Chapter 54

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[Josephine's POV]

I'm paralyzed. Stuck. With needles injected in my body, an oxygen mask snug on my face. Everything below my ribs is numb to the bone.

I hear buzzing. Talking. I cant make out any words they're saying however I know it's there. This is the oddest feeling ever.

It doesn't hurt. It's not uncomfortable. In all seriousness I'm not even scared. I'm just numb.

Emotionally and physically numbed.

I hear crying.

Why is there crying?

[Hero's POV]

After an hour of sitting there contemplating what the hell I should do, I stand up and ask the lady at the desk the question I've been avoiding. "May I see Elizabeth Langford?"

"Your the daughters boyfriend, correct?" I nod.

"You may but shortly she is deteriorating." Fuck.

"Room 2946. It's just down the hall to the right." She points in the opposite direction of the O.R.

I thank her and slowly walk towards the room.

I don't know if I can face her knowing Stephen is dead. Knowing I'm mostly to blame for them being put in this situation.



Finally I see it.


Right where the lady said it would be of course.

The door is closed. I raise my fist and lightly knock on it.

"Come in." I hear a faint Australian accent say through the door.

She sounds just like Jo.

I open the door and slowly step in, keeping my gaze locked on my slippers. I didn't even think to change my shoes when the paramedics came.

"Hero darling. Come here." She says in a faint whisper still.

She has i.vs everywhere. She has a breathing mask in her hand pulled away from her mouth and the machines sound irregular.

I've watched enough of Jo's doctor drama television shows to know that's not good. Ever.

I take the stool set up right beside her bed. Propping myself up, her free hand comes towards me palm side up.

I slide my hand into hers and she uses all her strength to give it a huge squeeze but just like her voice... it's so faint.

Noticeable but barely.

"It's so nice to meet you in person." She says.

"Right back at you." I give her a light smile.

"How's my little JoJo?" She asks smiling back.

JoJo. I like that. You can tell it was given to her at a young age but it suits her personality so unbelievably well.

She is my little JoJo. Always will be.

"She's actually here... as a patient."

"I know sweetie. I had overheard a scrub nurse chatting away in the hallway about her. These walls really are paper thin. The gentleman next door to me apparently got his... manhood injured by his wife when she found him canoodling with the babysitter." She laughs which results in a fit of coughs. I help her put the oxygen mask back on for awhile so she can breathe. However, I continue laughing at her innocent language but her power of eavesdropping.

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