Chapter 41

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[Hero's POV]

I enter the driveway to the Airbnb and my anxiety bubbles. It's time for the conversation we've both been avoiding. It's time to decide where we're going to be spending the next few years or possibly our whole lives. We have to choose where we want to raise our children. Where we want to buy our first house together. 

I know Jo wants us to go to Australia but I can't wrap my head around leaving England. Everything is there. My family, my friends who have been in my life since day one, my dog Diesel, my memories. All of it is there. I won't have anything in Australia and quite frankly Jo will only gain the company of her parents. She has too much trauma from back there. It will eat her from the inside out. She struggles enough as it is in Atlanta and she didn't have a past there. There's no way to know how downhill everything will go if we go to Australia. 

England will be good for her. My friends have only talked to her over the phone but they all love her already. They will accept her as one of our own and protect her like older brothers, I know they will because that's what they did with Cecelia before everything happened. My mom, dad sister, and brother will adore her. She'll have a new start in England with no memories attached and that'll benefit her. She loves the atmosphere of England and the rainy weather. Bean will have a very safe, and friendly community to grow up in, just like I did. 

I can't think of one good reason that England wouldn't work out. If she came with me to England I would buy us plane tickets to see her parents every fucking month. 

I park the car and Jo's already walking towards the front door by the time I end my inner monologue. I step out of the car and follow her up to the porch. We are both standing there in painful silence as I use the keys to unlock the door. We kick our shoes off and head straight to the living room. 

I can't keep my eyes off her and she can't bear to look at me. I shouldn't be this nervous but the memories of last time are shaking me up. We slowly pick a seat across from each other and sit there waiting for the other to talk first. I bounce my leg, I rub the back of my neck, I crack every bone in my body and I still can't relieve any of the anxiety coursing through me. 

After five excruciating minutes of silence, I decide to grow a set of balls and get this inevitable conversation rolling. 

I mentally count to three and as soon as I open my mouth she does too. 

I plead "Please come to England." at the same time she says "I'm coming to England."

My heart skips a beat and before my brain can process what I'm doing I am racing across the room to jump on her. Her laugh fills the room as I tickle her and pepper her face with kisses. I don't usually do this cheesy kind of shit but I am over the moon about us finally starting our life together in my hometown. She'll get to be surrounded by love at our new home. My friends and family and neighbourhood won't leave her alone the second we arrive in the city. They've all heard about Jo but they haven't met her. I can't believe me and Jo will be in England tomorrow instead of in Australia. 

Once her laughs have died down I pull her onto my lap with the barrier of her pregnant stomach. I kiss her briefly and when we pull away we keep our foreheads rested together. 

"Thank you Jo, not only for choosing London for me but for everything," I whisper keeping my eyes closed.

"Thank you for putting up with my shit." She ends with a soft laugh that makes me feel like the luckiest man alive. Not only to have her as my girlfriend but also the mother of my child. 

"Only for you." 

"I love you, Hero."

"I love you, Jo."

I keep her cuddled against my chest for another half hour until she finally falls asleep. I reach over top of her and grab my phone off the coffee table. I go online and buy our plane tickets to London. Our flight is set for 2 pm so we'll have plenty of time to catch up on sleep.

I toss my phone onto the cushion and grab Jo's sleeping body, wrapping her tightly in my arms. I stand up from the couch and make my way around the house shutting off lights. I walk up the stairs and into the master bedroom. I tuck her in before quickly going into the washroom to shower.

When I turn the lights on in the washroom I see Jo's bottle of pills. They're full. 

A/N: sorry for the short filler chapter I'm not sure where this is going once they get to England so bear with me on the filler chapters. Don't forget to vote!! <3

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