Chapter 21

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[Josephine's POV]

All I can hear is the echoing of his voice. It's like my head was submerged in water. His mouth is moving but there's nothing coming out. I can't think straight. I feel nauseous. Holy fuck I feel nauseous.


Hero took me to the gorgeous restaurant he planned on bringing me when he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend. It was beautiful and magical. Fairy lights dangled from each side of the patio. Weeping willow tree's surrounding the outside area. Candles lighting the tables and a lake backing onto the restaurant. 

We were heavily flirting like a high school couple the whole time.  We got back into the hotel room and the second I got into Hero's room he had me pinned against the door. Lips attacking mine. The tension is to intense to resist Hero right now. 

He lifts me by my thighs and carries me to the bed.

He kisses down my neck, my chest and stomach. He stops at my skirt.

I whimper at his touch. He looks up at me and I can't take it anymore.

"Please Hero."

"Please what? Use your words Jo." He knows how to get me rattled up. 

"I want you now..please."

He reaches over to the drawer and pulls out a foil pack.

After the fact Hero said the when he pulled out there was a hole in the condom but I didn't think anything of it considering it probably ripped after the fact.

Two weeks later..

I'm at the hospital and I get a wave of extreme nausea. It reoccured everyday but I just brushed it off thinking it was my anxiety. 

I'm fucked! 

*Flashback ends*

"Jo are you alright you look like you're going to be sick."

He's right I am. Now I can't tell what's making me sick but I can't hold it in. I rush to the washroom and get sick in the toilet. Hero rushes in with pure panic taking over.

"Oh shit Jo I'm sorry." He kneels down grabbing my hair and rubbing my back. 

I gasp for air and climb into the corner of the washroom curling up in a ball. I can't believe this right now. I remember the pregnancy sticks I packed just incase. With fans being everywhere it was just a precaution incase I needed it but couldn't be seen buying one.

"I'll be back, stay here you promise?"

"Fuck Jo please don't leave please lets talk about this I know it's a lot but I want you to take it all in before you leave."

"Take what in?"

"Did you not hear anything I was saying earlier?"

"Truthfully I saw your mouth moving but I couldn't hear anything that came out, I'm sorry Hero please will you just tell me again?"

"Well I assume it's better for me to tell you while you're already in here getting sick..." He breaths deeply trying to settle his nerves as he starts his confession.  "...In London I was fooling around with this girl, she ended up getting pregnant. I was only 16 I couldn't be a father. So I pushed her into getting an abortion she never wanted. She hated me and I hated her for getting pregnant even though it was just as much my fault as it was hers. She told me she went for the appointment and never spoke to me again. It was so fucked up I know but I just couldn't bare having a kid with a girl I never loved. I stayed in London and she left to move in with her aunt. She never said why but I assumed she was in trouble with her parents or just wanted to get far away from me. I'm sorry Jo."

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