Chapter 11

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| 4 weeks later |

[Josephine's POV]

It's been 4 weeks into shooting after and it has been one crazy experience let me tell you. I've gotten so close with the cast but most importantly I've gotten really close with Hero. We aren't a couple or anything but he kisses me goodnight everyday before I go to sleep, so think what you will.

We spend every second of everyday together. Even when one of us showers, the other will wait in the bedroom.

He's taken me out a few times to dinner. Only problem is, I don't know if they were dates or just as friends. I immediately thought they were dates but he never confirmed so I'm not sure but I'm to embarrassed to ask.

The cast is heading home tomorrow since we have finished our scenes, and for the next week it'll be just me and Hero. Anna and the producers wanted to give us some more time to get to know each other before having to film the intimate scenes. Which I think was a great idea.

Today we are going out to do one last 'full cast' activity. I'm pretty sure we're going to a soccer stadium but I'm not 100% sure. The idea of going to a soccer stadium does make me a tad bit nervous considering the only time I've ever played soccer was for a month in grade one, and considering the amount of times I slipped on the ball and fell in my face I wouldn't consider myself a pro. I know that hero is a big-time soccer player back in England so I really don't feel like embarrassing myself even more than I already have.

I wake up and hear a knock on the connecting door between me and Hero's room. I drag myself out of bed totally forgetting what I was wearing and open the door. Hero's eyes wide and scan up and down my body, considering how long he has his eyes on me, I look down to to find myself in underwear and an oversized T-shirt I stole from his closet.

"Fuck!" I lightly say and dive back into bed and under the covers.

"Jo it's fine it's nothing I haven't seen before." Hero jokes around and enters my room.

"so what's up?" i ask him with flushed cheeks as he sits in front of me on the bed.

"I want to make sure you're coming tonight because if you're not I don't think I'll go either."

"Oh don't worry about that I'm going I just don't know if I'm gonna end up playing." I say and look down at my hands.

"And why's that?"

"Let's just say I have some interesting memories about playing soccer and they are not pretty." I giggled at the memories replaying in my head. Six-year-old me crying on the soccer field with mud staining my face.

"Well your pretty when doing everything so I'm not sure I believe you." He says under his breath.

Hero's eyes widen and his cheeks flush, I can tell he didn't mean that out loud. But truly I'm glad he did because it just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, a feeling I've missed for a long time.

I have no words, I am left speechless for the first time in a long time, well I mean other than the time at the club. I remove the cover from myself and jump up and hug him wrapping my arms around his neck. I rub my nose against the crook of his neck and breath in his comforting scent. I'm not sure how to describe what hero smells like, but somehow it just brings me home and I love that about him.

He grabs my waist and pulls me onto his lap still clinging to me the way I am to him. We stay this way for what feels like hours and I feel all my problems are fading away the closer I get to him.

He moves his mouth from my shoulder to just in front of my ears and whispers. "I have a surprise for you tonight."

I pull back from the hug and look up at his piercing green eyes. Oh what I would do to stare at those eyes for the rest of my life.

"Hold on Jo what are you saying you barely know this guy. Well I mean I know more about him than I know about anyone else, but why am I talking about spending the rest of my life with him. He hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend." My subconscious reminds me. Sometimes I wish I can rip her from my head and chuck her at a window.

"Oh ya and what's that?"

"Well it wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you now would it?" He gives me a smirk and i bite my bottom lip. I love the way his dimples appear when he smiles at me.

"Well if you want to be all secretive I guess I'll just never tell you about my deep dark secret." I draw out the last part of my sentence to grab his attention.

"I can't imagine Josephine Langford with a deep dark secret."

"One, why do you always have to call me by my full name? You know that drives me crazy. And two, Josephine Langford most certainly does have a deep dark secret and I guess Hero Fiennes-Tiffin will never know." I use his full name in a mocking voice.

"Oh you want to play that game Langford, I see how it is." He picks me up off the bed and throws me over his shoulders.

I love when he does this but I smack his back and squirm every time, acting like it drives me bananas.

"Hero put me down!! I'm just going to keep punching you until you do!!" I say giggling, lightly throwing my fists at his back.

"I can deal with your physical assault Langford, what I can't deal with is you being all secretive. You have to deal with your punishment."

"Okay dad!" I mock him.

Hero walks into his room and throws me on his bed. As soon as my body hits the mattress I am overwhelmed by the comforting scent of his sheets. I have fallen asleep once or twice in Hero's room and honestly they were the best sleeps I've had in years.

"Now you wait here I'm gonna go shower and get ready."

"You can't tell me what to do." I jokingly say acting annoyed.

"Oh but I can and you'll listen, you know you will." And with that he's in the washroom and I am snuggled in his sheets.


[Hero's POV]

I try to take as quick of a shower as I can considering I don't like being away from Jo. I've taken her out a few times recently meaning for them to be dates but I'm too chicken to actually use the word in front of her. I wonder if she knows what my intentions are. I hope so.

When I walk out of the steamy bathroom with only gym shorts on I see Jo snuggled up in my comforter bringing it close to her face. I can't tell if she's asleep so I kneel down in front of her next to the bed and whisper her name a few times.

She's half asleep when she opens one of her eyes and groans as a response.

"Are you going to get ready?" I softly ask her moving the strands of hair from her face.

She shakes her head and as I'm about to get up to walk to my closet she pulls my wrist. The way she uses my signature move gives me butterflies and I can't help buy freeze.

"Stay... with me?" She sounds like she's seconds away from drifting off into a deep sleep so I agree and lay beside her.

She turns her body over to face me and leans her head on my chest.

I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else right now.

I play with her hair as she giggles.

"What's so funny?" I ask her trying to hold in my own laughs. She has such an infectious laugh.

"Nothing you just smell really good." And with that she's asleep on me.

The simplest things Jo says or does leaves me speechless and almost nauseous from the amount of butterflies trapped in my stomach. I feel my cheeks flush at her compliment and I continue to play with her hair until I fall asleep.

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