is sitting on the kitchen floor, her phone thrown across the floor, a vase smashed and water puddled by the feet.

I get a sick twisted feeling in my stomach. The glimmer in her eyes has dried up. This looks a lot like the Jo I saw at the club and that same night she destroyed her hotel room and I held her on the washroom floor. I don't like this Jo. This Jo breaks my heart every damn time. I haven't seen this look in her eyes in months and I was finally hoping the bad wave had been surfed and passed on. However, I was clearly wrong. It can always get worse. Never get comfortable.

I crouch in front of her but she's not looking at me. She's shaking, convulsing even.

"Jo talk to me, what happened?"


I slowly grab her hands away from her face.

"Jo look at me."

No change.

"Jo look at me, please," I say sternly.


Her eyes meet mine but I almost get startled. I feel a chill creep up my spine. Seeing her this empty hurts more and more each time. I can't explain it. The pain just builds and builds.

"my parents" she croaks

Shit. Oh shit something happened to them, "They're-" she chokes on another sob.

I don't want what I think is happening to happen. I cradle her in my arms, she's shaking uncontrollably. I can hear her breaths quickening.

I tried. I tried so hard to do something for Jo. She does so much for everyone else around her, I just wanted to repay her. I wanted her parents to see her pregnant before it's all over.

Fate just seems to get in our way. Like Hardin Scott says.

Her temps spiked. I feel a cold sweat break out across her whole body. Her muscles tense and then... nothing. The tension almost melts away as her muscles go limp.

"Jo?" I look down and her eyes are closed. She looks peaceful yet tears stained her red cheeks. She didn't blink though. She made no noise. She just laid there doing nothing.

At that moment my stomach sank.

I would rather have a whole distraught Jo on my hands than have her unconscious in my arms on the floor.

I shook her. I tapped her. I called her name. I kissed her.

Still nothing.

This wasn't right.

My brain, my heart, and my gut all felt it.

This isn't normal.

I pull out my phone from my trackie pocket and open the phone app. I dial the 3 most dreaded number sequences and pull the phone to my ear. Shaking as the ringing fills my ears.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?" The operating lady asks calmy through the receiver.

"It's my girlfriend. I don't know what happened. All I know is she had a phone call and then there was a loud scream and when I found her she was sitting there on the floor crying and shaking. I tried to calm her down but she just stopped. She was motionless." I say all in one breath trying to be as clear as possible through my panic.

"Sir, does she have a pulse?"

I check her neck, wrist, and breathing just to be positive. "Yes! Yes, she does, and her breathing is starting to steady."

"Okay, that's good. Do you have an idea what the phone call was about? Or perhaps was there another cause for the behavior?"

"No, I have no clue what was said. However, it must've been bad because she doesn't just yelp like that out of nowhere. There is no one in the apartment but us too. There's no other reason I can think of."

"Okay, I have sent out an ambulance. What level is your apartment located?"

"The third floor. It's the red door."

"Is it unlocked?"

"Yes, it is."

"Okay. Is there anything else I should have loaded in her file?"

"Yes!" I practically shout. Mentally slapping myself across the face. "She's in her third trimester of pregnancy. She was supposed to be having her baby shower tomorrow!"

"Oh wow. She's quite far along. Now I don't want to cause you to panic but stress overload at any point of the pregnancy, especially this far in, can cause labour symptoms even early labour. How is she positioned right now?"

"She's laying down with her head on my lap," I say panicking even more. Bean isn't ready. Jo isn't ready. This can't happen now. Not like this. Jo would want to see this. She'd want to see bean the second the delivery ended. She's been talking about that moment since we found out she was pregnant.

"Okay leave her laying on the floor but I need you to put a cushion under the hips. Lift her lower half up higher than her upper half. If the baby chooses to come it won't do you any good but for now, it may reduce the chances."

I gently lift Jo's unconscious head from my thighs and lower it onto the bathroom mat. I quickly sprint over to our large couch and grab two couch cushions. Once I am back over to Jo in the kitchen I lift her legs with one arm and slide the cushions under her with the other.

"You stay in there bean." I whisper near her stomach.

"Done." I say to the operator.

"The ambulance should be arriving any minute. Stay calm and stay with her do you hear me?"

"Yes." I croak.

"Tell the paramedics how far along she is and to watch for stress-induced labour. Got it?"

Stress-induced labour can't happen. I pray to all the God's above that it won't. "Got it."

And I end the call as the beautiful red front door is swung open. The red door she wanted. The colour door she wanted to have when we walked into this house for the first time with our little family.

I'm just praying she gets to experience that.

A/N: I'm so sorry for the month long wait for this. I've been in such a slump but we've finally reached the major climax of the story so hopefully the slump will wear off!!!

Thank u so so much for 15k and number 1 under "josephine" for a month now! 💋💋

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