Chapter 49

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[Jo's POV]

Today is yet another big day and milestone for both me and Hero. I finally entered my third trimester and bean is almost here. I would be lying if I said I wasn't abso-freaking-lutly terrified. What if I'm not a good enough mom? What if me and bean just don't connect? What if something happens? Not to self pity or anything but I've had a rough enough life already, losing my first child would be my last straw. I couldn't live with that pain.

We ended up signing all the necessary paperwork and we checked out of our hotel. The apartment came with all the furniture it was shown with plus the stuff we brought from home. We moved in super early this morning. 5:00 AM to be exact. We were both awake at all hours of the night flopping left and right, restlessly.

We brought all our suitcases and boxes and moved them in bright and early. It's really starting to feel like our place.

I walk into the bedroom and lay myself down on the big fluffy bed on my back looking up at the sunrise glow on the ceiling. I feel Hero's presence as soon as he opens the bedroom door. He slowly walks over towards the bed and lays down beside me. His bare torso brushed my arm when he turns to lay on his side, facing me.

"Are you okay, baby?" He softly speaks while his fingers brush my hair off my temple.

"I've never been happier," I answer truthfully.

"Me neither." He says and kisses my cheek. I smile, basking in his warmth. I feel bean kick responding to his presence like always. It feels like there are more kicks than I'm used to...

"I got you something." He whispers. I shoot up and look at him.

"But you've already given me so much Hero. Please I can't take anything else from you." I argue.

"You're giving me a child, I will forever be in debt to you, my love." He pecks my lips. His hand placed on my bump. "I love you, Josephine Eliza Langford."

"I love you, Hero Beauregard Faulkner Fiennes Tiffin." I smile so wide and rest my forehead on his and lay my hand on top of the one that's resting on my big, swollen belly.

"Shall we go see your surprise?" He says.

"Yes we shall." I stand up pulling him up with me. "Where to?"

"Kitchen M'lady." He gestures towards the door. I grab his hand, intertwining our fingers and heading to the kitchen.

"I love our kitchen." I blurt.

It really is gorgeous. The dark but very clean and classy theme throughout. The black marble countertops, the LED lights illuminating the kitchen, the huge island with stools.

"Me too, especially when I'm gonna get to watch you cook in here. Dancing around for me, only me." He kisses my neck. "Sit on the stool."

I do as he says and sit on the stool and he heads towards the fridge.

Yay! Food. I love food. Especially with my intense cravings.

He opens the door and reaches in, grabbing something. He hides it behind his back and shuts the fridge door. He walks over to the island and hides the object too low for me to see it on the other side of the island. He opens what sounds like a lid and looks back up at me.

"Happy third trimester day baby." He says and places the cake in front of me. It's a work of art in my opinion.

It has a baby elephant on it with a whole load of pink frosted flowers. It looks like vanilla cake... my favourite and also one of my many new cravings.

"Thank you!!" I say smiling more than earlier. I didn't think that was possible.

I grab my phone and open the camera app. This has to go on Instagram!

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