Chapter 2

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[Hero's POV]

I am rudely awakened by the sound of my alarmed going off from the other side of the hotel room. I am forced to drag myself out of the large bed and across the cold room to turn the obnoxious noise off.

After my short walk in what feels like the blistering cold I walk into the washroom to get ready for my day.

I apply some hair gel to my hair so it stands in just the right position. I blow dry it so that the gel hardens in place before I bend down to brush my teeth. After I spray some of my signature cologne on my neck and I walk out of the washroom and into the dresser where I put all my clothes in last night. I take out a pair of beige dress pants and a white button up shirt and put them over top of my boxers.

I add a gold chain with a cross on it to my neck and a pair of sunglasses because it's a sunny day and I'm sure the cast will want to eat outside. Also I've learned sunglasses are key for situations where you may not want to make eye contact with people, or when you want to make eye contact but just don't want to get caught staring.

I slip on my white and black Jordan ones and tie them up. I truly do love these shoes but I only wear them on special occasions so they won't get badly creased. I grab my phone wallet and key card and head down to the lobby where I'm supposed to meet with Anna.

I get down to the lobby and as expected I see Anna waiting for me at a hidden table with two chairs by the front door. I walk over to her and take a seat.

"Good morning Hero how did you sleep?" Anna asks me full of excitement.

"Great actually that suite is to die for."

"Oh god I know right! The cast is at the restaurant already since it's just across the street. I'm about to run over there now but I wanted to let you know Josephine will be down any minute and I needed someone to wait here for her and since you two are yet to meet I thought you would be the perfect person to ask."

"Ya sure I'll wait for her. I'll see you soon." I tell Anna as she stands from the table and waves at me while exiting the building.

My nerves and now building and I realize it's just going to be me and Josephine alone. It should be fine I'm a very talkative person but on the other hand I don't want to make a fool out of myself.

I sit and the table to wait for her while looking at the photos of her Anna emailed me weeks back. Wow, she really is has attractive as Anna said she was.

[Josephine's POV]

I had woken up an hour early so I could ensure time to shower and get all my hair and makeup done. I was now staring at my closet unsure of what to wear. The weather in Atlanta is stuffy and humid but it can get chilly with the breeze. I pick out a white flowy dress that ends just above my knee, a thin jean jacket and my trusty Jordan ones. I put on some rings and pull my hair up with a claw clip. I have been taking some hair tips from Pinterest and this is the only hairstyle I'm capable of doing.

I take one last look in the mirror and smile because I feel really good about my appearance!

I grab my phone, key card and debit card off the table and walk out my hotel door. I was told that the cast was at the restaurant and I was meeting Anna in the lobby.

When I step off the elevator and into the lobby i scan the room in hopes to find Anna, but have no luck. I was told she would be in the corner seating area near the exits but she's not. There's only a man sitting there at the table.

I message Anna a quick "where are you?" text. She's quick to answer saying "I had to run across the street to the restaurant, however I did leave Hero there in the lobby to wait for you. See you soon!"

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