Chapter 47

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[Josephine's POV]

That lady shook me to the core. The jealousy coursing through me was enough to push me over the edge. I would've to beat her to a bloody pulp if she tried anything with Hero. He's mine and always will be. Shit, I sound psychotic. What is happening to me? I'm probably nesting.

With all these pregnancy hormones developing inside me I've tended to become very protective over what I consider mine. Hero included.

He really did manage to calm me down though after the fact and when I felt the cold sprinkles of snow dance around us I couldn't bear to hold any negative energy any longer. I felt so free. It felt like a scene from a rom-com. It was a very special moment for me. Not only was it my first snowfall, but Hero also showed me how much me and our soon-to-be family truly mean to him.

It's now 2:00 PM and it's time to go apartment hunting! I am beyond excited. This is the first time I will be looking for a place to live and I get to share that with Hero. Before shooting after we both lived with our parents. Not that I'm complaining, I love living at home with my family, but I'm growing up quickly. I am pregnant and in a serious relationship and that's just not going to work if I live with my parents in Perth. Change is good!

"Jo baby, we've got to leave now. You ready?" Hero calls from the bathroom of the hotel room.

"Yes!" I shout back and stand to put my shoes on. As soon as I'm standing straight Hero walks out of the bathroom and towards me.

"I just need to- ahh!" I fell a shoot of pain run up my rib cage.

"Are you okay? What's wrong Jo?" Hero frantically asks. I will never get over how worried he gets all the time about every little detail. He really is clueless and it's adorable.

"Nothings wrong. Bean just kicked the shit out of me!" I say laughing, massaging the sore area.

He crouches down in front of me and cradles my bump in his hands. "Go easy on mummy, bean. When you're out we can put you into soccer for you to kick things but just wait a little longer. We can buy a soccer ball and play together at the park when you can walk. Would you like that?" He says to my baby bump.

It melts my heart that he already has plans on what he wants to do when bean is born. He is going to be the best dad to our baby. I just know it.

He gets up off his knees and stands back up to his full height. A whole 6'2 inches. I look up at him as he looks down on me. I love our height contrast. Our lips attach and I sigh. After we buy this apartment we so desperately need we won't be doing anything but relaxing together, enjoying the last few months with bean safely tucked away growing in my belly. Time really has been flying by.

"Okay let's go!" I say with enthusiasm. I really am excited to go see the apartments we've picked out. I may have never boughten a property but everyone who has just says that you'll know when you know. Hopefully we'll know today!

We make our way to the garage of the hotel and get into Hero's car. The engine rumbles and we both buckle our seatbelts. Hero pulls out of the parking garage and into the main roads of London. The first building is about 15 minutes away from our hotel, so we'll be there before we know it.

During the drive, we talk about things we'll want inside the apartments; furnisher, colours, rooms, etc. It feels a lot more real now. The fact that we're buying a home for not only us but our family too.

We drive into the parking lot and the building looks very rustic. Artsy some would say. There are window murals everywhere spanning the front. Perfect view of the lobby. There are soft grey stained wood pillars everywhere for decoration and constructive purposes. Everything is very cozy. There are lots of plants around the first floor, both inside and outside.

We hop out of the car, both of us bouncing with excitement.

Hero grasps my hand and intertwines our fingers.

"If it doesn't scream "I want to raise bean here" then we'll leave okay?" He looks down at me.

"Okay deal." I smile and Hero raises the back of my hand to his lips, leaving a subtle and gentle kiss there.

We walk inside the lobby and are greeted by the man standing begin the desk.

"Hello you two! You must be hero and josephine!"

"That is us!" Hero says with a smile.

"Your agent told me to send you right up. You'll be observing the space on the 4th floor, you can head on up!" He points to the elevator.

We thank him and make our way to the elevator. We step in a click the button labeled 4 until it glows blue. The doors shut and I break the silence.

"I'm so not excited to spend the day with that bitch." I cringe at the harsh name I have labelled our agent but she hurt me and made a move on Hero when she knew we were together. Not to mention I'm pregnant so I'm hormonal.

Hero's body shudders with laughs. "Wow, you're really mad about this."

"Yes. Yes I am."

"I like when you get all protective mamma bear over me." He says and looks down at me.

"We'll it's not my fault, she's messing with what's mine." I turn my head to look at him.

He reaches down at joins our lips together.

The elevator doors open and there's one single door to this floor. It's not red but if this is the one than we can paint it.

We knock on the door and it immediately opens and I wanna groan in annoyance. I really dislike her.

"Hey guys come on in." She gestures for us to enter and opens the door further. We make our way in an it's really nice.

Very artsy, just like the lobby. Greyish brown wood covers the floors and beams on the roof. The vibe is very dark in contrast. A dark black and grey kitchen, dark green couch and a white book self in the living room and lots of old architectural lights.

I really like it. However, It just feels like it's missing something. I don't know what but something.

Hero leans in and whispers. "Can u see is raising bean here?"

I whisper back. "I don't think so, you?" He shakes his head and decides we're done here.

Wow this is easier than I thought it would be. I just hope we'll find the perfect place, and soon!

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