Chapter 10

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{two days after Jo got sick}

[Hero's POV]

It's been two days since Jo first got sick and she's already back to her normal self.

No fever, no rash and she hasn't thrown up or fainted since I gave her that cold bath.

Just as I thought things were getting back on track, I feel an extreme wave of nausea.

I rush off Jo's couch and into the washroom and I almost miss the toilet when i vomit repeatedly.

I hear Jo wake up and I lay against the cold bathroom floor.

Jo walks in and her eyes immediately widen due to the sight of me on the floor.

"Oh my god Hero are you alright your more pale than I was." She bends down to sit on her knees.

I cant speak so I just shake my head to answer her question about if i was alright.

Truthfully I'm not. I'm shaking, insanely nauseous, vomiting, pounding in my head and chest, sweat dripping from my hair and a reoccurring itch that keeps replaying itself on my back.

I reach behind me to scratch it and Jo lifts my shirt.

"Fuck!" She whispers under her breath.

"Hmm?" I quietly mumble due to my drowsiness.

"Whatever i had..." a huge look of guilt seeps across this beautiful girls face. "...I gave it to you." She lays her face in the palm of her hands.

I reach for her wrist and pull her ear to my mouth since I don't have the energy to talk. Now I get why Jo was always whispering.

"This isn't your fault. It was bound to happen."

She puts her hand on my cheek and slowly rubs my cheekbone with her thumb.

"Well I'm gonna make it up to you. I'm gonna take just as good care of you as you did for me."

I give her a dimpled smile since I can't bring my mouth to express my gratitude.

"Let's get you in bed." She grabs at my hand and pulls my what feels like, lifeless body off the cold bathroom floor.

I wobble and my eyes screw shut as a result of the dizziness. She places her hand on the small of my back to steady me and with that, her touch sends a whole ray of tingles through my spine.

Once I'm balanced she moves her hand from my back to grip around my waist but her short arms can't fully reach.

She walks me to the bed, takes my hoodie off and there goes my t shirt with it.

I lay in her cold bed sheets in only some sweatpants I cut into shorts and my gold chain.

Jo goes to walk to sit on the couch but I grab her wrist to turn her to face me.


She smiles and me and climbs onto the bed beside me. Just like I did for her that night she wanted to binge watch those awful marvel movies. I ended up watching Jo and listen to her rant about characters more than I paid attention to the movie itself. Jo was more interesting to watch anyways.

She grabs the thermometer off the bedroom table and scans my forehead.

"What is it?"

"104°" she says setting the thermometer back down.

My eyes droop closed but I flutter them trying to stay awake to enjoy Jo's company.

"It's okay, you can go to sleep. I'll be right here the whole time." She says softly while she starts to play with my long hair.

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