Chapter 37

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[Hero's POV]

I have no clue what the fuck happened out there on that jetski but all I do know is that Jo came home without her spark. She walked in blue faced, shivering and dripping head to toe in ocean water.

I tried talking to her over and over, trying to understand what happened, but no luck. I know jo better than she knows herself. Jo doesn't just go quiet like this. Don't get me wrong, she ignores me all the time but she makes it obvious that that's the motive. This is on another level. Only other time I've seen her this shaken was the night at the club which makes my anxiety levels rise even higher than they initially were.

After we sat on the shower floor Jo passed out laying in between my legs. I don't know how to proceed with this but all I do know is I have to raise her body temperature a bit more before I put her to bed. I reach over and grab the plug for the drain making the water fill enveloping our bodies in warmth.

I'm terrified for Jo and bean. I have no clue why she got wet. The oceans freezing in the middle of the night and considering how frigid she feels I'm assuming it wasn't a quick dip either.

I run my warm hands up and down her body trying to calm the goosebumps that have risen on the surface of her skin. I take a washcloth applying some body gel and begin to run it along Jo's body.

I try to not wake her as I run the cloth along her clammy skin. Her hair smells of ocean water which is immensely throwing me off my game. Even when we went swimming jo still smelt of coconut and vanilla. Of course the scent was faded but it was still there. Now it's just...ocean. It's just not jo and my mind is spinning with scenarios.

Once her goosebumps have calmed and her chattering teeth have given it a rest I drain the water slowly lifting her out of the shower.

I wrap her carefully in a towel walking into our bedroom. I don't give a fuck if I'm naked and dripping water all over the floor, I just need to let jo rest.

Once I place her under the sheets in her towel I run back grabbing a towel for myself. Running back into the bedroom i dry myself quickly and climb in bed with my beautiful girl.

As I get underneath the covers I bring her head to my chest and hug her waist close. I feel bean kick against her belly which eases some of my fear but now my worries are on Jo.

I massage her scalp which I know she loves. It puts her in a deep sleep every time and I can tell right now she needs rest more than anything.

Just as I'm about to drift off I hear her voice crack as she's trying to whisper in my ear.

I drop my face down to hers and she whispers lightly in my ear.

"I'm so sorry for everything I said, I was awful to you." Her voice is raspy and choppy. Her throat sound like it's bothering her.

I decide to whisper back not knowing if her heads bothering her too. "Me too, we both need to talk about our plan for the future but we were both out of line. Let's just forget about the fight yeah?"

She doesn't reply she only nods her head in agreement. Her head barely moves but I notice it.

I really hope she's not in pain.

Jo's breaths drift off and begins to get heavier meaning she's asleep.

I lay there and listen to her breathing while I massage her scalp for a few hours imagine the worst scenarios possible.

As much as jo drives me crazy and as much as she makes me mental, I love her with everything in me and I want the best for her. She doesn't deserve all the bad shit that happens to her. I know I can't control most of them but I'm hoping one day she'll get to be beyond happy and at ease with me and bean by her side.

it starts and ends with the jordan'sWhere stories live. Discover now