Chapter 33

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[Hero's POV]

I can't deny how terrified it makes me seeing her panic like that from a nightmare. She never tells me what her nightmares are about and the odd time I force something out of her, she lies. She makes them seem less traumatic than I know they are. She doesn't realize how bad of a liar she is, but I can see right through her in times like this.

I ended up being able to calm her down quickly thank the lord. I know deep down that she would never get over the fact that she caused a scene on the plane due to her mental health.

I ended up passing out hugging her frail body close to mine, shortly after putting her movie on.

She's so angelic and dreamy without trying and sometimes I get overwhelmed by the fact that we were miraculously brought together. Like what are the odds we both got cast from across the world to shoot a romance movie in Atlanta? She flew all the way from Australia and I came all the way from London. Without this movie I would never have the first love of my life nor would I have the second that is on its way. Jo has given me everything and anything I could ever wish for and all I'm trying to do is do the same for her. She deserves the world and even though I don't believe I'm good enough to deserve her as my girlfriend never mind the mother of my kid, I will take every moment with her, good or bad, and cherish them for the day she realizes I'm not enough too. However, I am literally praying on my hands and knees that it will never cross her beautiful mind.

When I heard the voices sound through the intercom my senses awaken. I find a sleeping Jo leaning her head against my chest and her hands interlocked with mine in my hoodie pocket. I push my nose into her neck and inhale not only her perfume but the scent of her hair products. That's the main reason I love to locate my face in the crook of her neck when I need a sense of reassurance. Her scent is my addiction the way drugs are the addicts.

The flight attendant announces that we're landing so I am careful to not wake Jo as I put her seatbelt on and lift her trey up. I open the window and I watch as the oceans become larger. The buildings look less and less like a lego city and more like the well-known and loved Bahamas.

I can already feel a sweat break out on my back. I genuinely can't tell if it's the heat that swarmed the cabin when landing or if it's my nerves hoping that I can at least do one thing right for the girl I love most.

I gently caress her cheek with my thumb and her eyes flutter under my touch like usual.

She mumbles something inaudible and rubs her eyes.

"We're here we got to get off the plane now okay?" She nods in response and I help her out of the seats while retrieving our carry-on bags.

We walk down the corridor hand in hand going to the security.

Once we finish all of the legal parts of entering the country of Bahamas we get our luggage from the conveyor belt and I am beyond relieved to see Jo genuinely smiling. It's my favourite piece of art, I could stare at her for hours without getting bored.

We take a taxi and Jo looks at me in complete confusion when I give the driver an address instead of a hotel name. I cannot wait to see her reaction once we arrive.

After a 25-minute drive spent with me and Jo cuddled in the back listening to music we pull up to the Airbnb. Jo lifts herself to sit on her knees so she can look out the tall windows. Her mouth drops when she sees our home for the next week. She slowly turns her head, hand over mouth, eyes full of shock, and says "Oh fuck me! You better be playing some sick prank I swear to God."

I chuckle, shake my head, and whisper. "Nope, I won't fuck you right now. I don't like the idea of you putting on a show in front of our knucklehead of a driver, but talk to me tonight and my opinion may alter." I smirk at her as her cheeks go bright red. She is deeply affected by my dirty talk even if she tries to hide it, but as I said, she's an open book for me and only me.

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