Chapter 32

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[Josephine's POV]

The rain is coming down hard. Everything's blurred, except for the man standing on the beach. The man who stole my heart and made it whole again. He's waving me down. What is he doing out here in a storm? I walk over towards him. He's yelling something I think, but all I can really hear is the rain hitting the surface of the sand. I make my way over to Hero and my stomach drops. Why does he look so.. heartbroken? What happened to him?

"Hero, what happened? Why are you crying?"

"This is the end of my road Jo." He looks so empty.

"What the fuck are you talking about!?" I yell at him over top of the waves.

"You drained me Jo. Everything I had you took and drew it out of me till I was dry. I told you I'd bleed myself dry for you and that's what I did. I don't have any more to give you or myself. I love you Josephine, but you ruined me."

He turns around and heads for the ocean. What does he think he's doing? We're standing in the middle of a hurricane and he's going in the water!

"Hero wait! I can fix this. Whatever you want from me you can take it!" I yell over top of all the background noise.

Why does he sound so calm when he looks like he's lost everything?

"I gave you every ounce of me. Every drop of love I could give so you could glue your heart back together. However, in the meantime, I was suffering. I was losing myself because you had taken so much. There's nothing left to fix. If you truly loved me you would've left me to be at peace with myself. Goodbye Josephine, I'll always love you."

He walks further into the dangerous oceans and doesn't stop moving until the water is resting near his shoulders. Waves are bulldozing the shore and lightning strikes up ahead.

He's going to get hurt.

"Hero! No, don't do this! I love you and I need you! I'll let you go but please stop!"

"It's to late. Take care of bean for me. Give her the life you would've wanted for me. See you on the other side my love." He blows me a kiss and another for bean. I catch them in my hand and place one on my chest and one on my pregnant belly as sobs break through my breathing.

Once he sees that I've stolen the kisses for both me and bean, the waves come crashing down on his head.

"Hero get out of there, now! Bean needs her dad and I need you!" I scream at the top of my lungs, but he doesn't hear me. He's gone.

The wave dragged him under and he never resurfaced for air. He's really gone.

As soon as the wave took hero's body and soul away from me the storm cleared. The waters were calm and blue, the sand was warm between my toes, the sun felt like a dream, drying the rain water from my hair. However, no matter how beautiful the weather outside is now and how much damage from the storm it's healed, it will never heal the empty hole that shot through my heart. Watching the love of your life drift off because you ruined him. My baggage was to heavy. He was drowning in his own head the whole time and I pushed him further out into the sea.

"Goodbye my love, and I'm sorry." I whisper as everything goes black.

I shoot up off hero's lap and I gasp for air. My body is covered in goosebumps, my lungs refuse to inhale oxygen, I hear the blood pounding in the back of my ears and I feel my eyes bloodshot.

Shit, I can't take any more of these dreams.

Hero doesn't hesitate to pull me closer to him despite the fact that we're in public. He combs his fingers through my hair but it doesn't settle me the way it usually does. It breaks me. What if everything he has been doing for me is actually hurting him? The thought makes me sick to my stomach.

Tears escape my eyes and my throat burns at the sensation. He will never understand what's going on in my head. He will just say how crazy the accusation is and how I'm 'the best thing to ever happen to him'. I know I'm breaking him, there's no way he's benefiting from my baggage but he was so excited for this trip I can't ruin it.

Hero runs his hands up the back of my t-shirt again. His rough, slender hands work to ease my thoughts slightly, but not enough to soothe me. "You ready to talk yet?" He asks as he kisses my temple.

"It was just a silly dream." I wipe my tears from under my eyes and give him my best "I'm hurting but please believe that I'm okay so we can move on from this conversation" smiles.

"Do you want to talk about it?" God, why can't Hero be my therapist and not Dr.Hale. I'm so much more comfortable with Hero. Dr.Hale is a jackass and a snob, with a bottle of scotch on display in his office. What kind of therapist are you to have alcohol set as decor. What if I was an alcoholic coming to him for help? What a moron!

I shake my head telling him I would rather forget about it. I let out a little giggle when he runs his nose along the shell of my ear. God, his nose is one of my favourite things about him. It's just formed so perfectly. Gotta thank Martha for that!

"We only have 40 minutes left till we land do you want to watch one of your marvel movies?" Hero asks pulling out his MacBook.

"You'll really watch one with me?" I ask with pure excitement laced in my voice, eyes and smile. I have almost forgotten about my dream. Almost.

"No, but I'll watch you watch it." He turns his head so we're covered from the other passengers and kisses me. A deep, passionate kiss. One where his tongue overlaps mine, teeth graze my plumped bottom lip and his hands are exploring over my body. Back, neck, thighs, hips.

Once Hero pulls back he places the AirPods into my ears and plays my downloaded movie. A few minutes pass and I am so zoned into the movie I forget Hero's watching me. I bite my bottom lip in anticipation, rest my head in the palm of my hand, and laugh at all the wrong parts. When I look over at Hero he's fast asleep with his arm reached out behind my back. I brush away the front pieces of hair that have shifted onto his forehead. His opposite hand is tucked into his hoodie pocket so I reach my hand in and interlock our fingers. His subconscious moves his thumb to caress the back of my hand and his head falls onto my chest. Even in his sleep, he is giving me everything I could ever ask for.

Bean and I are the two luckiest people ever.

Hey guys! Vacation starts the next chapter. Will it end well or badly? Remember to keep voting. <3

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