Chapter 56

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[Josephine's pov]

two years later

Dear Mum and Dad

Hero and I are doing great, the twins are so big. Today is actually their second birthday.

Little Eliza just learned how to colour inside the lines, she's a very structured little girl just like her mummy.

Stephanie on the other hand is just like her daddy. Not a care in the world, loves to "live in the moment" as Hero puts it.

However even though they're so opposite, they are attached to each other at the hip. Just the other week we couldn't find them in the house for a half hour only to eventually find them in the coat closet, chatting away in their babbling baby talk.

We make sure to tell the girls all about you guys, they even say that you visit them in their dreams; and in my heart, I know that's true.

Hero is such a good dad, he treats the girls like they're the only people in the world, sometimes i fear he forgets about me! But he always makes up for it.

We decided on where to live, we spend the summers in England when it's winter in Australia, and spend the Australian summers at home.

The girls absolutely adore their godparents, in fact, Aunty Kat is going to take them on a birthday date later on today, and Uncle Titan and them were just on the phone for a half hour straight!

Anyways, it's been two years without you here physically with us, and I miss you more than words could ever describe. I see you in the girls faces every day and as much as it hurts that it's not you, I know you're with me in spirit.

Love you to the moon and to saturn


I finish reading the letter, sealing the envelope and placing it on my parents grave.

"Come here girls, say hi to gran and pa!" hero exclaims escorting Steph and Eliza to my parents grave.

"we have to leave for the airport now hun," I whisper to Hero as we take in the intimate moment shared between the girls and my parents.

He nods and walks behind the girls, "it's time to say goodbye now beans," the girls nod and kiss the tomb stone before saying a synchronized "bye bye" in their hybrid english australian accents.

As we walk to the car, Hero interlocks our hands and smiles a refreshed smile. "I really wish they could've been here."

"Me too.." i sighed.

"On the bright side, todays our trip to atlanta. Where I fell in love and our little munchkins were made," he winks.

"Would you stop! The girls are right there!!" I laughed.

We walked to the car in content silence watching our two little angels run hand in hand in front of us.


[Hero's POV]

I have been planning this for almost 3 years, and today is the day that every thing comes together.

(a/n: kinda projecting here...)

"You girls enjoy your dinner?" Jo asks Lizzie and Steph as the each hold one of her hands.

"Yes! I really enjoyed my chicken, but i must say, those french fries were hot!" Steph exclaimed while Eliza just nodded along.

Stephanie was always the more outspoken of the two girls, I didn't even know toddlers could speak as eloquently as she does...

"well at least you guys enjoyed the chicken," i said as Jo just giggled at Stephanie's ramblings.

as we approached the front of the hotel i knew now was when the plan had to be put into motion.

"Oh my goodness! I almost forgot, The girls and I have a very special birthday gift for you..." i said wrapping my arm around Jo's shoulder leading her and the girls to the elevator up to our hotel room.

"For me? but it's the girl's birthday.." she questioned.

"yes but, who was the one birthing?" i asked earning a chuckle from her.

"I don't think that's the proper term babe," she said between laughs

"Yea well, you understood what I was saying, yea?" Jo only laughed more. I love her laugh, I hope that i'm still able to make her laugh when we're old together.

"I want to open the door!" Eliza exclaimed grabbing at my pockets as we approached our hotel room.

"But of course your highness, here you go" I said as I handed her the room key.

As the door opened Jo gasped, and I don't blame her.

Rose petals lined the hallway leading to the lounge area of our sweet.

"damn they went all out..." I muttered, "hmm?" Jo questioned and I only nodded her off, taking her hand and leading her to the lounge, the twins following our tails.

"Ah, here it is." I said picking up the large gift bag and giving it to the girls to bring to their mum. "Go on then, open it love!"

She does just that, opening the bag and pulling out the two small Nike boxes.


"Jo, I'm so glad you like the boxes, but open them for gods sake!"

"ok, ok..." she says opening the boxes.

"oh Hero, they look just like ours, from-"

"the day the we met..." I say turning around and grabbing the last box, only this one wasnt containing shoes.

"Josephine Eliza Langford, I have loved you since we compared our matching shoes like a pair of old friends," I started holding the jordan's box in front of me,

"You are my favourite person, sorry girls, and you have given me the greatest gift a man could ever ask for; Love, happiness, and my two second favourite people in the world, my little baby beans" I continue, opening the box and pulling out a smaller white box, hearing Jo's small gasp as i slowly kneel down.

"Jo, I'm so sorry for everything that i've done to hurt you, but i'm so glad that we've stuck through it and stayed together through everything."

"Hero I-"

"shh, i'm doing something," I say and she giggles through her (hopefully) happy tears.

"Jo, I'd be lying if I said I haven't been thinking of doing this since i first laid my eyes on you, so i guess what i'm trying to say is..."

I open the box to showcase the gorgeous ring I picked out for her.

"Jojo, my love, my light, my world, will you do me the absolute pleasure of allowing me to be forever connected to you in marriage?" I finally spill.

"Hero, I'm at a complete loss for words... You are my absolute favourite person in this world aside from our girls, I would be so honoured to marry you!" she breathes out, holding back tears.

"YAY!" the twins yell jumping up and down running to bring us into a group hug.

"I love you Josephine Langford"

"I love you more Hero Fiennes-Tiffin"

The end

Authors note: hey readers🤓 sorry for the 2 year cliffhanger been lowkey losing it 😍✌🏼 saw all your lovely comments today after my longgggg break and couldn't resist not finishing. Credits to my bff for helping finish this book. Thought this would be fitting to end at the same time as the after movie era ended. Thank you for all the support throughout the journey and I hope this ending is worth the two year wait.

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