Chapter 9

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[Hero's POV]

When we finish breakfast with the cast I notice Jo has been extremely quiet. I look up at her and she barely ate, her face is pale and she looks like she could pass out any second.

No one seems to notice so me and Jo say goodbye as the cast slowly shuffles out of the restaurant.

I walk over to Jo and kneel down in front of her to get her attention.


She doesn't respond but nods her head in confirmation that she's listening to me.

"Are you okay you look like your gonna pass out?"

She shakes her head and I start to get worried. I've never seen Jo this pale. She has beads of sweat collecting on her face.

"We need to get you to the room, are you okay to walk?"

"I don't know." She says in a faint whisper, so quietly that I almost don't hear her.

I grab her hand and help her stand up, wrapping my arms around her waist to help her navigate through the restaurant. Thank God we chose the restaurant right in front of the hotel, I don't know how far she could've made it walking.

Once we get up I grab Jo's key card from her purse and open her door. She's burning up and her eyes are barely open. I pick her up and carry her to the bed, gently laying her down.

I take off her coat and untie her shoes.

I head over to my room to grab the thermometer my mom made me pack. Thank god she did. Something is seriously wrong with Jo and the possibilities are running wild on my head, making my heart race. What if someone slipped something in her drink, what if she has some really bad illness no one talks about, what if I did something and made her sick, what if that lake had some deadly bacteria in it?! All these questions float around my head as I walk into Jo's hotel room.

When I get to the bedroom I see Jo passed out on the bed with sweat beads littering her whole body. I wish I could take whatever she has from her and give it to myself.

I press the remote thermometer to her forehead and wait for it to load... 104°. Oh god Jo.

I panic and call Anna using the hotel phone.

I pace around the hotel room grabbing at the back of my neck.


"Anna i don't know what to do, when you guys left Jo was all white and she was sweaty and- and she was shaking... please help Anna she looks really sick."

"Okay first of all you my friend need to take a deep breath before you make yourself sick as well."

I take a deep breath and let Anna finish.

"Did you take her temperature?"

"Yes it's 104°, that's bad right, it's like hospital high?"

"It depends... when did this start?"

"Well I don't know for sure but when you guys left the restaurants when I finally noticed but she could barely walk back to the hotel without passing out so I assume it started earlier."

"OK well here's what I think you should do, first of all you need to remember to breathe you obviously are freaking out and I don't blame you you care for Jo and it's never easy seeing someone you care about ill. Second of all wait it out I know you want to rush her to the hospital right now but it could very easily be a 24 hour flu and be gone when she wakes up. Stay with her incase she gets worse and if she does go with your gut and take her to see a doctor. Make sure she gets looks of sleep and fluids. Lastly when she's awake try and get her to take a cold bath, that's gonna be the best way to lower her fever, along side the medicine."

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