Chapter 28

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[Hero's POV]

This week has been a handful. Trying to gather our belongings from the Atlanta hotel rooms and repacking for our upcoming trip.

Jo's tension is exceeding and it's obvious she's in need of a getaway. Truthfully the confession of Jo's feelings that day in the car was not what I was expecting. I thought she was going to shut me down like usual or it was just going to be work related. When she told me what was truly going through her mind I was bursting with so much pride and excitement I just booked the first flight I saw.

Our flight now takes off in 15 hours and Jo is on the verge of ripping her hair out like a mad woman. I'm sitting on her bed folding some of her clothes as she mumbles her check list for the thousandth time while pacing in circles.

"Toothbrush, check
Shower items, check
Running shoes, check
Makeup bag, check
Pj's, check"

"Jo you gotta calm down remember, that's why we're going."

"I know, I know it's just.. there's so much to do and we have to go to bed so we won't be late and.." I cut her off by grabbing her wrists making her stand between my open legs.

"Will you let me relax you now?"

"What about my bags, your stuff may be packed but mine aren't done?"

"I'll finish your last few clothes after I promise."


I gently kiss both Jo's wrists looking up at her. Her piercing blue eyes make my heart flutter whilst my stomach flips.

Jo let's out a soft groan. I grab her hips and slowly turn her so her back is facing me. I remove her t shirt so she's left standing her pyjama shorts and her black lace bra that I love.

I trace her spine with my fingers. Chills arise on her skin and she slightly arches following my movements.

Again I pull her waist so she's now sitting on my lap. Her hair is pulled up in a bun giving me open access to her shoulders and neck. I swiftly kiss the back of her neck down to her collarbone to the end of her shoulder, repeating on each side.

I massage out the tension in her lower back. Jo's head is thrown back onto my shoulder as my hands work out her sore muscles. I slowly rise up her back up to her neck and scalp, rubbing and caressing her skin.

Minutes pass and I feel her head get heavier on my shoulders. Her breathes are slowed and steady and her body goes limp.

I admire this moment with her sleeping body on my lap. Coconut and vanilla clouds my thoughts. I plant a soft kiss on her collarbone one last time before picking her up and moving her towards the other end of the bed, tucking her in and kissing her goodnight.

Once she's settled in bed I go in her closet one last time taking the last few piles of clothing. I refold the items and cram them into her suitcase. I recheck the whole hotel room double checking all Jo's belongings are secured in her luggage.

Once I'm assured everything is in it's necessary place i zip up her bags and remove my trackies. I set our alarms for 5:00 am to leave for the airport and add two extra alarms considering our previous missed alarm incidences. I climb into bed with my blonde angel and grab ahold on her waist holding her close to my bare chest.

Jo wraps an arm around my neck from behind her, as she pulls me closer I nuzzle my nose in the crook of her neck and let sleep take over.

I hope this trip is everything she dreams and more!

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