Chapter 3

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[Josephine's POV]

We finished dinner which was so lovely. The cast shared lots of story's about our past filming experiences and we shared lots of laughs. I was shocked to find out that this way Hero's first lead role as well which makes me feel a lot better about it being mine.

We are now on the bus on our way to the club which is only 10 minutes away now.

I listen to my Spotify playlist, trying to calm my nerves. I few songs pass and the bus comes to a stop. Hero and me are sitting at he the back of the bus so we stay on while the rest of the cast files out.

Ones we reach the steps Hero, being the gentleman he is, takes my hand and leads my down the stairs. I wobble a little bit as I walk down the last step. Hero grabs my waist to sturdy me and I'm thankful because if he hadn't had done that I would have probably been on my face right about now.

I take a deep breath before walking into the club and I follow the cast to the bar.

We take a seat at this long table and a waiter brings us a free round of tequila shots.

I've never been one to drink but everyone was and tonight's about having fun and letting loose so I agree and tilt my head back consuming the disgusting liquid.

The shots keep coming and I don't know who's paying for them but considering it's not me I keep taking shots, I'm in no mindset to turn down free alcohol.

After my fourth shot I feel the full affects of the alcohol. My head is swaying and I feel the need to dance. I tell a few of the girls that I'm going and they get up following me.

I look back and see Hero's eyes follow me onto the dance floor.

I disappear into the crowd of people and start swaying my arms back and forth along with my hips. I have no clue what I'm doing or how stupid I look but all I know is that alcohol is taking the steering wheel.

I feel hands press against my stomach. I have no clue who this man dancing on me is but like I said the alcohol had consumed the section of my brain which triggers my common sense and I start swaying my hips onto the man.

Me and the man dance for the song and once it ends I decide I needed to go to the washroom.

I quickly walk into the empty girls washroom. It's a total shock to me that the girls washroom in this huge clubs is empty but it's more privacy so I'm in no way complaining. Just as I think I'm alone i hear the bathroom door open.

I look up expecting to see a woman walking in letting the door close behind her but my expectations were wrong.

The man I was dancing on top of followed me into the washroom and he's moving quickly towards me. He looks aggressive not angry but it frightens me.

He doesn't stop his movement once he approaches me so I start walking backwards until my back slams again the tile wall. He puts his hand over my mouth and grips my hands in one of his. I have no capability to fight him off due to the tequila running through my veins but I am able to comprehend this situation.

I am wasted and another probably wasted man aggressively forced me to dance with him. I didn't refuse and so we were dancing really close and intimately. I walk into the washroom and he follows me. We're in here alone and he's keeping my trapped between him and the wall. His hand covering my mouth and his free hand aggressively gripping my wrists. I know where this leads and I just can't bring myself to acknowledge that this is actually happening to me.

He takes down my hair from the claw clip and he throws it onto the counter. He runs his knee up my legs from my shin to the top of my thigh, pushing my dress up. He starts caressing my neck with his lips aggressively biting at my shoulder definitely leaving marks. Marks that will haunt me for days. He removes the hand from my mouth and uses his now free hand to push my dress up farther showing my lace underwear.

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