Chapter 42

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[Josephine's POV]

Today is the day. The day I'm moving to London with Hero. We have to call my parents this morning. I'm twenty years old so in reality, they have no say in what I get to do, however, I want them to support my decision and be happy for me and hero about the pregnancy. I know they will be shocked at least but I am praying on my hands and knees that it won't turn out the way I fear. I want my parents to be happy about having their first grandchild. I like the idea of having a baby at a young age, more time with them before your time comes to an end. It's not like there's anything wrong with having your kids later on in life but it's just not for me. 

Hero's sleeping body is still draped over the top of mine as per usual. I don't want to wake him up but our flight is in three hours. We need to get ready, pack up our stuff, call my parents, catch an uber and drive to the airport. Who knows how long any of that could take. 

I push his hair away from his eyes and hold it back with the palm of my hand. He starts to stir so I waste no time calling his name to fully wake him. 

"Hero, you gotta wake up now." I kiss his nose softly. Right after he tries to tuck his face in my hair to hide his smile but I can't let that happen. As cute as it is, he needs to get up and if he hides his face in my neck the both of us will be passed out in no time at all. 

I giggle as I push his chest moving him away from me. As soon as he's off my chest I slide out of bed so he can't sucker me back into more sleep. 

I walk across the room to the dressers and start taking our clothes out, placing them in stacks on the floor. 

"Jo, please just five more minutes and then I'll help you pack. Just come back to bed!! Please." He wines like a child, voice muffled by the way his face is mushed into the pillow.

"Can't do that. You and I both know five minutes will turn to ten and ten turns into thirty and on and on until we miss our flight. Plus we have things to do before we leave."

"Other than packing, we're free are we not?" He lifts his face from the pillow now interested in the conversation. 

"No, we are not free." I turn around and sit on the floor.

"What did you plan because I know I didn't book anything?"

"Well... our vacation is now over so we need to call my parents and explain this whole situation to them. They don't even know about England yet never mind me being pregnant with your baby." 

Hero's face pales and he gulps loud enough for me to hear.

"Oh, right. How do you think your parents will feel about all this? I mean they haven't even met me and you're only 20 years old." 

"I hope I'm wrong but I don't think this will end well. I've kinda mentally prepared for another bad reaction but like you said I'm 20 they have no say in what I do anymore. I mean, of course, I want them to be a part of this and to be happy for us but if they can't find it in them then I won't waste our time on fighting it."

Hero sighs a deep sigh of relief. "God, you don't understand how relieved I am to hear you say that."

"What do you mean?"

"I was worried that if your parents had any bad thoughts about us and this baby that you would rethink all of it and begin to regret it. I couldn't live with myself if you began to resent me for all this. I want us to be happy together as a family. I agree, If our families aren't happy for us then screw them."

I stand up from my spot on the floor and walk over to the bed practically throwing my body on top of him. He's quick to snake his arm around my back pulling me as close to him as possible. 

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