Chapter 30

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[Hero's POV]

We arrive at the park and fly lot perfectly on time. I'm so excited about this trip but nervous at the same time. All I want is for this to go well for Jo and for her to be able to relax for once. I'm also nervous to bump into fans while here. I love our fans with my whole heart but I know that in this moment they'll just cause Jo more stress than she's already in.

I hop out of the car and grab our suitcases full of our belongings. I roll them to the passenger side of the car and wait for Jo to get out, but she's not getting out.

I open the door to find Jo fast asleep. I hate having to wake her but there is no way she'll let me carry her through the airport so there's no point trying. I gently run my fingers through her hair and whisper.

"Jo we're here, you gotta get out now."

She groans and rubs her eyes and I notice her hands visibly shaking. Not a subtle shake either. Her hands are moved away from her eyes and I notice the eye bags have reappeared. It's not like she's been busy, up all hours of the night. I would know considering we've slept in the same bed since I picked her up from the hospital. I mean the baby could be causing her some discomfort but it shouldn't be keeping her awake, she's only at 1 month. She doesn't even have a baby bump yet.

Jo gets out of the car and I grab ahold of her wrists in my hands so she's forced to stay put.

"Jo." I say sternly with a scowl plastered on my face. I know exactly why her appearance has altered and she's going to get a earful of it.

"What's up your ass? I didn't even have time to piss you off I've been asleep for the past half hour!"

"Hmm, maybe it's your meds that have travelled up my ass but you wouldn't have noticed because you haven't been taking them have you." I keep my voice down but it has a hinge of anger mixed in with the cold pitch.

"Wha- what are you even saying? Yes I'm taking my god damn meds why would you even ask that!" She shouts at me.

That is exactly how I know she's lying and hasn't been taking them. Medicated Jo never yells at me at the beginning of a conversation especially when I'm keeping my cool.

"That right there Josephine is exactly how I know your lying. Your out here yelling at me in the middle of the fucking airport parking lot because you know you've been caught. Now quit the act and tell me why you stopped so we can figure out if something needs to change." I try to calm myself with several deep breaths. I know this is really hard on Jo and I want to be her ultimate sanctuary not her battlefield.

"I just- I... I don't know I hate the way they make me feel. They make me feel energized and happy and giddy!"

"I'm confused. Isn't that a good thing? I thought that's what they're supposed to do."

"Yes, that is what they're supposed to do but that's the problem. It's a problem when you know deep down your basically stoned by so many pills that your literally losing sight of your real emotions and that gets pretty fucking scary. I don't know what's real and what's not Hero. I don't know if I'm actually having a good day or if I'm just so dazed that I can't even imagine what a bad day is like. It's exhausting and it's addictive and it's scary. So even if I haven't slept longer than an hour at a time in the past week, I refuse to load myself up on that crap anymore."

My heart aches for the beautiful girl in front of me. The girl who stitched my heart back together when her's was hurting. 

I pull her into my chest and inhale the scent of her hair. "I promise you we will figure out another plan after our trip but you have to promise you'll work with me here. As much as anxiety and being sad is normal, at your levels it can hurt bean and I know deep down you'll do whatever it takes to protect our baby. Pinky promise you'll compromise with Dr.Hale?" I hold out my pinky waiting for her to lock it.

"I promise you asshat!" She giggles and interlocks our pinky's making our thumbs connect over top.

"Now let's get inside before we miss our plane!" I say and walk away from the car with our luggage and her hand in mine.

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