Chapter 51

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[Josephine's POV]

Today I'm seven months pregnant. Every day I am anticipating the arrival of this baby more and more. Hero and I have even started picking out baby names! Sure they're mostly just stupid names from shows or books we like, like Atlas, Maesy, Benton, but it's still fun and helps us get excited for our little bean to arrive. 

My baby shower is in two days exactly. I'm thrilled. I get to see a lot of people I haven't seen in so long. For example some of my high school friends who moved to LA, the after cast, Anna, and more. Sadly, my family couldn't figure a way to make it which is okay. I miss them and I'm sad they probably will never see my baby bump in person but it is what it is. Life happens.

I tuck myself into bed for the night while Hero showers. I try to wait and stay awake. We tend to watch movies until we fall asleep in each other's arms. Kind of like how we were back in Atlanta when we were both sick. However, I'm seven months pregnant and I've had a very long past couple of weeks moving into our new home and planning my baby shower. I drift off to sleep facing the side where Hero's body should be, and listen to the water hit the shower floor.

[Hero's POV]

As I exit the bathroom, I notice Jo already sleeping on her side facing my side of the bed. I can't blame her. As much as she tries to hide it, I can tell that this pregnancy has taken a toll on her.

Not only is the actual pregnancy tiring her out, but I can also tell that her not being able to see her family has taken a toll on her emotionally. That's why I've arranged for a surprise. Katherine and I have been talking about it, and we've arranged a way for Mr. and Mrs.Langford to be present at Jo's baby shower.

I had to plan everything precisely. Thank God Josephine didn't question why the baby shower had to be on the exact date I chose, I didn't even have to come up with a lame excuse for it. Tomorrow, Jo's parents will be arriving here and showing up at our doorstep. the ultimate present that will most likely make me the world's best boyfriend will take place.

I can't wait to see the look on Jo's face when she sees her parents.

I'm exhausted as well so I take my spot on the side of the bed and face Jo. She always has a pout on her face when she sleeps. I hope Bean has the same trait. It makes her look so pure. I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear and kiss her forehead before I go on my phone to send one last text before sleeping.

To Eliza Langford, Stephan Langford 

Me: You guys packed and ready to go?! 

Eliza Langford: Yup! Flight takes off in 30 minutes.  This was a very sweet gesture for not only Jo but us too, thank you Hero xx

Me: It's no worries at all. This will make Jo so incredibly happy. See you both tomorrow morning! 

Stephan Langford: Goodnight kid, make sure our daughter and grandchild sleep well. We'll see you tomorrow.

Eliza Langford: Goodnight Hero! We'll head over to your place 7 AM sharp.

I shut my phone off, plug it in and sit it on my bedside table. I flip over on my side so I'm looking at Jo. I kiss her again and her lips slightly tug upwards in a smile.

She's going to kill me one of these days.

I'm so deeply in love with this girl. 

I hug her close to my chest and whisper. "I can't wait for you to see your parents. I love you." I kiss my hand and place it on Jo's stomach lightly whispering goodnight to bean and I let the darkness seep in. Emotions running high for what's to come tomorrow. 

[Josephine's POV]

I wake up and see Hero isn't in bed with me. Its 7:10 in the morning, what could he possibly be doing at this time?  I get up confused and waddle down the hall looking for him. 

I find him in the guest bedroom, and it looks like he's preparing it for someone. "Morning, handsome."

"morning beautiful." He comes over and kisses me briefly before continuing preparing the guest room.

"What are you preparing the guest room for?" His eyes meet mine and he quickly looks away. That was odd?

"Um some people couldn't book a hotel in time for the shower so whoever needs to is staying here." He explains.

"Okay! I'm so pumped for tomorrow I haven't seen most of these people in months." I say.

"I know which is why I have a surprise for you." Hero says.

"What surp-" I get interrupted by the ring of my phone in my hand. "Hold on gotta take this." I say to hero and he nods with a smile on his face.

I click the green button on my phone screen even though i don't recognize the number. I bring it up to my ear.

"Hello, Josephine Langford speaking!" I say all cheery.

"Hello Josephine. This is officer Montgomery I'm afraid I have some bad news."

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