Chapter 35

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[Josephine's POV]

I don't know how long I've been sitting in here. I left Hero in the main room after I said those disgusting things to him. What was I thinking bringing up Cecilia and his past? I know that he had so much at stake when he made the decision to ask her to get rid of the baby. They were both young and I promised that I wouldn't judge him for what he did. The fight could've been resolved a lot quicker if we just talked instead of yelling and not properly communicating our feelings.  I go to the attached bathroom in the bedroom to wash the tear stains off my face. as I look at myself in the mirror I gaze down at my growing belly. "I love you bean" I whisper rubbing small circles around it. Whatever happens between Hero and me, nothing will change the fact that I love him more than words could tell.

I exit the room making my way downstairs, I owe him everything. I was awful to him only because he wanted me to move across the world. Of course, I had the right to be mad at him but I was 100% not in the position to have the right to bring that up.

I creep down the last few steps and I spot Hero pacing. I know that walk. That's his 'I'm trying not to smash everything in sight but my temper is ripping at the seems' walk.

He sees me standing at the bottom of the stairs and his feet stop.

he doesn't say anything at first, he just stares. I take this as an oppurtunity to start talking. "Look Hero I-"

"No, Josephine, you don't get to talk after what just happened" He cuts me off, words dripping from his mouth like acid stinging me. I already feel the tears jump back to my eyes. God damn pregnancy hormones.

"You know how ashamed I am for what happened back in London. I saw our child as a way to make up for how I ended my last child's life, and I don't need you to remind me about that when I remind myself everyday."

"Hero, please, I-"

"and you have the nerve to come at me for wanting to abort the baby when you had the same thoughts about the one you're carrying now" He shouts.

I stop to take in what he said, regretting ever even thinking about that. I would never say anything about that to anybody- wait. "Hero, how did you know that?" I ask quietly. he obviously doesn't hear me because he keeps going.

"I don't even know if I can trust you anymore. You promised me Jo, you promised that you wouldn't judge me for that. I have put so many things about you behind me because I thought our love was stronger than that."

"You can't seriously be talking about my mental issues right now. I CAN'T CONTROL THAT" I yell tears now free falling from my eye's.

"Of course I'm not talking about your bloody mental issues Jo, I would never fucking bring that up! I'm talking about the fact that when I thought you liked me, you went behind my back and got another guys number!"

My stomach does a flip and a half. "What the hell are you saying Hero? I have never asked for a guys number since I've known you. I told you I fell in love with you that day in the lobby why the hell would I-" my voice cut off as he started unzipping his backpack that was placed on the couch.

His hands pull out a small brown leather boo-

"Where the hell did you find that!?" I run towards him trying to grab it out of his reach. Of course he puts a hand out blocking me from getting close and he lifts my journal over his head.

"You want to talk? Fine, but I'm starting. Sit on the couch." He points to the white leather couch behind me.

"Hero give me the journal." I ignored his demand.

"Sit on the couch or I'm fucking leaving Josephine, I mean it!" He shouts.

So I do as I'm told. I've hurt him enough in the past hour and if he's willing to give me the time of day to talk and hopefully fix our problems, I'll take it.

He opens the book and I suddenly want to cry again.

He starts reading my journal entry.

"Today is going to be epic. I'm honestly nervous. I am going to a football game with the cast and you already know what usually happens so that sums up my nerves. Anyways, I will update once I'm home.

Five hours later.

Hi, it's me again. So update time. We all really enjoyed ourselves at the football statium. Of course my clumbsy ass had to slip and almost ruin everything but thank the lords Hero knew what was coming and caught me. He's like my prince in shining armour. We ended up winnng against the other team with me scoring a penalty shot like a pro. Okay not like a pro but I'm proud! After the game everyone started to pack up and a group of guys came in for practice. One of them with the sur name Michael on the jersey kept checking me out. I didn't know what to do. I mean I was flattered but I felt like in a way I was betraying Hero. I know we aren't together, well I guess now we are, but at the time we weren't together and it felt weird to put his feelings before mine but I did anyways. He ended up coming over to me where I was sitting on the bench waiting for Hero. We started talking and he kept complimenting how "beautiful" I was. Of course I polietly declined his accusations but he kept reassuring I was gorgeous which made me feel good. He slipped his number in my back jean pocket before I saw Hero run down the stairs onto the statium. By the look in his eyes I thought he was gonna kill the guy but thankfully he only used his words. Not very kind words but his jealousy gave me hope that maybe just maybe he liked me back. He ended up lying telling the guy he was my boyfriend but the guy knew it wasn't true because he asked if I had a boyfriend before giving me his number. He played it nice and walked away as Hero pulled me up the stairs. Before exiting the stadium I looked back to find the guy already looking at me. He winked and I felt a little flutter in my stomach. Not anywhere close to the flutter I feel when I'm around Hero, but it was there. Once we got in Hero's rental car I started mocking him about lying and that's when he told me the surprise he had planned involved asking me to be his girlfriend and I almost swooned. Of course I agreed so I guess Hero is now my boyfriend. Ahh that feels so amazing to say. I knew I loved him since I met him that day in the lobby but now I could actually express it without making everything weird. It was overall an amazing day and I am hoping for many more like this.

Till next time, Jo. <3"

By the time he finished reading my journal entry his face was beet red and he was shaking with anger.

Oh shit I don't know what to do now.

I really fucked up.

A/N: ty DandyMottstoothbrush for the help with writing this chapter. You're the bestest ever✨🧍🚗

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